A Gentle Introduction To Rust


thanks to David Marino

Why learn a new Programming Language?

The aim of this tutorial is to take you to a place where you can read and write enough Rust to fully appreciate the excellent learning resources available online, in particular The Book. It's an opportunity to try before you buy, and get enough feeling for the power of the language to want to go deeper.

As Einstein might have said, "As gentle as possible, but no gentler.". There is a lot of new stuff to learn here, and it's different enough to require some rearrangement of your mental furniture. By 'gentle' I mean that the features are presented practically with examples; as we encounter difficulties, I hope to show how Rust solves these problems. It is important to understand the problems before the solutions make sense. To put it in flowery language, we are going for a hike in hilly country and I will point out some interesting rock formations on the way, with only a few geology lectures. There will be some uphill but the view will be inspiring; the community is unusually pleasant and happy to help. There is the Rust Users Forum and an active subreddit which is unusually well-moderated. The FAQ is a good resource if you have specific questions.

First, why learn a new programming language? It is an investment of time and energy and that needs some justification. Even if you do not immediately land a cool job using that language, it stretches the mental muscles and makes you a better programmer. That seems a poor kind of return-on-investment but if you're not learning something genuinely new all the time then you will stagnate and be like the person who has ten years of experience in doing the same thing over and over.

Where Rust Shines

Rust is a statically and strongly typed systems programming language. statically means that all types are known at compile-time, strongly means that these types are designed to make it harder to write incorrect programs. A successful compilation means you have a much better guarantee of correctness than with a cowboy language like C. systems means generating the best possible machine code with full control of memory use. So the uses are pretty hardcore: operating systems, device drivers and embedded systems that might not even have an operating system. However, it's actually a very pleasant language to write normal application code in as well.

The big difference from C and C++ is that Rust is safe by default; all memory accesses are checked. It is not possible to corrupt memory by accident.

The unifying principles behind Rust are:

  • strictly enforcing safe borrowing of data
  • functions, methods and closures to operate on data
  • tuples, structs and enums to aggregate data
  • pattern matching to select and destructure data
  • traits to define behaviour on data

There is a fast-growing ecosystem of available libraries through Cargo but here we will concentrate on the core principles of the language by learning to use the standard library. My advice is to write lots of small programs, so learning to use rustc directly is a core skill. When doing the examples in this tutorial I defined a little script called rrun which does a compilation and runs the result:

rustc $1.rs && ./$1

Setting Up

This tutorial assumes that you have Rust installed locally. Fortunately this is very straightforward.

$ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
$ rustup component add rust-docs

I would recommend getting the default stable version; it's easy to download unstable versions later and to switch between.

This gets the compiler, the Cargo package manager, the API documentation, and the Rust Book. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, and this first step is painless.

rustup is the command you use to manage your Rust installation. When a new stable release appears, you just have to say rustup update to upgrade. rustup doc will open the offline documentation in your browser.

You will probably already have an editor you like, and basic Rust support is good. I'd suggest you start out with basic syntax highlighting at first, and work up as your programs get larger.

Personally I'm a fan of Geany which is one of the few editors with Rust support out-of-the-box; it's particularly easy on Linux since it's available through the package manager, but it works fine on other platforms.

The main thing is knowing how to edit, compile and run Rust programs. You learn to program with your fingers; type in the code yourself, and learn to rearrange things efficiently with your editor.

Zed Shaw's advice about learning to program in Python remains good, whatever the language. He says learning to program is like learning a musical instrument - the secret is practice and persistence. There's also good advice from Yoga and the soft martial arts like Tai Chi; feel the strain, but don't over-strain. You are not building dumb muscle here.

I'd like to thank the many contributors who caught bad English or bad Rust for me, and thanks to David Marino for his cool characterization of Rust as a friendly-but-hardcore no-nonsense knight in shining armour.

Steve Donovan © 2017-2018 MIT license version 0.4.0


Hello, World!

The original purpose of "hello world", ever since the first C version was written, was to test the compiler and run an actual program.

// hello.rs
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");
$ rustc hello.rs
$ ./hello
Hello, World!

Rust is a curly-braces language with semicolons, C++-style comments and a main function - so far, so familiar. The exclamation mark indicates that this is a macro call. For C++ programmers, this can be a turn-off, since they are used to seriously stupid C macros - but I can ensure you that these macros are more capable and sane.

For anybody else, it's probably "Great, now I have to remember when to say bang!". However, the compiler is unusually helpful; if you leave out that exclamation, you get:

error[E0425]: unresolved name `println`
 --> hello2.rs:2:5
2 |     println("Hello, World!");
  |     ^^^^^^^ did you mean the macro `println!`?

Learning a language means getting comfortable with its errors. Try to see the compiler as a strict but friendly helper rather than a computer shouting at you, because you are going to see a lot of red ink in the beginning. It's much better for the compiler to catch you out than for your program to blow up in front of actual humans.

The next step is to introduce a variable:

// let1.rs
fn main() {
    let answer = 42;
    println!("Hello {}", answer);

Spelling mistakes are compile errors, not runtime errors like with dynamic languages like Python or JavaScript. This will save you a lot of stress later! And if I wrote 'answr' instead of 'answer', the compiler is actually nice about it:

4 |     println!("Hello {}", answr);
  |                         ^^^^^ did you mean `answer`?

The println! macro takes a format string and some values; it's very similar to the formatting used by Python 3.

Another very useful macro is assert_eq!. This is the workhorse of testing in Rust; you assert that two things must be equal, and if not, panic.

// let2.rs
fn main() {
    let answer = 42;

Which won't produce any output. But change 42 to 40:

thread 'main' panicked at
'assertion failed: `(left == right)` (left: `42`, right: `40`)',
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

And that's our first runtime error in Rust.

Looping and Ifing

Anything interesting can be done more than once:

// for1.rs
fn main() {
    for i in 0..5 {
        println!("Hello {}", i);

The range is not inclusive, so i goes from 0 to 4. This is convenient in a language which indexes things like arrays from 0.

And interesting things have to be done conditionally:

// for2.rs
fn main() {
    for i in 0..5 {
        if i % 2 == 0 {
            println!("even {}", i);
        } else {
            println!("odd {}", i);
even 0
odd 1
even 2
odd 3
even 4

i % 2 is zero if 2 can divide into i cleanly; Rust uses C-style operators. There are no brackets around the condition, just like in Go, but you must use curly brackets around the block.

This does the same, written in a more interesting way:

// for3.rs
fn main() {
    for i in 0..5 {
        let even_odd = if i % 2 == 0 {"even"} else {"odd"};
        println!("{} {}", even_odd, i);

Traditionally, programming languages have statements (like if) and expressions (like 1+i). In Rust, nearly everything has a value and can be an expression. The seriously ugly C 'ternary operator' i % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd" is not needed.

Note that there aren't any semi-colons in those blocks!

Adding Things Up

Computers are very good at arithmetic. Here is a first attempt at adding all the numbers from 0 to 4:

// add1.rs
fn main() {
    let sum = 0;
    for i in 0..5 {
        sum += i;
    println!("sum is {}", sum);

But it fails to compile:

error[E0384]: re-assignment of immutable variable `sum`
 --> add1.rs:5:9
3 |     let sum = 0;
  |         --- first assignment to `sum`
4 |     for i in 0..5 {
5 |         sum += i;
  |         ^^^^^^^^ re-assignment of immutable variable

'Immutable'? A variable that cannot vary? let variables by default can only be assigned a value when declared. Adding the magic word mut (please make this variable mutable) does the trick:

// add2.rs
fn main() {
    let mut sum = 0;
    for i in 0..5 {
        sum += i;
    println!("sum is {}", sum);

This can be puzzling when coming from other languages, where variables can be re-written by default. What makes something a 'variable' is that it gets assigned a computed value at run-time - it is not a constant. It is also how the word is used in mathematics, like when we say 'let n be the largest number in set S'.

