Structs, Enums and Matching

Rust likes to Move It, Move It

I'd like to move back a little, and show you something surprising:

fn main() {
    let s1 = "hello dolly".to_string();
    let s2 = s1;
    println!("s1 {}", s1);

And we get the following error:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `s1`
4 |     let s2 = s1;
  |         -- value moved here
5 |     println!("s1 {}", s1);
  |                      ^^ value used here after move
  = note: move occurs because `s1` has type `std::string::String`,
  which does not implement the `Copy` trait

Rust has different behaviour than other languages. In a language where variables are always references (like Java or Python), s2 becomes yet another reference to the string object referenced by s1. In C++, s1 is a value, and it is copied to s2. But Rust moves the value. It doesn't see strings as copyable ("does not implement the Copy trait").

We would not see this with 'primitive' types like numbers, since they are just values; they are allowed to be copyable because they are cheap to copy. But String has allocated memory containing "Hello dolly", and copying will involve allocating some more memory and copying the characters. Rust will not do this silently.

Consider a String containing the whole text of 'Moby-Dick'. It's not a big struct, just has the address in memory of the text, its size, and how big the allocated block is. Copying this is going to be expensive, because that memory is allocated on the heap and the copy will need its own allocated block.

    | addr | ---------> Call me Ishmael.....
    | size |                    |
    | cap  |                    |
    &str                        |
    | addr | -------------------|
    | size |

    | 8 bytes |

The second value is a string slice (&str) which refers to the same memory as the string, with a size - just the guy's name. Cheap to copy!

The third value is an f64 - just 8 bytes. It does not refer to any other memory, so it's just as cheap to copy as to move.

Copy values are only defined by their representation in memory, and when Rust copies, it just copies those bytes elsewhere. Similarly, a non-Copy value is also just moved. There is no cleverness in copying and moving, unlike in C++.

Re-writing with a function call reveals exactly the same error:


fn dump(s: String) {
    println!("{}", s);

fn main() {
    let s1 = "hello dolly".to_string();
    println!("s1 {}", s1); // <---error: 'value used here after move'

Here, you have a choice. You may pass a reference to that string, or explicitly copy it using its clone method. Generally, the first is the better way to go.

fn dump(s: &String) {
    println!("{}", s);

fn main() {
    let s1 = "hello dolly".to_string();
    println!("s1 {}", s1);

The error goes away. But you'll rarely see a plain String reference like this, since to pass a string literal is really ugly and involves creating a temporary string.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    dump(&"hello world".to_string());


So altogether the best way to declare that function is:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump(s: &str) {
    println!("{}", s);


And then both dump(&s1) and dump("hello world") work properly. (Here Deref coercion kicks in and Rust will convert &String to &str for you.)

To summarise, assignment of a non-Copy value moves the value from one location to another. Otherwise, Rust would be forced to implicitly do a copy and break its promise to make allocations explicit.

Scope of Variables

So, the rule of thumb is to prefer to keep references to the original data - to 'borrow' it.

But a reference must not outlive the owner!

First, Rust is a block-scoped language. Variables only exist for the duration of their block:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let a = 10;
    let b = "hello";
        let c = "hello".to_string();
        // a,b and c are visible
    // the string c is dropped
    // a,b are visible
    for i in 0..a {
        let b = &b[1..];
        // original b is no longer visible - it is shadowed.
    // the slice b is dropped
    // i is _not_ visible!


Loop variables (like i) are a little different, they are only visible in the loop block. It is not an error to create a new variable using the same name ('shadowing') but it can be confusing.

When a variable 'goes out of scope' then it is dropped. Any memory used is reclaimed, and any other resources owned by that variable are given back to the system - for instance, dropping a File closes it. This is a Good Thing. Unused resources are reclaimed immediately when not needed.

(A further Rust-specific issue is that a variable may appear to be in scope, but its value has moved.)

Here a reference rs1 is made to a value tmp which only lives for the duration of its block:

01 //
02 fn main() {
03    let s1 = "hello dolly".to_string();
04    let mut rs1 = &s1;
05    {
06        let tmp = "hello world".to_string();
07        rs1 = &tmp;
08    }
09    println!("ref {}", rs1);
10 }

We borrow the value of s1 and then borrow the value of tmp. But tmp's value does not exist outside that block!

error: `tmp` does not live long enough
7  |         rs1 = &tmp;
   |                --- borrow occurs here
8  |     }
   |     ^ `tmp` dropped here while still borrowed
9  |     println!("ref {}", rs1);
10 | }
   | - borrowed value needs to live until here

Where is tmp? Gone, dead, gone back to the Big Heap in the Sky: dropped. Rust is here saving you from the dreaded 'dangling pointer' problem of C - a reference that points to stale data.


