Getting an easy, good-looking plot of your data from Lua

The Flot JavaScript library does very nice plots which render in modern browsers with Canvas support. 'Flot' means 'pretty' or 'handsome' in Danish, and it definitely provides the cleanest most attractice results I've seen for browser-side plots.

Modern browsers are an attractive display option for a minimal language like Lua. lua-flot describes a straightforward little Lua library for generating HTML with embedded Flot plots.

I like to describe things that can be done with 'about 100 lines' of Lua. We can get this compactness because the job of this library is to generate some HTML boilerplate and set up a JavaScript call with object arguments. And the close similarities between Lua and JavaScript make this job mechanical and easy: converting a Lua table constructor to a JavaScript object literal is mostly a matter of making array-like tables use [] and hash-like tables use : instead of =.

 function as_js (t)
    local mt = getmetatable(t)
    if type(t) ~= 'table' or (mt and mt.__tostring) then
       if type(t) == 'string' then
         return '"'..t..'"'
         return tostring(t)
    elseif #t > 0 then -- it's an array!
       local res = {}
       for i = 1,#t do
          res[i] = as_js(t[i])
       return '['..concat(res,',')..']'
       local res = {}
       for k,v in pairs(t) do
       return '{'..concat(res,',')..'}'

I will cheerfully admit that this is a partial solution, that doesn't yet handle some crucial differences, like the fact that JavaScript associative arrays can have null values. And it's deliberately not meant to be a full JSON encoder (there are enough of those!)

Creating a custom null type is actually straightforward:

 flot.null = setmetatable({},{
    __tostring = function(self) return "null" end

That is, it's a unique table which always renders as 'null'.

The idea is to make the Lua API a thin cover over the Flot API. So you can pretty much take the Flot documentation and code away.

The Plot class is defined in the Lua closure style, which pretty much corresponds to how it could be done in JavaScript. Here the methods of the object are closures which access the state of the object expressed as local variables of the constructor function.

 function flot.Plot (opts)
    local plot = {}
    opts = opts or {}
    plot.width = opts.width or 600
    plot.height = opts.height or 400
    plot.xvalues = opts.xvalues
    opts.width = nil -- no harm, but they're not valid options.
    opts.height = nil
    opts.xvalues = nil
    local dataset, append = {}, table.insert
 function plot:add_series(label,data,kind)
    kind = kind or { lines = { show = true }}
    kind.label = label
    if data.x then
       data = interleave(data.x,data.y)
    elseif plot.xvalues then
       data = interleave(plot.xvalues,data)
    end = data
 function plot:script ()
    return script:format(as_js(dataset),as_js(opts))
 return plot

There's only one public API method, add_series, and it allows series to be added incrementally. The other major difference from the original API is that the label and the data array are arguments; the third argument is the rest of the data series object. The argument to flot.Plot is essentially the 'options' object in Flot, although it may also contain extra fields width, height (for plot size in pixels) and xvalues,x and y for data. Generally series data is an array of two-element arrays, but if you specify xvalues then it can be an array of y values; x and y are for separate arrays of coordinates.

This closure-based method for creating objects works particularly well when the number of objects of each 'class' is relatively few. (With a trivial change, we could actually use dot . instead of colon : when calling these objects, but that would confuse most Lua programmers.)

Now, we could have gone overboard on designing a wrapper API, but it would require a lot of code to get the same flexibility as the original, and (most importantly) would need to be documented! Instead, we exploit the near-isomorphism between Lua and JavaScript data and get a notation which is close to the original.

Basic plotting is very similar to the original Flot API:

 -- basic-flot.lua
 local flot = require 'flot'
 local sin, cos = {},{}
 for i = 1,100 do
    local x = i/10
    sin[i] = {x,math.sin(x)}
    cos[i] = {x,math.cos(x)}
 local p = flot.Plot { -- legend at 'south east' corner
    legend = { position = "se" },
 p:add_series("cos",cos, {color="#000"} )

To run this script, the fastest way is to download and unzip Flot to a directory, and copy flot.lua and basic-flot.lua to the same directory. (After that you can move flot.lua to your module path and modify flot.path in the source to be the absolute path to the Flot directory, or to a public internet uRL)

Running this program will create a corresponding basic-flot.html which you can open in your browser.

There's also a convenient way to input data that comes as a separate array of x and y values:

 -- normal.lua
 local flot = require 'flot'
 function make_gaussian (m,s,values)
    local s2 = 2*s^2
    local norm = 1/math.sqrt(math.pi*s2)
    local res = {}
    for i = 1,#values do
       res[i] = norm*math.exp(-(values[i]-m)^2/s2)
    return res
 local xvalues = flot.range(0,10,0.1)
 local n1 = make_gaussian (5,1,xvalues)
 local npoint7 = make_gaussian (5,0.7,xvalues)
 -- sampled Guassian with random noise
 local n1r,n1rx,k = {},{},1
 for i = 1,#xvalues,3 do
    n1r[k] = n1[i] + math.random()/10 - 0.05
    n1rx[k] = xvalues[i]
    k = k + 1
 local plot = flot.Plot {
    grid = {
       markings = { -- a filled plot annotation
    -- this provides x coordinates for all series!
    xvalues = xvalues
 -- then the y data can be provided as a simple array
 plot:add_series('norm s=1',n1)
 plot:add_series('norm s=0.7',npoint7)
 -- can also specify with explicit x and y coord arrays

Flot series may consist of segments separated by null (which is why we needed such an object):

 -- filled.lua
 local flot = require 'flot'
 local xx = flot.range(0,3*math.pi,0.1)
 local cos = {}
 for i,x in ipairs(xx) do
    cos[i] = math.cos(x)
 local bot = -1.5
 local p = flot.Plot {
    legend = { position = "se" }, -- 'south east'
    yaxis = { min = bot }, -- force mininum value
    xvalues = xx, -- provides x for any array of y values
    width = 300, height = 300, -- size of plot in px
    { color = "#000", shadowSize = 0} -- override colour, switch off shadow
 -- filled line with breaks down to x axis
    -- a series may consist of multiple segments separated by null
    {lines={fill=0.3}} -- set opacity for fill