There is a reason for declaring variables to be read-only by default. In a larger program, it gets hard to track where writes are taking place. So Rust makes things like mutability ('write-ability') explicit. There's a lot of cleverness in the language, but it tries not to hide anything.

Rust is both statically-typed and strongly-typed - these are often confused, but think of C (statically but weakly typed) and Python (dynamically but strongly typed). In static types the type is known at compile time, and dynamic types are only known at run time.

At the moment, however, it feels like Rust is hiding those types from you. What exactly is the type of i? The compiler can work it out, starting with 0, with type inference, and comes up with i32 (four byte signed integer.)

Let's make exactly one change - turn that 0 into 0.0. Then we get errors:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `{float}: std::ops::AddAssign<{integer}>` is not satisfied
 --> add3.rs:5:9
5 |         sum += i;
  |         ^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::ops::AddAssign<{integer}>` is not implemented for `{float}`

Ok, so the honeymoon is over: what does this mean? Each operator (like +=) corresponds to a trait, which is like an abstract interface that must be implemented for each concrete type. We'll deal with traits in detail later, but here all you need to know is that AddAssign is the name of the trait implementing the += operator, and the error is saying that floating point numbers do not implement this operator for integers. (The full list of operator traits is here.)

Again, Rust likes to be explicit - it will not silently convert that integer into a float for you.

We have to cast that value to a floating-point value explicitly.

// add3.rs
fn main() {
    let mut sum = 0.0;
    for i in 0..5 {
        sum += i as f64;
    println!("sum is {}", sum);

Function Types are Explicit

Functions are one place where the compiler will not work out types for you. And this in fact was a deliberate decision, since languages like Haskell have such powerful type inference that there are hardly any explicit type names. It's actually good Haskell style to put in explicit type signatures for functions. Rust requires this always.

Here is a simple user-defined function:

// fun1.rs

fn sqr(x: f64) -> f64 {
    return x * x;

fn main() {
    let res = sqr(2.0);
    println!("square is {}", res);

Rust goes back to an older style of argument declaration, where the type follows the name. This is how it was done in Algol-derived languages like Pascal.

Again, no integer-to-float conversions - if you replace the 2.0 with 2 then we get a clear error:

8 |     let res = sqr(2);
  |                   ^ expected f64, found integral variable

You will actually rarely see functions written using a return statement. More often, it will look like this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn sqr(x: f64) -> f64 {
    x * x


This is because the body of the function (inside {}) has the value of its last expression, just like with if-as-an-expression.

Since semicolons are inserted semi-automatically by human fingers, you might add it here and get the following error:

3 | fn sqr(x: f64) -> f64 {
  |                       ^ expected f64, found ()
  = note: expected type `f64`
  = note:    found type `()`
help: consider removing this semicolon:
 --> fun2.rs:4:8
4 |     x * x;
  |       ^

The () type is the empty type, nada, void, zilch, nothing. Everything in Rust has a value, but sometimes it's just nothing. The compiler knows this is a common mistake, and actually helps you. (Anybody who has spent time with a C++ compiler will know how damn unusual this is.)

A few more examples of this no-return expression style:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// absolute value of a floating-point number
fn abs(x: f64) -> f64 {
    if x > 0.0 {
    } else {

// ensure the number always falls in the given range
fn clamp(x: f64, x1: f64, x2: f64) -> f64 {
    if x < x1 {
    } else if x > x2 {
    } else {


It's not wrong to use return, but code is cleaner without it. You will still use return for returning early from a function.

Some operations can be elegantly expressed recursively:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn factorial(n: u64) -> u64 {
    if n == 0 {
    } else {
        n * factorial(n-1)


This can be a little strange at first, and the best thing is then to use pencil and paper and work out some examples. It isn't usually the most efficient way to do that operation however.

Values can also be passed by reference. A reference is created by & and dereferenced by *.

fn by_ref(x: &i32) -> i32{
    *x + 1

fn main() {
    let i = 10;
    let res1 = by_ref(&i);
    let res2 = by_ref(&41);
    println!("{} {}", res1,res2);
// 11 42

What if you want a function to modify one of its arguments? Enter mutable references:

// fun4.rs

fn modifies(x: &mut f64) {
    *x = 1.0;

fn main() {
    let mut res = 0.0;
    modifies(&mut res);
    println!("res is {}", res);

This is more how C would do it than C++. You have to explicitly pass the reference (with &) and explicitly dereference with *. And then throw in mut because it's not the default. (I've always felt that C++ references are too easy to miss compared to C.)

Basically, Rust is introducing some friction here, and not-so-subtly pushing you towards returning values from functions directly. Fortunately, Rust has powerful ways to express things like "operation succeeded and here's the result" so &mut isn't needed that often. Passing by reference is important when we have a large object and don't wish to copy it.

The type-after-variable style applies to let as well, when you really want to nail down the type of a variable:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let bigint: i64 = 0;


Learning Where to Find the Ropes

It's time to start using the documentation. This will be installed on your machine, and you can use rustup doc --std to open it in a browser.

Note the search field at the top, since this is going to be your friend; it operates completely offline.

Let's say we want to see where the mathematical functions are, so search for 'cos'. The first two hits show it defined for both single and double-precision floating point numbers. It is defined on the value itself as a method, like so:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let pi: f64 = 3.1416;
let x = pi/2.0;
let cosine = x.cos();


And the result will be sort-of zero; we obviously need a more authoritative source of pi-ness!

(Why do we need an explicit f64 type? Because without it, the constant could be either f32 or f64, and these are very different.)

Let me quote the example given for cos, but written as a complete program ( assert! is a cousin of assert_eq!; the expression must be true):

fn main() {
    let x = 2.0 * std::f64::consts::PI;

    let abs_difference = (x.cos() - 1.0).abs();

    assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

std::f64::consts::PI is a mouthful! :: means much the same as it does in C++, (often written using '.' in other languages) - it is a fully qualified name. We get this full name from the second hit on searching for PI.

Up to now, our little Rust programs have been free of all that import and include stuff that tends to slow down the discussion of 'Hello World' programs. Let's make this program more readable with a use statement:

use std::f64::consts;

fn main() {
    let x = 2.0 * consts::PI;

    let abs_difference = (x.cos() - 1.0).abs();

    assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Why haven't we needed to do this up to now? This is because Rust helpfully makes a lot of basic functionality visible without explicit use statements through the Rust prelude.

Arrays and Slices

All statically-typed languages have arrays, which are values packed nose to tail in memory. Arrays are indexed from zero:

// array1.rs
fn main() {
    let arr = [10, 20, 30, 40];
    let first = arr[0];
    println!("first {}", first);

    for i in 0..4 {
        println!("[{}] = {}", i,arr[i]);
    println!("length {}", arr.len());

And the output is:

first 10
[0] = 10
[1] = 20
[2] = 30
[3] = 40
length 4

In this case, Rust knows exactly how big the array is and if you try to access arr[4] it will be a compile error.