It's sometimes very useful to return multiple values from a function. Tuples are a convenient solution:


fn add_mul(x: f64, y: f64) -> (f64,f64) {
    (x + y, x * y)

fn main() {
    let t = add_mul(2.0,10.0);

    // can debug print
    println!("t {:?}", t);

    // can 'index' the values
    println!("add {} mul {}", t.0,t.1);

    // can _extract_ values
    let (add,mul) = t;
    println!("add {} mul {}", add,mul);
// t (12, 20)
// add 12 mul 20
// add 12 mul 20

Tuples may contain different types, which is the main difference from arrays.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let tuple = ("hello", 5, 'c');

assert_eq!(tuple.0, "hello");
assert_eq!(tuple.1, 5);
assert_eq!(tuple.2, 'c');


They appear in some Iterator methods. enumerate is like the Python generator of the same name:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    for t in ["zero","one","two"].iter().enumerate() {
        print!(" {} {};",t.0,t.1);
    //  0 zero; 1 one; 2 two;


zip combines two iterators into a single iterator of tuples containing the values from both:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let names = ["ten","hundred","thousand"];
    let nums = [10,100,1000];
    for p in names.iter().zip(nums.iter()) {
        print!(" {} {};", p.0,p.1);
    //  ten 10; hundred 100; thousand 1000;



Tuples are convenient, but saying t.1 and keeping track of the meaning of each part is tedious for anything that isn't straightforward.

Rust structs contain named fields:


struct Person {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String

fn main() {
    let p = Person {
        first_name: "John".to_string(),
        last_name: "Smith".to_string()
    println!("person {} {}", p.first_name,p.last_name);

The values of a struct will be placed next to each other in memory, although you should not assume any particular memory layout, since the compiler will organize the memory for efficiency, not size, and there may be padding.

Initializing this struct is a bit clumsy, so we want to move the construction of a Person into its own function. This function can be made into an associated function of Person by putting it into a impl block:


struct Person {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String

impl Person {

    fn new(first: &str, name: &str) -> Person {
        Person {
            first_name: first.to_string(),
            last_name: name.to_string()


fn main() {
    let p = Person::new("John","Smith");
    println!("person {} {}", p.first_name,p.last_name);

There is nothing magic or reserved about the name new here. Note that it's accessed using a C++-like notation using double-colon ::.

Here's a Person method , that takes a reference self argument:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Person {

    fn full_name(&self) -> String {
        format!("{} {}", self.first_name, self.last_name)

    println!("fullname {}", p.full_name());
// fullname John Smith


The self is used explicitly and is passed as a reference. (You can think of &self as short for self: &Person.)

The keyword Self refers to the struct type - you can mentally substitute Person for Self here:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn copy(&self) -> Self {


Methods may allow the data to be modified using a mutable self argument:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn set_first_name(&mut self, name: &str) {
        self.first_name = name.to_string();


And the data will move into the method when a plain self argument is used:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn to_tuple(self) -> (String,String) {
        (self.first_name, self.last_name)


(Try that with &self - structs will not let go of their data without a fight!)

Note that after v.to_tuple() is called, then v has moved and is no longer available.

To summarize:

  • no self argument: you can associate functions with structs, like the new "constructor".
  • &self argument: can use the values of the struct, but not change them
  • &mut self argument: can modify the values
  • self argument: will consume the value, which will move.

If you try to do a debug dump of a Person, you will get an informative error:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Person: std::fmt::Debug` is not satisfied
23 |     println!("{:?}", p);
   |                     ^ the trait `std::fmt::Debug` is not implemented for `Person`
   = note: `Person` cannot be formatted using `:?`; if it is defined in your crate,
    add `#[derive(Debug)]` or manually implement it
   = note: required by `std::fmt::Debug::fmt`

The compiler is giving advice, so we put #[derive(Debug)] in front of Person, and now there is sensible output:

Person { first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith" }

The directive makes the compiler generate a Debug implementation, which is very helpful. It's good practice to do this for your structs, so they can be printed out (or written as a string using format!). (Doing so by default would be very un-Rustlike.)

Here is the final little program:

use std::fmt;

struct Person {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String

impl Person {

    fn new(first: &str, name: &str) -> Person {
        Person {
            first_name: first.to_string(),
            last_name: name.to_string()

    fn full_name(&self) -> String {
        format!("{} {}",self.first_name, self.last_name)

    fn set_first_name(&mut self, name: &str) {
        self.first_name = name.to_string();

    fn to_tuple(self) -> (String,String) {
        (self.first_name, self.last_name)

fn main() {
    let mut p = Person::new("John","Smith");

    println!("{:?}", p);


    println!("{:?}", p);

    println!("{:?}", p.to_tuple());
    // p has now moved.

// Person { first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith" }
// Person { first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Smith" }
// ("Jane", "Smith")

Lifetimes Start to Bite

Usually structs contain values, but often they also need to contain references. Say we want to put a string slice, not a string value, in a struct.


struct A {
    s: &str

fn main() {
    let a = A { s: "hello dammit" };

    println!("{:?}", a);
error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
5 |     s: &str
  |        ^ expected lifetime parameter

To understand the complaint, you have to see the problem from the point of view of Rust. It will not allow a reference to be stored without knowing its lifetime. All references are borrowed from some value, and all values have lifetimes. The lifetime of a reference cannot be longer than the lifetime of that value. Rust cannot allow a situation where that reference could suddenly become invalid.

Now, string slices borrow from string literals like "hello" or from String values. String literals exist for the duration of the whole program, which is called the 'static' lifetime.

So this works - we assure Rust that the string slice always refers to such static strings:


struct A {
    s: &'static str

fn main() {
    let a = A { s: "hello dammit" };

    println!("{:?}", a);
// A { s: "hello dammit" }

It is not the most pretty notation, but sometimes ugliness is the necessary price of being precise.

