Parsing Text with Nom

Nom, (documented here) is a parser library for Rust which is well worth the initial time investment.

If you have to parse a known data format, like CSV or JSON, then it's best to use a specialized library like Rust CSV or the JSON libraries discussed in Section 4.

Likewise, for configuration files use dedicated parsers like ini or toml. (The last one is particularly cool since it integrates with the Serde framework, just as we saw with serde_json.

But if the text is not regular, or some made-up format, then you need to scan that text without writing a lot of tedious string-processing code. The suggested go-to is often regex, but regexes can be frustratingly opaque when sufficiently involved. Nom provides a way to parse text which is just as powerful and can be built up by combining simpler parsers. And regexes have their limits, for instance, don't use regexes for parsing HTML but you could use Nom to parse HTML. If you ever had the itch to write your own programming language, Nom is a good place for you start on that hard road to obscurity.

There are some excellent tutorials for learning Nom, but I want to start at the hello-world level to build some initial familiarity. The basic things you need to know - first, Nom is macros all the way down, and second, Nom prefers to work with byte slices, not strings. The first means that you have to be especially careful to get Nom expressions right, because the error messages are not going to be friendly. And the second means that Nom can be used for any data format, not just text. People have used Nom to decode binary protocols and file headers. It can also work with 'text' in encodings other than UTF-8.

Recent versions of Nom work fine with string slices, although you need to use the macros that end with _s.

extern crate nom;


fn main() {
    let res = get_greeting("hi there");
// Done(" there", "hi")

The named! macro creates functions which take some input type (&[u8] by default) and return the second type in angle brackets. tag_s! matches a literal string in the stream of characters, and its value is a string slice representing that literal. (If you wanted to work with &[u8] then use the tag! macro.)

We call the defined parser get_greeting with a &str and get back an IResult. And indeed we get back the matching value.

Look at " there" - This is the string slice left over after matching..

We want to ignore whitespace. By just wrapping the tag! in ws! we can match "hi" anywhere among spaces, tabs or newlines:


fn main() {
    let res = get_greeting("hi there");
// Done("there", "hi")

The result is "hi" as before, and the remaining string is "there"! The spaces have been skipped.

"hi" is matching nicely, although this isn't very useful yet. Let's match either "hi" or "bye". The alt! macro ("alternate") takes parser expressions separated by | and matches any of them. Note that you can use whitespace here to make the parser function easier to read:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    ws!(alt!(tag_s!("hi") | tag_s!("bye")))
println!("{:?}", get_greeting(" hi "));
println!("{:?}", get_greeting(" bye "));
println!("{:?}", get_greeting("  hola "));
// Done("", "hi")
// Done("", "bye")
// Error(Alt)


The last match failed because there is no alternative that matches "hola".

Clearly we need to understand this IResult type to go further, but first let's compare this with the regex solution:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let greetings = Regex::new(r"\s*(hi|bye)\s*").expect("bad regex");
    let caps = greetings.captures(" hi ").expect("match failed");
// Captures({0: Some(" hi "), 1: Some("hi")})


Regular expressions are certainly more compact!. We needed to put '()' around the two possibilities separated by '|' so that we will capture the greeting and nothing else. The first result is the whole string, the second is the matched capture. ('|' is the so-called 'alternation' operator in regexes, which is the motivation for the alt! macro syntax.)

But this is a very simple regex, and they get complicated very quickly. Being a text mini-language, you have to escape significant characters like * and (. If I wanted to match "(hi)" or "(bye)" the regex becomes "\s*((hi|bye))\s*" but the Nom parser simply becomes alt!(tag_s!("(hi)") | tag_s!("(bye)")).

It's also a heavy-weight dependency. On this fairly feeble i5 laptop, Nom examples take about 0.55 seconds to compile, which is not much more than "Hello world". But the regex examples take about 0.90s. And the stripped release build executable of the Nom example is about 0.3Mb (which is about as small as statically linked Rust programs go) versus 0.8Mb for the regex example.