Learning a new language often involves unlearning mental habits from languages you already know; if you are a Pythonista, then those brackets say List. We will come to the Rust equivalent of List soon, but arrays are not the droids you're looking for; they are fixed in size. They can be mutable (if we ask nicely) but you cannot add new elements.

Arrays are not used that often in Rust, because the type of an array includes its size. The type of the array in the example is [i32; 4]; the type of [10, 20] would be [i32; 2] and so forth: they have different types. So they are bastards to pass around as function arguments.

What are used often are slices. You can think of these as views into an underlying array of values. They otherwise behave very much like an array, and know their size, unlike those dangerous animals C pointers.

Note two important things here - how to write a slice's type, and that you have to use & to pass it to the function.

// array2.rs
// read as: slice of i32
fn sum(values: &[i32]) -> i32 {
    let mut res = 0;
    for i in 0..values.len() {
        res += values[i]

fn main() {
    let arr = [10,20,30,40];
    // look at that &
    let res = sum(&arr);
    println!("sum {}", res);

Ignore the code of sum for a while, and look at &[i32]. The relationship between Rust arrays and slices is similar to that between C arrays and pointers, except for two important differences - Rust slices keep track of their size (and will panic if you try to access outside that size) and you have to explicitly say that you want to pass an array as a slice using the & operator.

A C programmer pronounces & as 'address of'; a Rust programmer pronounces it 'borrow'. This is going to be the key word when learning Rust. Borrowing is the name given to a common pattern in programming; whenever you pass something by reference (as nearly always happens in dynamic languages) or pass a pointer in C. Anything borrowed remains owned by the original owner.

Slicing and Dicing

You cannot print out an array in the usual way with {} but you can do a debug print with {:?}.

// array3.rs
fn main() {
    let ints = [1, 2, 3];
    let floats = [1.1, 2.1, 3.1];
    let strings = ["hello", "world"];
    let ints_ints = [[1, 2], [10, 20]];
    println!("ints {:?}", ints);
    println!("floats {:?}", floats);
    println!("strings {:?}", strings);
    println!("ints_ints {:?}", ints_ints);

Which gives:

ints [1, 2, 3]
floats [1.1, 2.1, 3.1]
strings ["hello", "world"]
ints_ints [[1, 2], [10, 20]]

So, arrays of arrays are no problem, but the important thing is that an array contains values of only one type. The values in an array are arranged next to each other in memory so that they are very efficient to access.

If you are curious about the actual types of these variables, here is a useful trick. Just declare a variable with an explicit type which you know will be wrong:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let var: () = [1.1, 1.2];


Here is the informative error:

3 |     let var: () = [1.1, 1.2];
  |                   ^^^^^^^^^^ expected (), found array of 2 elements
  = note: expected type `()`
  = note:    found type `[{float}; 2]`

({float} means 'some floating-point type which is not fully specified yet')

Slices give you different views of the same array:

// slice1.rs
fn main() {
    let ints = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let slice1 = &ints[0..2];
    let slice2 = &ints[1..];  // open range!

    println!("ints {:?}", ints);
    println!("slice1 {:?}", slice1);
    println!("slice2 {:?}", slice2);
ints [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
slice1 [1, 2]
slice2 [2, 3, 4, 5]

This is a neat notation which looks similar to Python slices but with a big difference: a copy of the data is never made. These slices all borrow their data from their arrays. They have a very intimate relationship with that array, and Rust spends a lot of effort to make sure that relationship does not break down.

Optional Values

Slices, like arrays, can be indexed. Rust knows the size of an array at compile-time, but the size of a slice is only known at run-time. So s[i] can cause an out-of-bounds error when running and will panic. This is really not what you want to happen - it can be the difference between a safe launch abort and scattering pieces of a very expensive satellite all over Florida. And there are no exceptions.

Let that sink in, because it comes as a shock. You cannot wrap dodgy-may-panic code in some try-block and 'catch the error' - at least not in a way you'd want to use every day. So how can Rust be safe?

There is a slice method get which does not panic. But what does it return?

// slice2.rs
fn main() {
    let ints = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let slice = &ints;
    let first = slice.get(0);
    let last = slice.get(5);

    println!("first {:?}", first);
    println!("last {:?}", last);
// first Some(1)
// last None

last failed (we forgot about zero-based indexing), but returned something called None. first is fine, but appears as a value wrapped in Some. Welcome to the Option type! It may be either Some or None.

The Option type has some useful methods:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    println!("first {} {}", first.is_some(), first.is_none());
    println!("last {} {}", last.is_some(), last.is_none());
    println!("first value {}", first.unwrap());

// first true false
// last false true
// first value 1


If you were to unwrap last, you would get a panic. But at least you can call is_some first to make sure - for instance, if you had a distinct no-value default:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let maybe_last = slice.get(5);
    let last = if maybe_last.is_some() {
    } else {


Note the * - the precise type inside the Some is &i32, which is a reference. We need to dereference this to get back to a i32 value.

Which is long-winded, so there's a shortcut - unwrap_or will return the value it is given if the Option was None. The types must match up - get returns a reference. so you have to make up a &i32 with &-1. Finally, again use * to get the value as i32.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let last = *slice.get(5).unwrap_or(&-1);


It's easy to miss the &, but the compiler has your back here. If it was -1, rustc says 'expected &{integer}, found integral variable' and then 'help: try with &-1'.

You can think of Option as a box which may contain a value, or nothing (None). (It is called Maybe in Haskell). It may contain any kind of value, which is its type parameter. In this case, the full type is Option<&i32>, using C++-style notation for generics. Unwrapping this box may cause an explosion, but unlike Schroedinger's Cat, we can know in advance if it contains a value.

It is very common for Rust functions/methods to return such maybe-boxes, so learn how to use them comfortably.


We'll return to slice methods again, but first: vectors. These are re-sizeable arrays and behave much like Python List and C++ std::vector. The Rust type Vec (pronounced 'vector') behaves very much like an slice in fact; the difference is that you can append extra values to a vector - note that it must be declared as mutable.

// vec1.rs
fn main() {
    let mut v = Vec::new();

    let first = v[0];  // will panic if out-of-range
    let maybe_first = v.get(0);

    println!("v is {:?}", v);
    println!("first is {}", first);
    println!("maybe_first is {:?}", maybe_first);
// v is [10, 20, 30]
// first is 10
// maybe_first is Some(10)

A common beginner mistake is to forget the mut; you will get a helpful error message:

3 |     let v = Vec::new();
  |         - use `mut v` here to make mutable
4 |     v.push(10);
  |     ^ cannot borrow mutably

There is a very intimate relation between vectors and slices:

// vec2.rs
fn dump(arr: &[i32]) {
    println!("arr is {:?}", arr);

fn main() {
    let mut v = Vec::new();


    let slice = &v[1..];
    println!("slice is {:?}", slice);

That little, so-important borrow operator & is coercing the vector into a slice. And it makes complete sense, because the vector is also looking after an array of values, with the difference that the array is allocated dynamically.

If you come from a dynamic language, now is time for that little talk. In systems languages, program memory comes in two kinds: the stack and the heap. It is very fast to allocate data on the stack, but the stack is limited; typically of the order of megabytes. The heap can be gigabytes, but allocating is relatively expensive, and such memory must be freed later. In so-called 'managed' languages (like Java, Go and the so-called 'scripting' languages) these details are hidden from you by that convenient municipal utility called the garbage collector. Once the system is sure that data is no longer referenced by other data, it goes back into the pool of available memory.