This can also be used to specify a string slice that is returned from a function:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn how(i: u32) -> &'static str {
    match i {
    0 => "none",
    1 => "one",
    _ => "many"


That works for the special case of static strings, but this is very restrictive.

However we can specify that the lifetime of the reference is at least as long as that of the struct itself.


struct A <'a> {
    s: &'a str

fn main() {
    let s = "I'm a little string".to_string();
    let a = A { s: &s };

    println!("{:?}", a);

Lifetimes are conventionally called 'a','b',etc but you could just as well called it 'me' here.

After this point, our a struct and the s string are bound by a strict contract: a borrows from s, and cannot outlive it.

With this struct definition, we would like to write a function that returns an A value:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn makes_a() -> A {
    let string = "I'm a little string".to_string();
    A { s: &string }


But A needs a lifetime - "expected lifetime parameter":

  = help: this function's return type contains a borrowed value,
   but there is no value for it to be borrowed from
  = help: consider giving it a 'static lifetime

rustc is giving advice, so we follow it:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn makes_a() -> A<'static> {
    let string = "I'm a little string".to_string();
    A { s: &string }


And now the error is

8 |      A { s: &string }
  |              ^^^^^^ does not live long enough
9 | }
  | - borrowed value only lives until here

There is no way that this could safely work, because string will be dropped when the function ends, and no reference to string can outlast it.

You can usefully think of lifetime parameters as being part of the type of a value.

Sometimes it seems like a good idea for a struct to contain a value and a reference that borrows from that value. It's basically impossible because structs must be moveable, and any move will invalidate the reference. It isn't necessary to do this - for instance, if your struct has a string field, and needs to provide slices, then it could keep indices and have a method to generate the actual slices.


Please note that Rust does not spell struct class. The keyword class in other languages is so overloaded with meaning that it effectively shuts down original thinking.

Let's put it like this: Rust structs cannot inherit from other structs; they are all unique types. There is no sub-typing. They are dumb data.

So how does one establish relationships between types? This is where traits come in.

rustc often talks about implementing X trait and so it's time to talk about traits properly.

Here's a little example of defining a trait and implementing it for a particular type.


trait Show {
    fn show(&self) -> String;

impl Show for i32 {
    fn show(&self) -> String {
        format!("four-byte signed {}", self)

impl Show for f64 {
    fn show(&self) -> String {
        format!("eight-byte float {}", self)

fn main() {
    let answer = 42;
    let maybe_pi = 3.14;
    let s1 =;
    let s2 =;
    println!("show {}", s1);
    println!("show {}", s2);
// show four-byte signed 42
// show eight-byte float 3.14

It's pretty cool; we have added a new method to both i32 and f64!

Getting comfortable with Rust involves learning the basic traits of the standard library (they tend to hunt in packs.)

Debug is very common. We gave Person a default implementation with the convenient #[derive(Debug)], but say we want a Person to display as its full name:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::fmt;

impl fmt::Debug for Person {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.full_name())
    println!("{:?}", p);
    // John Smith


write! is a very useful macro - here f is anything that implements Write. (This would also work with a File - or even a String.)

Display controls how values are printed out with "{}" and is implemented just like Debug. As a useful side-effect, ToString is automatically implemented for anything implementing Display. So if we implement Display for Person, then p.to_string() also works.

Clone defines the method clone, and can simply be defined with "#[derive(Clone)]" if all the fields themselves implement Clone.

Example: iterator over floating-point range

We have met ranges before (0..n) but they don't work for floating-point values. (You can force this but you'll end up with a step of 1.0 which is uninteresting.)

Recall the informal definition of an iterator; it is an struct with a next method which may return Some-thing or None. In the process, the iterator itself gets modified, it keeps the state for the iteration (like next index and so forth.) The data that is being iterated over doesn't change usually, (But see Vec::drain for an interesting iterator that does modify its data.)

And here is the formal definition: the Iterator trait.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;


Here we meet an associated type of the Iterator trait. This trait must work for any type, so you must specify that return type somehow. The method next can then be written without using a particular type - instead it refers to that type parameter's Item via Self.

The iterator trait for f64 is written Iterator<Item=f64>, which can be read as "an Iterator with its associated type Item set to f64".

The ... refers to the provided methods of Iterator. You only need to define Item and next, and the provided methods are defined for you.


struct FRange {
    val: f64,
    end: f64,
    incr: f64

fn range(x1: f64, x2: f64, skip: f64) -> FRange {
    FRange {val: x1, end: x2, incr: skip}

impl Iterator for FRange {
    type Item = f64;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let res = self.val;
        if res >= self.end {
        } else {
            self.val += self.incr;

fn main() {
    for x in range(0.0, 1.0, 0.1) {
        println!("{} ", x);

And the rather messy looking result is


This is because 0.1 is not precisely representable as a float, so a little formatting help is needed. Replace the println! with this

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
println!("{:.1} ", x);


And we get cleaner output (this format means 'one decimal after dot'.)