What a Nom Parser returns

IResult has an interesting difference from the standard Result type - there are three possibilities:

  • Done - success - you get both the result and the remaining bytes
  • Error - failed to parse - you get an error
  • Imcomplete - more data needed

We can write a generic dump function that handles any return value that can be debug-printed. This also demonstrates the to_result method which returns a regular Result - this is probably the method you will use for most cases since it returns either the returned value or an error.

extern crate nom;
use nom::IResult;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use std::fmt::Debug;

fn dump<T: Debug>(res: IResult<&str,T>) {
    match res {
      IResult::Done(rest, value) => {println!("Done {:?} {:?}",rest,value)},
      IResult::Error(err) => {println!("Err {:?}",err)},
      IResult::Incomplete(needed) => {println!("Needed {:?}",needed)}

fn main() {
            alt!( tag_s!("hi") | tag_s!("bye"))

    dump(get_greeting(" hi "));
    dump(get_greeting(" bye hi"));
    dump(get_greeting("  hola "));

    println!("result {:?}", get_greeting(" bye  ").to_result());
// Done Ok("") "hi"
// Done Ok("hi") "bye"
// Err Alt
// result Ok("bye")

Parsers returning any unparsed text, and being able to indicate that they don't have enough input characters to decide, is very useful for stream parsing. But usually to_result is your friend.

Combining Parsers

Let's continue the greeting example and imagine that a greeting consists of "hi" or "bye", plus a name. nom::alpha matches a series of alphabetical characters. The pair! macro will collect the result of matching two parsers as a tuple:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

    println!("result {:?}", full_greeting(" hi Bob  ").to_result());
// result Ok(("hi", "Bob"))


Now, further imagine that the greeter is perhaps a little shy or doesn't know anybody's name: let us make the name optional. Naturally, the second value of the tuple becomes an Option.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    named!(full_greeting<&str, (&str,Option<&str>)>,

    println!("result {:?}", full_greeting(" hi Bob  ").to_result());
    println!("result {:?}", full_greeting(" bye ?").to_result());
// result Ok(("hi", Some("Bob")))
// result Ok(("bye", None))


Notice that it was straightforward to combine an existing parser for greetings with a parser that picks up names, and then it was easy to make that name optional. This is the great power of Nom, and it's why it's called a "parser combinator library". You can build up your complicated parsers from simpler parsers, which you can test individually. (At this point, the equivalent regex is starting to look like a Perl program: regexes do not combine well.)

However, we are not yet home and dry! full_greeting(" bye ") will fail with an Imcomplete error. Nom knows that "bye" may be followed by a name and wants us to give it more data. This is how a streaming parser needs to work, so you can feed it a file chunk by chunk, but here we need to tell Nom that the input is complete.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

    println!("result {:?}", full_greeting(" bye ").to_result());
// result Ok(("bye", None))


Parsing Numbers

Nom provides a function digit which matches a series of numerical digits. So we use map!, to convert the string into an integer, and return the full Result type.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use nom::digit;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::num::ParseIntError;

named!(int8 <&str, Result<i8,ParseIntError>>,
    map!(digit, FromStr::from_str)

named!(int32 <&str, Result<i32,ParseIntError>>,
    map!(digit, FromStr::from_str)

println!("{:?}", int8("120"));
println!("{:?}", int8("1200"));
println!("{:?}", int8("x120"));
println!("{:?}", int32("1202"));

// Done("", Ok(120))
// Done("", Err(ParseIntError { kind: Overflow }))
// Error(Digit)
// Done("", Ok(1202))


So what we get is a parser IResult containing a conversion Result - and sure enough, there is more than one way to fail here. Note that the body of our converting function has exactly the same code; the actual conversion depends on the return type of the function.

Integers may have a sign. We can capture integers as a pair, where the first value may be a sign, and the second value would be any digits following.


# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
named!(signed_digits<&str, (Option<&str>,&str)>,
        opt!(alt!(tag_s!("+") | tag_s!("-"))),  // maybe sign?

println!("signed {:?}", signed_digits("4"));
println!("signed {:?}", signed_digits("+12"));
// signed Done("", (None, "4"))
// signed Done("", (Some("+"), "12"))


When we aren't interested in the intermediate results, but just want all the matching input, then recognize! is what you need.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

println!("signed {:?}", maybe_signed_digits("+12"));
// signed Done("", "+12")


With this technique, we can recognize floating-point numbers. Again we map to string slice from the byte slice over all these matches. tuple! is the generalization of pair!, although we aren't interested in the generated tuple here. complete! is needed to resolve the same problem we had with incomplete greetings - "12" is a valid number without the optional floating-point part.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
                alt!(tag_s!("e") | tag_s!("E")),


By defining a little helper macro, we get some passing tests. The test passes if floating_point matches all of the string that it is given.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
macro_rules! nom_eq {
    ($p:expr,$e:expr) => (
        assert_eq!($p($e).to_result().unwrap(), $e)

nom_eq!(floating_point, "+2343");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "-2343");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "2343");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "2343.23");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "2e20");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "2.0e-6");


(Although sometimes macros feel a little dirty, making your tests pretty is a fine thing.)

