
Simplifying writing C extensions for Lua.

lc generates common boilerplate, registers functions and classes, and translates argument lists into appropriate Lua API calls.

// preprocess using luam -C -llc > str.c
#include <string.h>

module str {

  def at (Str s, Int i = 0) {
    return 1;

  def upto (Str s, Str delim =  ) {
    lua_pushinteger(L, strcspn(s,delim) + 1);
    return 1;


This will result in a module str which exports Lua functions at and upto. Argument lists are of the form TYPE NAME [ = VALUE] where TYPE is one of the following:

  • Str a string value const char *
  • StrNil a string value that may be NULL
  • Int an integer
  • Number a number (usually double)
  • Boolean a boolean value
  • Value placeholder for any Lua value on stack; initialized to the stack index.

All of these (except Value) are typedef'd to their corresponding C types.

Classes can be defined:

module class1 {

class A {
  int handle;

  constructor (int i) { // required: takes C argument types
    this->handle = i;

  def geth () {
    lua_pushinteger(L, this->handle);
    return 1;

  def __eq(A other) {
    lua_pushboolean(L, this->handle == other->handle);
    return 1;

def A (Int i) {
  return 1;


This will create a suitable userdata type for A, a corresponding structure A, and two new functions:

  • A* A_arg(lua_State *L,int idx) // check and return userdata value at index
  • void push_new_A(lua_State *L,Int i) // make a new A and push on stack