All of the default iterator methods are available, so we can collect these values into a vector, map them, and so forth.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let v: Vec<f64> = range(0.0, 1.0, 0.1).map(|x| x.sin()).collect();


Generic Functions

We want a function which will dump out any value that implements Debug. Here is a first attempt at a generic function, where we can pass a reference to any type of value. T is a type parameter, which needs to be declared just after the function name:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump<T> (value: &T) {
    println!("value is {:?}",value);

let n = 42;


However, Rust clearly knows nothing about this generic type T:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: std::fmt::Debug` is not satisfied
   = help: the trait `std::fmt::Debug` is not implemented for `T`
   = help: consider adding a `where T: std::fmt::Debug` bound

For this to work, Rust needs to be told that T does in fact implement Debug!

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump<T> (value: &T)
where T: std::fmt::Debug {
    println!("value is {:?}",value);

let n = 42;
// value is 42


Rust generic functions need trait bounds on types - we are saying here that "T is any type that implements Debug". rustc is being very helpful, and suggests exactly what bound needs to be provided.

Now that Rust knows the trait bounds for T, it can give you sensible compiler messages:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
struct Foo {
    name: String

let foo = Foo{name: "hello".to_string()};



And the error is "the trait std::fmt::Debug is not implemented for Foo".

Functions are already generic in dynamic languages because values carry their actual type around, and the type checking happens at run-time - or fails miserably. For larger programs, we really do want to know about problems at compile-time rather! Rather than sitting down calmly with compiler errors, a programmer in these languages has to deal with problems that only show up when the program is running. Murphy's Law then implies that these problems will tend to happen at the most inconvenient/disastrous time.

The operation of squaring a number is generic: x*x will work for integers, floats and generally for anything that knows about the multiplication operator *. But what are the type bounds?


fn sqr<T> (x: T) -> T {
    x * x

fn main() {
    let res = sqr(10.0);
    println!("res {}",res);

The first problem is that Rust does not know that T can be multiplied:

error[E0369]: binary operation `*` cannot be applied to type `T`
4 |     x * x
  |     ^
note: an implementation of `std::ops::Mul` might be missing for `T`
4 |     x * x
  |     ^

Following the advice of the compiler, let's constrain that type parameter using that trait, which is used to implement the multiplication operator *:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn sqr<T> (x: T) -> T
where T: std::ops::Mul {
    x * x


Which still doesn't work:

rror[E0308]: mismatched types
6 |     x * x
  |     ^^^ expected type parameter, found associated type
  = note: expected type `T`
  = note:    found type `<T as std::ops::Mul>::Output`

What rustc is saying that the type of x*x is the associated type T::Output, not T. There's actually no reason that the type of x*x is the same as the type of x, e.g. the dot product of two vectors is a scalar.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn sqr<T> (x: T) -> T::Output
where T: std::ops::Mul {
    x * x


and now the error is:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `x`
6 |     x * x
  |     - ^ value used here after move
  |     |
  |     value moved here
  = note: move occurs because `x` has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

So, we need to constrain the type even further!

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn sqr<T> (x: T) -> T::Output
where T: std::ops::Mul + Copy {
    x * x


And that (finally) works. Calmly listening to the compiler will often get you closer to the magic point when ... things compile cleanly.

It is a bit simpler in C++:

template <typename T>
T sqr(x: T) {
    return x * x;

but (to be honest) C++ is adopting cowboy tactics here. C++ template errors are famously bad, because all the compiler knows (ultimately) is that some operator or method is not defined. The C++ committee knows this is a problem and so they are working toward concepts, which are pretty much like trait-constrained type parameters in Rust.

Rust generic functions may look a bit overwhelming at first, but being explicit means you will know exactly what kind of values you can safely feed it, just by looking at the definition.

These functions are called monomorphic, in constrast to polymorphic. The body of the function is compiled separately for each unique type. With polymorphic functions, the same machine code works with each matching type, dynamically dispatching the correct method.

Monomorphic produces faster code, specialized for the particular type, and can often be inlined. So when sqr(x) is seen, it's effectively replaced with x*x. The downside is that large generic functions produce a lot of code, for each type used, which can result in code bloat. As always, there are trade-offs; an experienced person learns to make the right choice for the job.

Simple Enums

Enums are types which have a few definite values. For instance, a direction has only four possible values.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
enum Direction {
    // `start` is type `Direction`
    let start = Direction::Left;


They can have methods defined on them, just like structs. The match expression is the basic way to handle enum values.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Direction {
    fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
        match *self { // *self has type Direction
            Direction::Up => "Up",
            Direction::Down => "Down",
            Direction::Left => "Left",
            Direction::Right => "Right"


Punctuation matters. Note that * before self. It's easy to forget, because often Rust will assume it (we said self.first_name, not (*self).first_name). However, matching is a more exact business. Leaving it out would give a whole spew of messages, which boil down to this type mismatch:

   = note: expected type `&Direction`
   = note:    found type `Direction`

This is because self has type &Direction, so we have to throw in the * to deference the type.

Like structs, enums can implement traits, and our friend #[derive(Debug)] can be added to Direction:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
        println!("start {:?}",start);
        // start Left


So that as_str method isn't really necessary, since we can always get the name from Debug. (But as_str does not allocate, which may be important.)

You should not assume any particular ordering here - there's no implied integer 'ordinal' value.

