Module pl.text

Text processing utilities.

This provides a Template class (modeled after the same from the Python libraries, see string.Template). It also provides similar functions to those found in the textwrap module.

See the Guide.

Calling text.format_operator() overloads the % operator for strings to give Python/Ruby style formated output. This is extended to also do template-like substitution for map-like data.

> require 'pl.text'.format_operator()
> = '%s = %5.3f' % {'PI',math.pi}
PI = 3.142
> = '$name = $value' % {name='dog',value='Pluto'}
dog = Pluto

Dependencies: pl.utils, pl.types


indent (s, n, ch) indent a multiline string.
dedent (s) dedent a multiline string by removing any initial indent.
wrap (s, width) format a paragraph into lines so that they fit into a line width.
fill (s, width) format a paragraph so that it fits into a line width.
Template:substitute (tbl) substitute values into a template, throwing an error.
Template:safe_substitute (tbl) substitute values into a template.
Template:indent_substitute (tbl) substitute values into a template, preserving indentation.


indent (s, n, ch)
indent a multiline string.


  • s the string
  • n the size of the indent
  • ch the character to use when indenting (default ‘ ’)


    indented string
dedent (s)
dedent a multiline string by removing any initial indent. useful when working with [[..]] strings.


  • s the string


    a string with initial indent zero.
wrap (s, width)
format a paragraph into lines so that they fit into a line width. It will not break long words, so lines can be over the length to that extent.


  • s the string
  • width the margin width, default 70


    a list of lines
fill (s, width)
format a paragraph so that it fits into a line width.


  • s the string
  • width the margin width, default 70


    a string

See also:

Template:substitute (tbl)
substitute values into a template, throwing an error. This will throw an error if no name is found.


  • tbl a table of name-value pairs.
Template:safe_substitute (tbl)
substitute values into a template. This version just passes unknown names through.


  • tbl a table of name-value pairs.
Template:indent_substitute (tbl)
substitute values into a template, preserving indentation.
If the value is a multiline string or a template, it will insert the lines at the correct indentation.
Furthermore, if a template, then that template will be subsituted using the same table.


  • tbl a table of name-value pairs.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2017-07-18 16:28:41