Generally, this is a price worth paying. Playing with the stack is terribly unsafe, because if you make one mistake you can override the return address of the current function, and you die an ignominious death or (worse) got pwned by some guy living in his Mom's basement in Minsk.

The first C program I wrote (on an DOS PC) took out the whole computer. Unix systems always behaved better, and only the process died with a segfault. Why is this worse than a Rust (or Go) program panicking? Because a panic happens when the original problem happens, not when the program has become hopelessly confused and eaten all your homework. Panics are memory safe because they happen before any illegal access to memory. This is a common cause of security problems in C, because all memory accesses are unsafe and a cunning attacker can exploit this weakness.

Panicking sounds desperate and unplanned, but Rust panics are structured - the stack is unwound just as with exceptions. All allocated objects are dropped, and a backtrace is generated.

The downsides of garbage collection? The first is that it is wasteful of memory, which matters in those small embedded microchips which increasingly rule our world. The second is that it will decide, at the worst possible time, that a clean up must happen now. (The Mom analogy is that she wants to clean your room when you are at a delicate stage with a new lover). Those embedded systems need to respond to things when they happen ('real-time') and can't tolerate unscheduled outbreaks of cleaning. Roberto Ierusalimschy, the chief designer of Lua (one of the most elegant dynamic languages ever) said that he would not like to fly on an airplane that relied on garbage-collected software.

Back to vectors: when a vector is modified or created, it allocates from the heap and becomes the owner of that memory. The slice borrows the memory from the vector. When the vector dies or drops, it lets the memory go.


We have got so far without mentioning a key part of the Rust puzzle - iterators. The for-loop over a range was using an iterator (0..n is actually similar to the Python 3 range function).

An iterator is easy to define informally. It is an 'object' with a next method which returns an Option. As long as that value is not None, we keep calling next:

// iter1.rs
fn main() {
    let mut iter = 0..3;
    assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(0));
    assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(1));
    assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(2));
    assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);

And that is exactly what for var in iter {} does.

This may seem an inefficient way to define a for-loop, but rustc does crazy-ass optimizations in release mode and it will be just as fast as a while loop.

Here is the first attempt to iterate over an array:

// iter2.rs
fn main() {
    let arr = [10, 20, 30];
    for i in arr {
        println!("{}", i);

which fails, but helpfully:

4 |     for i in arr {
  |     ^ the trait `std::iter::Iterator` is not implemented for `[{integer}; 3]`
  = note: `[{integer}; 3]` is not an iterator; maybe try calling
   `.iter()` or a similar method
  = note: required by `std::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter`

Following rustc's advice, the following program works as expected.

// iter3.rs
fn main() {
    let arr = [10, 20, 30];
    for i in arr.iter() {
        println!("{}", i);

    // slices will be converted implicitly to iterators...
    let slice = &arr;
    for i in slice {
        println!("{}", i);

In fact, it is more efficient to iterate over an array or slice this way than to use for i in 0..slice.len() {} because Rust does not have to obsessively check every index operation.

We had an example of summing up a range of integers earlier. It involved a mut variable and a loop. Here's the idiomatic, pro-level way of doing the sum:

// sum1.rs
fn main() {
    let sum: i32  = (0..5).sum();
    println!("sum was {}", sum);

    let sum: i64 = [10, 20, 30].iter().sum();
    println!("sum was {}", sum);

Note that this is one of those cases where you need to be explicit about the type of the variable, since otherwise Rust doesn't have enough information. Here we do sums with two different integer sizes, no problem. (It is also no problem to create a new variable of the same name if you run out of names to give things.)

With this background, some more of the slice methods will make more sense. (Another documentation tip; on the right-hand side of every doc page there's a '[-]' which you can click to collapse the method list. You can then expand the details of anything that looks interesting. Anything that looks too weird, just ignore for now.)

The windows method gives you an iterator of slices - overlapping windows of values!

// slice4.rs
fn main() {
    let ints = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let slice = &ints;

    for s in slice.windows(2) {
        println!("window {:?}", s);
// window [1, 2]
// window [2, 3]
// window [3, 4]
// window [4, 5]

Or chunks:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    for s in slice.chunks(2) {
        println!("chunks {:?}", s);
// chunks [1, 2]
// chunks [3, 4]
// chunks [5]


More about vectors...

There is a useful little macro vec! for initializing a vector. Note that you can remove values from the end of a vector using pop, and extend a vector using any compatible iterator.

// vec3.rs
fn main() {
    let mut v1 = vec![10, 20, 30, 40];

    let mut v2 = Vec::new();

    assert_eq!(v1, v2);

    assert_eq!(v2, &[10, 20, 30, 0, 1]);

Vectors compare with each other and with slices by value.

You can insert values into a vector at arbitrary positions with insert, and remove with remove. This is not as efficient as pushing and popping since the values will have to be moved to make room, so watch out for these operations on big vectors.

Vectors have a size and a capacity. If you clear a vector, its size becomes zero, but it still retains its old capacity. So refilling it with push, etc only requires reallocation when the size gets larger than that capacity.

Vectors can be sorted, and then duplicates can be removed - these operate in-place on the vector. (If you want to make a copy first, use clone.)

// vec4.rs
fn main() {
    let mut v1 = vec![1, 10, 5, 1, 2, 11, 2, 40];
    assert_eq!(v1, &[1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 40]);


Strings in Rust are a little more involved than in other languages; the String type, like Vec, allocates dynamically and is resizeable. (So it's like C++'s std::string but not like the immutable strings of Java and Python.) But a program may contain a lot of string literals (like "hello") and a system language should be able to store these statically in the executable itself. In embedded micros, that could mean putting them in cheap ROM rather than expensive RAM (for low-power devices, RAM is also expensive in terms of power consumption.) A system language has to have two kinds of string, allocated or static.

So "hello" is not of type String. It is of type &str (pronounced 'string slice'). It's like the distinction between const char* and std::string in C++, except &str is much more intelligent. In fact, &str and String have a very similar relationship to each other as do &[T] to Vec<T>.

// string1.rs
fn dump(s: &str) {
    println!("str '{}'", s);

fn main() {
    let text = "hello dolly";  // the string slice
    let s = text.to_string();  // it's now an allocated string


Again, the borrow operator can coerce String into &str, just as Vec<T> could be coerced into &[T].

Under the hood, String is basically a Vec<u8> and &str is &[u8], but those bytes must represent valid UTF-8 text.

Like a vector, you can push a character and pop one off the end of String:

// string5.rs
fn main() {
    let mut s = String::new();
    // initially empty!
    s.push(' ');
    s += "World!"; // short for `push_str`
    // remove the last char

    assert_eq!(s, "Hello World");

You can convert many types to strings using to_string (if you can display them with '{}' then they can be converted). The format! macro is a very useful way to build up more complicated strings using the same format strings as println!.

// string6.rs
fn array_to_str(arr: &[i32]) -> String {
    let mut res = '['.to_string();
    for v in arr {
        res += &v.to_string();

fn main() {
    let arr = array_to_str(&[10, 20, 30]);
    let res = format!("hello {}", arr);

    assert_eq!(res, "hello [10,20,30]");

Note the & in front of v.to_string() - the operator is defined on a string slice, not a String itself, so it needs a little persuasion to match.