Here's a method which defines the 'successor' of each Direction value. The very handy wildcard use temporarily puts the enum names into the method context:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn next(&self) -> Direction {
        use Direction::*;
        match *self {
            Up => Right,
            Right => Down,
            Down => Left,
            Left => Up

    let mut d = start;
    for _ in 0..8 {
        println!("d {:?}", d);
        d =;
    // d Left
    // d Up
    // d Right
    // d Down
    // d Left
    // d Up
    // d Right
    // d Down


So this will cycle endlessly through the various directions in this particular, arbitrary, order. It is (in fact) a very simple state machine.

These enum values can't be compared:

assert_eq!(start, Direction::Left);

error[E0369]: binary operation `==` cannot be applied to type `Direction`
42 |     assert_eq!(start, Direction::Left);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: an implementation of `std::cmp::PartialEq` might be missing for `Direction`

The solution is to say #[derive(Debug,PartialEq)] in front of enum Direction.

This is an important point - Rust user-defined types start out fresh and unadorned. You give them sensible default behaviours by implementing the common traits. This applies also to structs - if you ask for Rust to derive PartialEq for a struct it will do the sensible thing, assume that all fields implement it and build up a comparison. If this isn't so, or you want to redefine equality, then you are free to define PartialEq explicitly.

Rust does 'C style enums' as well:


enum Speed {
    Slow = 10,
    Medium = 20,
    Fast = 50

fn main() {
    let s = Speed::Slow;
    let speed = s as u32;
    println!("speed {}", speed);

They are initialized with an integer value, and can be converted into that integer with a type cast.

You only need to give the first name a value, and thereafter the value goes up by one each time:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
enum Difficulty {
    Easy = 1,
    Medium,  // is 2
    Hard   // is 3


By the way, 'name' is too vague, like saying 'thingy' all the time. The proper term here is variant - Speed has variants Slow,Medium and Fast.

These enums do have a natural ordering, but you have to ask nicely. After placing #[derive(PartialEq,PartialOrd)] in front of enum Speed, then it's indeed true that Speed::Fast > Speed::Slow and Speed::Medium != Speed::Slow.

Enums in their Full Glory

Rust enums in their full form are like C unions on steroids, like a Ferrari compared to a Fiat Uno. Consider the problem of storing different values in a type-safe way.


enum Value {

fn main() {
    use Value::*;
    let n = Number(2.3);
    let s = Str("hello".to_string());
    let b = Bool(true);

    println!("n {:?} s {:?} b {:?}", n,s,b);
// n Number(2.3) s Str("hello") b Bool(true)

Again, this enum can only contain one of these values; its size will be the size of the largest variant.

So far, not really a supercar, although it's cool that enums know how to print themselves out. But they also know how what kind of value they contain, and that is the superpower of match:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn eat_and_dump(v: Value) {
    use Value::*;
    match v {
        Number(n) => println!("number is {}", n),
        Str(s) => println!("string is '{}'", s),
        Bool(b) => println!("boolean is {}", b)
//number is 2.3
//string is 'hello'
//boolean is true


(And that's what Option and Result are - enums.)

We like this eat_and_dump function, but we want to pass the value as a reference, because currently a move takes place and the value is 'eaten':

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump(v: &Value) {
    use Value::*;
    match *v {  // type of *v is Value
        Number(n) => println!("number is {}", n),
        Str(s) => println!("string is '{}'", s),
        Bool(b) => println!("boolean is {}", b)

error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
12 |     match *v {
   |           ^^ cannot move out of borrowed content
13 |     Number(n) => println!("number is {}",n),
14 |     Str(s) => println!("string is '{}'",s),
   |         - hint: to prevent move, use `ref s` or `ref mut s`


There are things you cannot do with borrowed references. Rust is not letting you extract the string contained in the original value. It did not complain about Number because it's happy to copy f64, but String does not implement Copy.

I mentioned earlier that match is picky about exact types; here we follow the hint and things will work; now we are just borrowing a reference to that contained string.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump(v: &Value) {
    use Value::*;
    match *v {
        Number(n) => println!("number is {}", n),
        Str(ref s) => println!("string is '{}'", s),
        Bool(b) => println!("boolean is {}", b)

    // string is 'hello'


Before we move on, filled with the euphoria of a successful Rust compilation, let's pause a little. rustc is unusually good at generating errors that have enough context for a human to fix the error without necessarily understanding the error.

The issue is a combination of the exactness of matching, with the determination of the borrow checker to foil any attempt to break the Rules. One of those Rules is that you cannot yank out a value which belongs to some owning type. Some knowledge of C++ is a hindrance here, since C++ will copy its way out of the problem, whether that copy even makes sense. You will get exactly the same error if you try to pull out a string from a vector, say with *v.get(0).unwrap() (* because indexing returns references.) It will simply not let you do this. (Sometimes clone isn't such a bad solution to this.)

(By the way, v[0] does not work for non-copyable values like strings for precisely this reason. You must either borrow with &v[0] or clone with v[0].clone())

As for match, you can see Str(s) => as short for Str(s: String) =>. A local variable (often called a binding) is created. Often that inferred type is cool, when you eat up a value and extract its contents. But here we really needed is s: &String, and the ref is a hint that ensures this: we just want to borrow that string.

Here we do want to extract that string, and don't care about the enum value afterwards. _ as usual will match anything.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Value {
    fn to_str(self) -> Option<String> {
        match self {
        Value::Str(s) => Some(s),
        _ => None
    println!("s? {:?}", s.to_str());
    // s? Some("hello")
    // println!("{:?}", s) // error! s has moved...