And then we can parse and convert floating point numbers. Here I'll throw caution to the winds and throw away the error:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
        map_res!(floating_point, FromStr::from_str)


Please note how it's possible to build up complicated parsers step by step, testing each part in isolation first. That's a strong advantage of parser combinators over regexes. It is very much the classic programming tactic of divide-and-rule.

Operations over Multiple Matches

We've met pairs! and tuple! which capture a fixed number of matches as Rust tuples.

There is also many0 and many1 - they both capture indefinite numbers of matches as vectors. The difference is that the first may capture 'zero or many' and the second 'one or many' (like the difference between the regex * versus + modifiers.) So many1!(ws!(float64)) would parse "1 2 3" into vec![1.0,2.0,3.0], but will fail on the empty string.

fold_many0 is a reducing operation. The match values are combined into a single value, using a binary operator. For instance, this is how Rust people did sums over iterators before sum was added; this fold starts with an initial value (here zero) for the accumulator and keeps adding values to that accumulator using +.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let res = [1,2,3].iter().fold(0,|acc,v| acc + v);
    // 6


Here's the Nom equivalent:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
            |acc, v| acc + v

    println!("fold {}", fold_sum("1 2 3").to_result().unwrap());
    //fold 6


Up to now, we've had to capture every expression, or just grab all matching bytes with recognize!:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

    println!("got {:?}", nom_res!(pointf,"20,52.2").unwrap());
 //got (20, ",", 52.2)


For more complicated expressions, capturing the results of all the parsers leads to rather untidy types! We can do better.

do_parse! lets you extract only the values you're interested in. The matches are separated with >> - the matches of interest are of the form name: parser. Finally, there's a code block in parentheses.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    struct Point {
        x: f64,
        y: f64

            first: float64 >>
            tag_s!(",") >>
            second: float64
            (Point{x: first, y: second})

    println!("got {:?}", nom_res!(pointf,"20,52.2").unwrap());
// got Point { x: 20, y: 52.2 }


We're not interested in that tag's value (it can only be a comma) but we assign the two float values to temporary values which are used to build a struct. The code at the end can be any Rust expression.

Parsing Arithmetic Expressions

With the necessary background established, we can do simple arithmetic expressions. This is a good example of something that really can't be done with regexes.

The idea is to build up expressions from the bottom up. Expressions consist of terms, which are added or subtracted. Terms consist of factors, which are multiplied or divided. And (for now) factors are just floating-point numbers:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

    named!(term<&str,f64>, do_parse!(
        init: factor >>
        res: fold_many0!(
                alt!(tag_s!("*") | tag_s!("/")),
            |acc, v:(_,f64)| {
                if v.0 == "*" {acc * v.1} else {acc / v.1}
        >> (res)

    named!(expr<&str,f64>, do_parse!(
        init: term >>
        res: fold_many0!(
                alt!(tag_s!("+") | tag_s!("-")),
            |acc, v:(_,f64)| {
                if v.0 == "+" {acc + v.1} else {acc - v.1}
        >> (res)


This expresses our definitions more precisely - an expression consists of at least one term, and then zero or many plus-or-minus terms. We don't collect them, but fold them using the appropriate operator. (It's one of those cases where Rust can't quite work out the type of the expression, so we need a type hint.) Doing it like this establishes the correct operator precedence - * always wins over + and so forth.

We're going to need floating-point asserts here, and there's a crate for that.

Add the line 'approx="0.1.1" to your Cargo.toml, and away we go:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
extern crate approx;
    assert_relative_eq!(fold_sum("1 2 3").to_result().unwrap(), 6.0);


Let's define a convenient little testing macro. stringify! turns the expression into a string literal which we can feed into expr and then compare the result with how Rust would evaluate it.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    macro_rules! expr_eq {
        ($e:expr) => (assert_relative_eq!(

    expr_eq!(2.0 + 3.0 - 4.0);
    expr_eq!(2.0*3.0 - 4.0);


This is very cool - a few lines to get an expression evaluator! But it gets better. We add an alternative to numbers in the factor parser - expressions contained inside parentheses:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
            ws!(float64) |
            ws!(delimited!( tag_s!("("), expr, tag_s!(")") ))

    expr_eq!(2.2*(1.1 + 4.5)/3.4);
    expr_eq!((1.0 + 2.0)*(3.0 + 4.0*(5.0 + 6.0)));


The coolness is that expressions are now defined recursively in terms of expressions!

The particular magic of delimited! is that parentheses may be nested - Nom makes sure the brackets match up.

We are now way past the capabilities of regular expressions, and the stripped executable at 0.5Mb is still half the size of a "hello world" regex program.