The notation used for slices works with strings as well:

// string2.rs
fn main() {
    let text = "static";
    let string = "dynamic".to_string();

    let text_s = &text[1..];
    let string_s = &string[2..4];

    println!("slices {:?} {:?}", text_s, string_s);
// slices "tatic" "na"

But, you cannot index strings! This is because they use the One True Encoding, UTF-8, where a 'character' may be a number of bytes.

// string3.rs
fn main() {
    let multilingual = "Hi! ¡Hola! привет!";
    for ch in multilingual.chars() {
        print!("'{}' ", ch);
    println!("len {}", multilingual.len());
    println!("count {}", multilingual.chars().count());

    let maybe = multilingual.find('п');
    if maybe.is_some() {
        let hi = &multilingual[maybe.unwrap()..];
        println!("Russian hi {}", hi);
// 'H' 'i' '!' ' ' '¡' 'H' 'o' 'l' 'a' '!' ' ' 'п' 'р' 'и' 'в' 'е' 'т' '!'
// len 25
// count 18
// Russian hi привет!

Now, let that sink in - there are 25 bytes, but only 18 characters! However, if you use a method like find, you will get a valid index (if found) and then any slice will be fine.

(The Rust char type is a 4-byte Unicode code point. Strings are not arrays of chars!)

String slicing may explode like vector indexing, because it uses byte offsets. In this case, the string consists of two bytes, so trying to pull out the first byte is a Unicode error. So be careful to only slice strings using valid offsets that come from string methods.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let s = "¡";
    println!("{}", &s[0..1]); <-- bad, first byte of a multibyte character


Breaking up strings is a popular and useful pastime. The string split_whitespace method returns an iterator, and we then choose what to do with it. A common need is to create a vector of the split substrings.

collect is very general and so needs some clues about what it is collecting - hence the explicit type.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let text = "the red fox and the lazy dog";
    let words: Vec<&str> = text.split_whitespace().collect();
    // ["the", "red", "fox", "and", "the", "lazy", "dog"]


You could also say it like this, passing the iterator into the extend method:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let mut words = Vec::new();


In most languages, we would have to make these separately allocated strings, whereas here each slice in the vector is borrowing from the original string. All we allocate is the space to keep the slices.

Have a look at this cute two-liner; we get an iterator over the chars, and only take those characters which are not space. Again, collect needs a clue (we may have wanted a vector of chars, say):

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let stripped: String = text.chars()
        .filter(|ch| ! ch.is_whitespace()).collect();
    // theredfoxandthelazydog


The filter method takes a closure, which is Rust-speak for lambdas or anonymous functions. Here the argument type is clear from the context, so the explicit rule is relaxed.

Yes, you can do this as an explicit loop over chars, pushing the returned slices into a mutable vector, but this is shorter, reads well (when you are used to it, of course) and just as fast. It is not a sin to use a loop, however, and I encourage you to write that version as well.

Interlude: Getting Command Line Arguments

Up to now our programs have lived in blissful ignorance of the outside world; now it's time to feed them data.

std::env::args is how you access command-line arguments; it returns an iterator over the arguments as strings, including the program name.

// args0.rs
fn main() {
    for arg in std::env::args() {
        println!("'{}'", arg);
src$ rustc args0.rs
src$ ./args0 42 'hello dolly' frodo
'hello dolly'

Would it have been better to return a Vec? It's easy enough to use collect to make that vector, using the iterator skip method to move past the program name.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().skip(1).collect();
    if args.len() > 0 { // we have args!


Which is fine; it's pretty much how you would do it in most languages.

A more Rust-y approach to reading a single argument (together with parsing an integer value):

// args1.rs
use std::env;

fn main() {
    let first = env::args().nth(1).expect("please supply an argument");
    let n: i32 = first.parse().expect("not an integer!");
    // do your magic

nth(1) gives you the second value of the iterator, and expect is like an unwrap with a readable message.

Converting a string into a number is straightforward, but you do need to specify the type of the value - how else could parse know?

This program can panic, which is fine for dinky test programs. But don't get too comfortable with this convenient habit.


The code in string3.rs where we extract the Russian greeting is not how it would be usually written. Enter match:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    match multilingual.find('п') {
        Some(idx) => {
            let hi = &multilingual[idx..];
            println!("Russian hi {}", hi);
        None => println!("couldn't find the greeting, Товарищ")


match consists of several patterns with a matching value following the fat arrow, separated by commas. It has conveniently unwrapped the value from the Option and bound it to idx. You must specify all the possibilities, so we have to handle None.

Once you are used to it (and by that I mean, typed it out in full a few times) it feels more natural than the explicit is_some check which needed an extra variable to store the Option.

But if you're not interested in failure here, then if let is your friend:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    if let Some(idx) = multilingual.find('п') {
        println!("Russian hi {}", &multilingual[idx..]);


This is convenient if you want to do a match and are only interested in one possible result.

match can also operate like a C switch statement, and like other Rust constructs can return a value:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let text = match n {
        0 => "zero",
        1 => "one",
        2 => "two",
        _ => "many",


The _ is like C default - it's a fall-back case. If you don't provide one then rustc will consider it an error. (In C++ the best you can expect is a warning, which says a lot about the respective languages).

Rust match statements can also match on ranges. Note that these ranges have three dots and are inclusive ranges, so that the first condition would match 3.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let text = match n {
        0...3 => "small",
        4...6 => "medium",
        _ => "large",


Reading from Files

The next step to exposing our programs to the world is to reading files.

Recall that expect is like unwrap but gives a custom error message. We are going to throw away a few errors here:

// file1.rs
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;

fn main() {
    let first = env::args().nth(1).expect("please supply a filename");

    let mut file = File::open(&first).expect("can't open the file");

    let mut text = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut text).expect("can't read the file");

    println!("file had {} bytes", text.len());

src$ file1 file1.rs
file had 366 bytes
src$ ./file1 frodo.txt
thread 'main' panicked at 'can't open the file: Error { repr: Os { code: 2, message: "No such file or directory" } }', ../src/libcore/result.rs:837
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.
src$ file1 file1
thread 'main' panicked at 'can't read the file: Error { repr: Custom(Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: StringError("stream did not contain valid UTF-8") }) }', ../src/libcore/result.rs:837
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

So open can fail because the file doesn't exist or we aren't allowed to read it, and read_to_string can fail because the file doesn't contain valid UTF-8. (Which is fair enough, you can use read_to_end and put the contents into a vector of bytes instead.) For files that aren't too big, reading them in one gulp is useful and straightforward.

If you know anything about file handling in other languages, you may wonder when the file is closed. If we were writing to this file, then not closing it could result in loss of data. But the file here is closed when the function ends and the file variable is dropped.

This 'throwing away errors' thing is getting too much of a habit. You do not want to put this code into a function, knowing that it could so easily crash the whole program. So now we have to talk about exactly what File::open returns. If Option is a value that may contain something or nothing, then Result is a value that may contain something or an error. They both understand unwrap (and its cousin expect) but they are quite different. Result is defined by two type parameters, for the Ok value and the Err value. The Result 'box' has two compartments, one labelled Ok and the other Err.

fn good_or_bad(good: bool) -> Result<i32,String> {
    if good {
    } else {

fn main() {

    match good_or_bad(true) {
        Ok(n) => println!("Cool, I got {}",n),
        Err(e) => println!("Huh, I just got {}",e)
    // Cool, I got 42


(The actual 'error' type is arbitrary - a lot of people use strings until they are comfortable with Rust error types.) It's a convenient way to either return one value or another.