Naming matters - this is called to_str, not as_str. You can write a method that just borrows that string as an Option<&String> (The reference will need the same lifetime as the enum value.) But you would not call it to_str.

You can write to_str like this - it is completely equivalent:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn to_str(self) -> Option<String> {
        if let Value::Str(s) = self {
        } else {


More about Matching

Recall that the values of a tuple can be extracted with '()':

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let t = (10,"hello".to_string());
    let (n,s) = t;
    // t has been moved. It is No More
    // n is i32, s is String


This is a special case of destructuring; we have some data and wish to either pull it apart (like here) or just borrow its values. Either way, we get the parts of a structure.

The syntax is like that used in match. Here we are explicitly borrowing the values.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let (ref n,ref s) = t;
    // n and s are borrowed from t. It still lives!
    // n is &i32, s is &String


Destructuring works with structs as well:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    struct Point {
        x: f32,
        y: f32

    let p = Point{x:1.0,y:2.0};
    let Point{x,y} = p;
    // p still lives, since x and y can and will be copied
    // both x and y are f32


Time to revisit match with some new patterns. The first two patterns are exactly like let destructuring - it only matches tuples with first element zero, but any string; the second adds an if so that it only matches (1,"hello"). Finally, just a variable matches anything. This is useful if the match applies to an expression and you don't want to bind a variable to that expression. _ works like a variable but is ignored. It's a common way to finish off a match.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn match_tuple(t: (i32,String)) {
    let text = match t {
        (0, s) => format!("zero {}", s),
        (1, ref s) if s == "hello" => format!("hello one!"),
        tt => format!("no match {:?}", tt),
        // or say _ => format!("no match") if you're not interested in the value
    println!("{}", text);


Why not just match against (1,"hello")? Matching is an exact business, and the compiler will complain:

  = note: expected type `std::string::String`
  = note:    found type `&'static str`

Why do we need ref s? It's a slightly obscure gotcha (look up the E00008 error) where if you have an if guard you need to borrow, since the if guard happens in a different context, a move will take place otherwise. It's a case of the implementation leaking ever so slightly.

If the type was &str then we match it directly:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    match (42,"answer") {
        (42,"answer") => println!("yes"),
        _ => println!("no")


What applies to match applies to if let. This is a cool example, since if we get a Some, we can match inside it and only extract the string from the tuple. So it isn't necessary to have nested if let statements here. We use _ because we aren't interested in the first part of the tuple.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let ot = Some((2,"hello".to_string());

    if let Some((_,ref s)) = ot {
        assert_eq!(s, "hello");
    // we just borrowed the string, no 'destructive destructuring'


An interesting problem happens when using parse (or any function which needs to work out its return type from context)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    if let Ok(n) = "42".parse() {


So what's the type of n? You have to give a hint somehow - what kind of integer? Is it even an integer?

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    if let Ok(n) = "42".parse::<i32>() {


This somewhat non-elegant syntax is called the 'turbofish operator'.

If you are in a function returning Result, then the question-mark operator provides a much more elegant solution:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let n: i32 = "42".parse()?;


However, the parse error needs to be convertible to the error type of the Result, which is a topic we'll take up later when discussing error handling.


A great deal of Rust's power comes from closures. In their simplest form, they act like shortcut functions:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let f = |x| x * x;

    let res = f(10);

    println!("res {}", res);
    // res 100


There are no explicit types in this example - everything is deduced, starting with the integer literal 10.

We get an error if we call f on different types - Rust has already decided that f must be called on an integer type:

    let res = f(10);

    let resf = f(1.2);
8 |     let resf = f(1.2);
  |                  ^^^ expected integral variable, found floating-point variable
  = note: expected type `{integer}`
  = note:    found type `{float}`

So, the first call fixes the type of the argument x. It's equivalent to this function:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn f (x: i32) -> i32 {
        x * x


But there's a big difference between functions and closures, apart from the need for explicit typing. Here we evaluate a linear function:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let m = 2.0;
    let c = 1.0;

    let lin = |x| m*x + c;

    println!("res {} {}", lin(1.0), lin(2.0));
    // res 3 5


You cannot do this with the explicit fn form - it does not know about variables in the enclosing scope. The closure has borrowed m and c from its context.

Now, what's the type of lin? Only rustc knows. Under the hood, a closure is a struct that is callable ('implements the call operator'). It behaves as if it was written out like this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
struct MyAnonymousClosure1<'a> {
    m: &'a f64,
    c: &'a f64

impl <'a>MyAnonymousClosure1<'a> {
    fn call(&self, x: f64) -> f64 {
        self.m * x  + self.c


The compiler is certainly being helpful, turning simple closure syntax into all that code! You do need to know that a closure is a struct and it borrows values from its environment. And that therefore it has a lifetime.

All closures are unique types, but they have traits in common. So even though we don't know the exact type, we know the generic constraint:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn apply<F>(x: f64, f: F) -> f64
where F: Fn(f64)->f64  {
    let res1 = apply(3.0,lin);
    let res2 = apply(3.14, |x| x.sin());


In English: apply works for any type T such that T implements Fn(f64)->f64 - that is, is a function which takes f64 and returns f64.

After the call to apply(3.0,lin), trying to access lin gives an interesting error:

    let l = lin;
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `lin`
16 |     let res = apply(3.0,lin);
   |                         --- value moved here
22 |     let l = lin;
   |         ^ value used here after move
   = note: move occurs because `lin` has type
    `[ 12:26 m:&f64, c:&f64]`,
     which does not implement the `Copy` trait

That's it, apply ate our closure. And there's the actual type of the struct that rustc made up to implement it. Always thinking of closures as structs is helpful.

Calling a closure is a method call: the three kinds of function traits correspond to the three kinds of methods:

  • Fn struct passed as &self
  • FnMut struct passed as &mut self
  • FnOnce struct passed as self

So it's possible for a closure to mutate its captured references:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn mutate<F>(mut f: F)
    where F: FnMut() {
    let mut s = "world";
    mutate(|| s = "hello");
    assert_eq!(s, "hello");


Note that mut - f needs to be mutable for this to work.

However, you cannot escape the rules for borrowing. Consider this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut s = "world";

// closure does a mutable borrow of s
let mut changer = || s = "world";

// does an immutable borrow of s
assert_eq!(s, "world");


Can't be done! The error is that we cannot borrow s in the assert statement, because it has been previously borrowed by the closure changer as mutable. As long as that closure lives, no other code can access s, so the solution is to control that lifetime by putting the closure in a limited scope:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut s = "world";
    let mut changer = || s = "world";
assert_eq!(s, "world");


At this point, if you are used to languages like JavaScript or Lua, you may wonder at the complexity of Rust closures compared with how straightforward they are in those languages. This is the necessary cost of Rust's promise to not sneakily make any allocations. In JavaScript, the equivalent mutate(function() {s = "hello";}) will always result in a dynamically allocated closure.

Sometimes you don't want a closure to borrow those variables, but instead move them.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let name = "dolly".to_string();
    let age = 42;

    let c = move || {
        println!("name {} age {}", name,age);


    println!("name {}",name);


And the error at the last println is: "use of moved value: name". So one solution here - if we did want to keep name alive - is to move a cloned copy into the closure:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let cname = name.to_string();
    let c = move || {
        println!("name {} age {}",cname,age);


Why are moved closures needed? Because we might need to call them at a point where the original context no longer exists. A classic case is when creating a thread. A moved closure does not borrow, so does not have a lifetime.

A major use of closures is within iterator methods. Recall the range iterator we defined to go over a range of floating-point numbers. It's straightforward to operate on this (or any other iterator) using closures:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let sine: Vec<f64> = range(0.0,1.0,0.1).map(|x| x.sin()).collect();


map isn't defined on vectors (although it's easy enough to create a trait that does this), because then every map will create a new vector. This way, we have a choice. In this sum, no temporary objects are created:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
 let sum: f64 = range(0.0,1.0,0.1).map(|x| x.sin()).sum();


It will (in fact) be as fast as writing it out as an explicit loop! That performance guarantee would be impossible if Rust closures were as 'frictionless' as Javascript closures.

filter is another useful iterator method - it only lets through values that match a condition:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let tuples = [(10,"ten"),(20,"twenty"),(30,"thirty"),(40,"forty")];
    let iter = tuples.iter().filter(|t| t.0 > 20).map(|t| t.1);

    for name in iter {
        println!("{} ", name);
    // thirty
    // forty


The Three Kinds of Iterators

The three kinds correspond (again) to the three basic argument types. Assume we have a vector of String values. Here are the iterator types explicitly, and then implicitly, together with the actual type returned by the iterator.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for s in vec.iter() {...} // &String
for s in vec.iter_mut() {...} // &mut String
for s in vec.into_iter() {...} // String

// implicit!
for s in &vec {...} // &String
for s in &mut vec {...} // &mut String
for s in vec {...} // String


Personally I prefer being explicit, but it's important to understand both forms, and their implications.

into_iter consumes the vector and extracts its strings, and so afterwards the vector is no longer available - it has been moved. It's a definite gotcha for Pythonistas used to saying for s in vec!

So the implicit form for s in &vec is usually the one you want, just as &T is a good default in passing arguments to functions.

It's important to understand how the three kinds works because Rust relies heavily on type deduction - you won't often see explicit types in closure arguments. And this is a Good Thing, because it would be noisy if all those types were explicitly typed out. However, the price of this compact code is that you need to know what the implicit types actually are!

map takes whatever value the iterator returns and converts it into something else, but filter takes a reference to that value. In this case, we're using iter so the iterator item type is &String. Note that filter receives a reference to this type.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for n in vec.iter().map(|x: &String| x.len()) {...} // n is usize

for s in vec.iter().filter(|x: &&String| x.len() > 2) { // s is &String


When calling methods, Rust will derefence automatically, so the problem isn't obvious. But |x: &&String| x == "one"| will not work, because operators are more strict about type matching. rustc will complain that there is no such operator that compares &&String and &str. So you need an explicit deference to make that &&String into a &String which does match.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for s in vec.iter().filter(|x: &&String| *x == "one") {...}
// same as implicit form:
for s in vec.iter().filter(|x| *x == "one") {...}


If you leave out the explicit type, you can modify the argument so that the type of s is now &String:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for s in vec.iter().filter(|&x| x == "one")


And that's usually how you will see it written.