This version of the file reading function does not crash. It returns a Result and it is the caller who must decide how to handle the error.

// file2.rs
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io;

fn read_to_string(filename: &str) -> Result<String,io::Error> {
    let mut file = match File::open(&filename) {
        Ok(f) => f,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),
    let mut text = String::new();
    match file.read_to_string(&mut text) {
        Ok(_) => Ok(text),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

fn main() {
    let file = env::args().nth(1).expect("please supply a filename");

    let text = read_to_string(&file).expect("bad file man!");

    println!("file had {} bytes", text.len());

The first match safely extracts the value from Ok, which becomes the value of the match. If it's Err it returns the error, rewrapped as an Err.

The second match returns the string, wrapped up as an Ok, otherwise (again) the error. The actual value in the Ok is unimportant, so we ignore it with _.

This is not so pretty; when most of a function is error handling, then the 'happy path' gets lost. Go tends to have this problem, with lots of explicit early returns, or just ignoring errors. (That is, by the way, the closest thing to evil in the Rust universe.)

Fortunately, there is a shortcut.

The std::io module defines a type alias io::Result<T> which is exactly the same as Result<T,io::Error> and easier to type.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn read_to_string(filename: &str) -> io::Result<String> {
    let mut file = File::open(&filename)?;
    let mut text = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut text)?;


That ? operator does almost exactly what the match on File::open does; if the result was an error, then it will immediately return that error. Otherwise, it returns the Ok result. At the end, we still need to wrap up the string as a result.

2017 was a good year for Rust, and ? was one of the cool things that became stable. You will still see the macro try! used in older code:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn read_to_string(filename: &str) -> io::Result<String> {
    let mut file = try!(File::open(&filename));
    let mut text = String::new();
    try!(file.read_to_string(&mut text));


In summary, it's possible to write perfectly safe Rust that isn't ugly, without needing exceptions.

Structs, Enums and Matching

Rust likes to Move It, Move It

I'd like to move back a little, and show you something surprising:

// move1.rs
fn main() {
    let s1 = "hello dolly".to_string();
    let s2 = s1;
    println!("s1 {}", s1);

And we get the following error:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `s1`
 --> move1.rs:5:22
4 |     let s2 = s1;
  |         -- value moved here
5 |     println!("s1 {}", s1);
  |                      ^^ value used here after move
  = note: move occurs because `s1` has type `std::string::String`,
  which does not implement the `Copy` trait

Rust has different behaviour than other languages. In a language where variables are always references (like Java or Python), s2 becomes yet another reference to the string object referenced by s1. In C++, s1 is a value, and it is copied to s2. But Rust moves the value. It doesn't see strings as copyable ("does not implement the Copy trait").

We would not see this with 'primitive' types like numbers, since they are just values; they are allowed to be copyable because they are cheap to copy. But String has allocated memory containing "Hello dolly", and copying will involve allocating some more memory and copying the characters. Rust will not do this silently.

Consider a String containing the whole text of 'Moby-Dick'. It's not a big struct, just has the address in memory of the text, its size, and how big the allocated block is. Copying this is going to be expensive, because that memory is allocated on the heap and the copy will need its own allocated block.

    | addr | ---------> Call me Ishmael.....
    | size |                    |
    | cap  |                    |
    &str                        |
    | addr | -------------------|
    | size |

    | 8 bytes |

The second value is a string slice (&str) which refers to the same memory as the string, with a size - just the guy's name. Cheap to copy!

The third value is an f64 - just 8 bytes. It does not refer to any other memory, so it's just as cheap to copy as to move.

Copy values are only defined by their representation in memory, and when Rust copies, it just copies those bytes elsewhere. Similarly, a non-Copy value is also just moved. There is no cleverness in copying and moving, unlike in C++.

Re-writing with a function call reveals exactly the same error:

// move2.rs

fn dump(s: String) {
    println!("{}", s);

fn main() {
    let s1 = "hello dolly".to_string();
    println!("s1 {}", s1); // <---error: 'value used here after move'

Here, you have a choice. You may pass a reference to that string, or explicitly copy it using its clone method. Generally, the first is the better way to go.

fn dump(s: &String) {
    println!("{}", s);

fn main() {
    let s1 = "hello dolly".to_string();
    println!("s1 {}", s1);

The error goes away. But you'll rarely see a plain String reference like this, since to pass a string literal is really ugly and involves creating a temporary string.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    dump(&"hello world".to_string());


So altogether the best way to declare that function is:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump(s: &str) {
    println!("{}", s);


And then both dump(&s1) and dump("hello world") work properly. (Here Deref coercion kicks in and Rust will convert &String to &str for you.)

To summarise, assignment of a non-Copy value moves the value from one location to another. Otherwise, Rust would be forced to implicitly do a copy and break its promise to make allocations explicit.

Scope of Variables

So, the rule of thumb is to prefer to keep references to the original data - to 'borrow' it.

But a reference must not outlive the owner!

First, Rust is a block-scoped language. Variables only exist for the duration of their block:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let a = 10;
    let b = "hello";
        let c = "hello".to_string();
        // a,b and c are visible
    // the string c is dropped
    // a,b are visible
    for i in 0..a {
        let b = &b[1..];
        // original b is no longer visible - it is shadowed.
    // the slice b is dropped
    // i is _not_ visible!


Loop variables (like i) are a little different, they are only visible in the loop block. It is not an error to create a new variable using the same name ('shadowing') but it can be confusing.

When a variable 'goes out of scope' then it is dropped. Any memory used is reclaimed, and any other resources owned by that variable are given back to the system - for instance, dropping a File closes it. This is a Good Thing. Unused resources are reclaimed immediately when not needed.

(A further Rust-specific issue is that a variable may appear to be in scope, but its value has moved.)

Here a reference rs1 is made to a value tmp which only lives for the duration of its block:

01 // ref1.rs
02 fn main() {
03    let s1 = "hello dolly".to_string();
04    let mut rs1 = &s1;
05    {
06        let tmp = "hello world".to_string();
07        rs1 = &tmp;
08    }
09    println!("ref {}", rs1);
10 }

We borrow the value of s1 and then borrow the value of tmp. But tmp's value does not exist outside that block!

error: `tmp` does not live long enough
  --> ref1.rs:8:5
7  |         rs1 = &tmp;
   |                --- borrow occurs here
8  |     }
   |     ^ `tmp` dropped here while still borrowed
9  |     println!("ref {}", rs1);
10 | }
   | - borrowed value needs to live until here

Where is tmp? Gone, dead, gone back to the Big Heap in the Sky: dropped. Rust is here saving you from the dreaded 'dangling pointer' problem of C - a reference that points to stale data.