Structs with Dynamic Data

A most powerful technique is a struct that contain references to itself.

Here is the basic building block of a binary tree, expressed in C (everyone's favourite old relative with a frightening fondness for using power tools without protection.)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    struct Node {
        const char *payload;
        struct Node *left;
        struct Node *right;


You can not do this by directly including Node fields, because then the size of Node depends on the size of Node... it just doesn't compute. So we use pointers to Node structs, since the size of a pointer is always known.

If left isn't NULL, the Node will have a left pointing to another node, and so moreorless indefinitely.

Rust does not do NULL (at least not safely) so it's clearly a job for Option. But you cannot just put a Node in that Option, because we don't know the size of Node (and so forth.) This is a job for Box, since it contains an allocated pointer to the data, and always has a fixed size.

So here's the Rust equivalent, using type to create an alias:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
type NodeBox = Option<Box<Node>>;

struct Node {
    payload: String,
    left: NodeBox,
    right: NodeBox


(Rust is forgiving in this way - no need for forward declarations.)

And a first test program:

impl Node {
    fn new(s: &str) -> Node {
        Node{payload: s.to_string(), left: None, right: None}

    fn boxer(node: Node) -> NodeBox {

    fn set_left(&mut self, node: Node) {
        self.left = Self::boxer(node);

    fn set_right(&mut self, node: Node) {
        self.right = Self::boxer(node);


fn main() {
    let mut root = Node::new("root");

    println!("arr {:#?}", root);

The output is surprisingly pretty, thanks to "{:#?}" ('#' means 'extended'.)

root Node {
    payload: "root",
    left: Some(
        Node {
            payload: "left",
            left: None,
            right: None
    right: Some(
        Node {
            payload: "right",
            left: None,
            right: None

Now, what happens when root is dropped? All fields are dropped; if the 'branches' of the tree are dropped, they drop their fields and so on. Box::new may be the closest you will get to a new keyword, but we have no need for delete or free.

We must now work out a use for this tree. Note that strings can be ordered: 'bar' < 'foo', 'abba' > 'aardvark'; so-called 'alphabetical order'. (Strictly speaking, this is lexical order, since human languages are very diverse and have strange rules.)

Here is a method which inserts nodes in lexical order of the strings. We compare the new data to the current node - if it's less, then we try to insert on the left, otherwise try to insert on the right. There may be no node on the left, so then set_left and so forth.

    fn insert(&mut self, data: &str) {
        if data < &self.payload {
            match self.left {
                Some(ref mut n) => n.insert(data),
                None => self.set_left(Self::new(data)),
        } else {
            match self.right {
                Some(ref mut n) => n.insert(data),
                None => self.set_right(Self::new(data)),

    fn main() {
        let mut root = Node::new("root");

        println!("root {:#?}", root);

Note the match - we're pulling out a mutable reference to the box, if the Option is Some, and applying the insert method. Otherwise, we need to create a new Node for the left side and so forth. Box is a smart pointer; note that no 'unboxing' was needed to call Node methods on it!

And here's the output tree:

root Node {
    payload: "root",
    left: Some(
        Node {
            payload: "one",
            left: Some(
                Node {
                    payload: "four",
                    left: None,
                    right: None
            right: None
    right: Some(
        Node {
            payload: "two",
            left: None,
            right: None

The strings that are 'less' than other strings get put down the left side, otherwise the right side.

Time for a visit. This is in-order traversal - we visit the left, do something on the node, and then visit the right.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn visit(&self) {
        if let Some(ref left) = self.left {
        println!("'{}'", self.payload);
        if let Some(ref right) = self.right {
    // 'four'
    // 'one'
    // 'root'
    // 'two'


So we're visiting the strings in order! Please note the reappearance of ref - if let uses exactly the same rules as match.

Generic Structs

Consider the previous example of a binary tree. It would be seriously irritating to have to rewrite it for all possible kinds of payload. So here's our generic Node with its type parameter T.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
type NodeBox<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;

struct Node<T> {
    payload: T,
    left: NodeBox<T>,
    right: NodeBox<T>


The implementation shows the difference between the languages. The fundamental operation on the payload is comparison, so T must be comparable with <, i.e. implements PartialOrd. The type parameter must be declared in the impl block with its constraints:

impl <T: PartialOrd> Node<T> {
    fn new(s: T) -> Node<T> {
        Node{payload: s, left: None, right: None}

    fn boxer(node: Node<T>) -> NodeBox<T> {

    fn set_left(&mut self, node: Node<T>) {
        self.left = Self::boxer(node);

    fn set_right(&mut self, node: Node<T>) {
        self.right = Self::boxer(node);

    fn insert(&mut self, data: T) {
        if data < self.payload {
            match self.left {
                Some(ref mut n) => n.insert(data),
                None => self.set_left(Self::new(data)),
        } else {
            match self.right {
                Some(ref mut n) => n.insert(data),
                None => self.set_right(Self::new(data)),

fn main() {
    let mut root = Node::new("root".to_string());

    println!("root {:#?}", root);

So generic structs need their type parameter(s) specified in angle brackets, like C++. Rust is usually smart enough to work out that type parameter from context - it knows it has a Node<T>, and knows that its insert method is passed T. The first call of insert nails down T to be String. If any further calls are inconsistent it will complain.

But you do need to constrain that type appropriately!