It's sometimes very useful to return multiple values from a function. Tuples are a convenient solution:

// tuple1.rs

fn add_mul(x: f64, y: f64) -> (f64,f64) {
    (x + y, x * y)

fn main() {
    let t = add_mul(2.0,10.0);

    // can debug print
    println!("t {:?}", t);

    // can 'index' the values
    println!("add {} mul {}", t.0,t.1);

    // can _extract_ values
    let (add,mul) = t;
    println!("add {} mul {}", add,mul);
// t (12, 20)
// add 12 mul 20
// add 12 mul 20

Tuples may contain different types, which is the main difference from arrays.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let tuple = ("hello", 5, 'c');

assert_eq!(tuple.0, "hello");
assert_eq!(tuple.1, 5);
assert_eq!(tuple.2, 'c');


They appear in some Iterator methods. enumerate is like the Python generator of the same name:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    for t in ["zero","one","two"].iter().enumerate() {
        print!(" {} {};",t.0,t.1);
    //  0 zero; 1 one; 2 two;


zip combines two iterators into a single iterator of tuples containing the values from both:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let names = ["ten","hundred","thousand"];
    let nums = [10,100,1000];
    for p in names.iter().zip(nums.iter()) {
        print!(" {} {};", p.0,p.1);
    //  ten 10; hundred 100; thousand 1000;



Tuples are convenient, but saying t.1 and keeping track of the meaning of each part is tedious for anything that isn't straightforward.

Rust structs contain named fields:

// struct1.rs

struct Person {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String

fn main() {
    let p = Person {
        first_name: "John".to_string(),
        last_name: "Smith".to_string()
    println!("person {} {}", p.first_name,p.last_name);

The values of a struct will be placed next to each other in memory, although you should not assume any particular memory layout, since the compiler will organize the memory for efficiency, not size, and there may be padding.

Initializing this struct is a bit clumsy, so we want to move the construction of a Person into its own function. This function can be made into an associated function of Person by putting it into a impl block:

// struct2.rs

struct Person {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String

impl Person {

    fn new(first: &str, name: &str) -> Person {
        Person {
            first_name: first.to_string(),
            last_name: name.to_string()


fn main() {
    let p = Person::new("John","Smith");
    println!("person {} {}", p.first_name,p.last_name);

There is nothing magic or reserved about the name new here. Note that it's accessed using a C++-like notation using double-colon ::.

Here's a Person method , that takes a reference self argument:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Person {

    fn full_name(&self) -> String {
        format!("{} {}", self.first_name, self.last_name)

    println!("fullname {}", p.full_name());
// fullname John Smith


The self is used explicitly and is passed as a reference. (You can think of &self as short for self: &Person.)

The keyword Self refers to the struct type - you can mentally substitute Person for Self here:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn copy(&self) -> Self {


Methods may allow the data to be modified using a mutable self argument:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn set_first_name(&mut self, name: &str) {
        self.first_name = name.to_string();


And the data will move into the method when a plain self argument is used:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn to_tuple(self) -> (String,String) {
        (self.first_name, self.last_name)


(Try that with &self - structs will not let go of their data without a fight!)

Note that after v.to_tuple() is called, then v has moved and is no longer available.

To summarize:

  • no self argument: you can associate functions with structs, like the new "constructor".
  • &self argument: can use the values of the struct, but not change them
  • &mut self argument: can modify the values
  • self argument: will consume the value, which will move.

If you try to do a debug dump of a Person, you will get an informative error:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Person: std::fmt::Debug` is not satisfied
  --> struct2.rs:23:21
23 |     println!("{:?}", p);
   |                     ^ the trait `std::fmt::Debug` is not implemented for `Person`
   = note: `Person` cannot be formatted using `:?`; if it is defined in your crate,
    add `#[derive(Debug)]` or manually implement it
   = note: required by `std::fmt::Debug::fmt`

The compiler is giving advice, so we put #[derive(Debug)] in front of Person, and now there is sensible output:

Person { first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith" }

The directive makes the compiler generate a Debug implementation, which is very helpful. It's good practice to do this for your structs, so they can be printed out (or written as a string using format!). (Doing so by default would be very un-Rustlike.)

Here is the final little program:

// struct4.rs
use std::fmt;

struct Person {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String

impl Person {

    fn new(first: &str, name: &str) -> Person {
        Person {
            first_name: first.to_string(),
            last_name: name.to_string()

    fn full_name(&self) -> String {
        format!("{} {}",self.first_name, self.last_name)

    fn set_first_name(&mut self, name: &str) {
        self.first_name = name.to_string();

    fn to_tuple(self) -> (String,String) {
        (self.first_name, self.last_name)

fn main() {
    let mut p = Person::new("John","Smith");

    println!("{:?}", p);


    println!("{:?}", p);

    println!("{:?}", p.to_tuple());
    // p has now moved.

// Person { first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith" }
// Person { first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Smith" }
// ("Jane", "Smith")

Lifetimes Start to Bite

Usually structs contain values, but often they also need to contain references. Say we want to put a string slice, not a string value, in a struct.

// life1.rs

struct A {
    s: &str

fn main() {
    let a = A { s: "hello dammit" };

    println!("{:?}", a);
error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
 --> life1.rs:5:8
5 |     s: &str
  |        ^ expected lifetime parameter

To understand the complaint, you have to see the problem from the point of view of Rust. It will not allow a reference to be stored without knowing its lifetime. All references are borrowed from some value, and all values have lifetimes. The lifetime of a reference cannot be longer than the lifetime of that value. Rust cannot allow a situation where that reference could suddenly become invalid.

Now, string slices borrow from string literals like "hello" or from String values. String literals exist for the duration of the whole program, which is called the 'static' lifetime.

So this works - we assure Rust that the string slice always refers to such static strings:

// life2.rs

struct A {
    s: &'static str

fn main() {
    let a = A { s: "hello dammit" };

    println!("{:?}", a);
// A { s: "hello dammit" }

It is not the most pretty notation, but sometimes ugliness is the necessary price of being precise.

This can also be used to specify a string slice that is returned from a function:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn how(i: u32) -> &'static str {
    match i {
    0 => "none",
    1 => "one",
    _ => "many"


That works for the special case of static strings, but this is very restrictive.

However we can specify that the lifetime of the reference is at least as long as that of the struct itself.

// life3.rs

struct A <'a> {
    s: &'a str

fn main() {
    let s = "I'm a little string".to_string();
    let a = A { s: &s };

    println!("{:?}", a);

Lifetimes are conventionally called 'a','b',etc but you could just as well called it 'me' here.

After this point, our a struct and the s string are bound by a strict contract: a borrows from s, and cannot outlive it.

With this struct definition, we would like to write a function that returns an A value:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn makes_a() -> A {
    let string = "I'm a little string".to_string();
    A { s: &string }


But A needs a lifetime - "expected lifetime parameter":

  = help: this function's return type contains a borrowed value,
   but there is no value for it to be borrowed from
  = help: consider giving it a 'static lifetime

rustc is giving advice, so we follow it:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn makes_a() -> A<'static> {
    let string = "I'm a little string".to_string();
    A { s: &string }


And now the error is

8 |      A { s: &string }
  |              ^^^^^^ does not live long enough
9 | }
  | - borrowed value only lives until here

There is no way that this could safely work, because string will be dropped when the function ends, and no reference to string can outlast it.

You can usefully think of lifetime parameters as being part of the type of a value.

Sometimes it seems like a good idea for a struct to contain a value and a reference that borrows from that value. It's basically impossible because structs must be moveable, and any move will invalidate the reference. It isn't necessary to do this - for instance, if your struct has a string field, and needs to provide slices, then it could keep indices and have a method to generate the actual slices.


Please note that Rust does not spell struct class. The keyword class in other languages is so overloaded with meaning that it effectively shuts down original thinking.

Let's put it like this: Rust structs cannot inherit from other structs; they are all unique types. There is no sub-typing. They are dumb data.

So how does one establish relationships between types? This is where traits come in.

rustc often talks about implementing X trait and so it's time to talk about traits properly.

Here's a little example of defining a trait and implementing it for a particular type.

// trait1.rs

trait Show {
    fn show(&self) -> String;

impl Show for i32 {
    fn show(&self) -> String {
        format!("four-byte signed {}", self)

impl Show for f64 {
    fn show(&self) -> String {
        format!("eight-byte float {}", self)

fn main() {
    let answer = 42;
    let maybe_pi = 3.14;
    let s1 = answer.show();
    let s2 = maybe_pi.show();
    println!("show {}", s1);
    println!("show {}", s2);
// show four-byte signed 42
// show eight-byte float 3.14

It's pretty cool; we have added a new method to both i32 and f64!

Getting comfortable with Rust involves learning the basic traits of the standard library (they tend to hunt in packs.)

Debug is very common. We gave Person a default implementation with the convenient #[derive(Debug)], but say we want a Person to display as its full name:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::fmt;

impl fmt::Debug for Person {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.full_name())
    println!("{:?}", p);
    // John Smith


write! is a very useful macro - here f is anything that implements Write. (This would also work with a File - or even a String.)

Display controls how values are printed out with "{}" and is implemented just like Debug. As a useful side-effect, ToString is automatically implemented for anything implementing Display. So if we implement Display for Person, then p.to_string() also works.

Clone defines the method clone, and can simply be defined with "#[derive(Clone)]" if all the fields themselves implement Clone.

Example: iterator over floating-point range

We have met ranges before (0..n) but they don't work for floating-point values. (You can force this but you'll end up with a step of 1.0 which is uninteresting.)

Recall the informal definition of an iterator; it is an struct with a next method which may return Some-thing or None. In the process, the iterator itself gets modified, it keeps the state for the iteration (like next index and so forth.) The data that is being iterated over doesn't change usually, (But see Vec::drain for an interesting iterator that does modify its data.)

And here is the formal definition: the Iterator trait.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;


Here we meet an associated type of the Iterator trait. This trait must work for any type, so you must specify that return type somehow. The method next can then be written without using a particular type - instead it refers to that type parameter's Item via Self.

The iterator trait for f64 is written Iterator<Item=f64>, which can be read as "an Iterator with its associated type Item set to f64".

The ... refers to the provided methods of Iterator. You only need to define Item and next, and the provided methods are defined for you.

// trait3.rs

struct FRange {
    val: f64,
    end: f64,
    incr: f64

fn range(x1: f64, x2: f64, skip: f64) -> FRange {
    FRange {val: x1, end: x2, incr: skip}

impl Iterator for FRange {
    type Item = f64;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let res = self.val;
        if res >= self.end {
        } else {
            self.val += self.incr;

fn main() {
    for x in range(0.0, 1.0, 0.1) {
        println!("{} ", x);

And the rather messy looking result is


This is because 0.1 is not precisely representable as a float, so a little formatting help is needed. Replace the println! with this

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
println!("{:.1} ", x);


And we get cleaner output (this format means 'one decimal after dot'.)

All of the default iterator methods are available, so we can collect these values into a vector, map them, and so forth.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let v: Vec<f64> = range(0.0, 1.0, 0.1).map(|x| x.sin()).collect();


Generic Functions

We want a function which will dump out any value that implements Debug. Here is a first attempt at a generic function, where we can pass a reference to any type of value. T is a type parameter, which needs to be declared just after the function name:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump<T> (value: &T) {
    println!("value is {:?}",value);

let n = 42;


However, Rust clearly knows nothing about this generic type T:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: std::fmt::Debug` is not satisfied
   = help: the trait `std::fmt::Debug` is not implemented for `T`
   = help: consider adding a `where T: std::fmt::Debug` bound

For this to work, Rust needs to be told that T does in fact implement Debug!

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump<T> (value: &T)
where T: std::fmt::Debug {
    println!("value is {:?}",value);

let n = 42;
// value is 42


Rust generic functions need trait bounds on types - we are saying here that "T is any type that implements Debug". rustc is being very helpful, and suggests exactly what bound needs to be provided.

Now that Rust knows the trait bounds for T, it can give you sensible compiler messages:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
struct Foo {
    name: String

let foo = Foo{name: "hello".to_string()};



And the error is "the trait std::fmt::Debug is not implemented for Foo".

Functions are already generic in dynamic languages because values carry their actual type around, and the type checking happens at run-time - or fails miserably. For larger programs, we really do want to know about problems at compile-time rather! Rather than sitting down calmly with compiler errors, a programmer in these languages has to deal with problems that only show up when the program is running. Murphy's Law then implies that these problems will tend to happen at the most inconvenient/disastrous time.

The operation of squaring a number is generic: x*x will work for integers, floats and generally for anything that knows about the multiplication operator *. But what are the type bounds?

// gen1.rs

fn sqr<T> (x: T) -> T {
    x * x

fn main() {
    let res = sqr(10.0);
    println!("res {}",res);

The first problem is that Rust does not know that T can be multiplied:

error[E0369]: binary operation `*` cannot be applied to type `T`
 --> gen1.rs:4:5
4 |     x * x
  |     ^
note: an implementation of `std::ops::Mul` might be missing for `T`
 --> gen1.rs:4:5
4 |     x * x
  |     ^

Following the advice of the compiler, let's constrain that type parameter using that trait, which is used to implement the multiplication operator *:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn sqr<T> (x: T) -> T
where T: std::ops::Mul {
    x * x


Which still doesn't work:

rror[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> gen2.rs:6:5
6 |     x * x
  |     ^^^ expected type parameter, found associated type
  = note: expected type `T`
  = note:    found type `<T as std::ops::Mul>::Output`

What rustc is saying that the type of x*x is the associated type T::Output, not T. There's actually no reason that the type of x*x is the same as the type of x, e.g. the dot product of two vectors is a scalar.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn sqr<T> (x: T) -> T::Output
where T: std::ops::Mul {
    x * x


and now the error is:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `x`
 --> gen2.rs:6:7
6 |     x * x
  |     - ^ value used here after move
  |     |
  |     value moved here
  = note: move occurs because `x` has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

So, we need to constrain the type even further!

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn sqr<T> (x: T) -> T::Output
where T: std::ops::Mul + Copy {
    x * x


And that (finally) works. Calmly listening to the compiler will often get you closer to the magic point when ... things compile cleanly.

It is a bit simpler in C++:

template <typename T>
T sqr(x: T) {
    return x * x;

but (to be honest) C++ is adopting cowboy tactics here. C++ template errors are famously bad, because all the compiler knows (ultimately) is that some operator or method is not defined. The C++ committee knows this is a problem and so they are working toward concepts, which are pretty much like trait-constrained type parameters in Rust.

Rust generic functions may look a bit overwhelming at first, but being explicit means you will know exactly what kind of values you can safely feed it, just by looking at the definition.

These functions are called monomorphic, in constrast to polymorphic. The body of the function is compiled separately for each unique type. With polymorphic functions, the same machine code works with each matching type, dynamically dispatching the correct method.

Monomorphic produces faster code, specialized for the particular type, and can often be inlined. So when sqr(x) is seen, it's effectively replaced with x*x. The downside is that large generic functions produce a lot of code, for each type used, which can result in code bloat. As always, there are trade-offs; an experienced person learns to make the right choice for the job.

Simple Enums

Enums are types which have a few definite values. For instance, a direction has only four possible values.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
enum Direction {
    // `start` is type `Direction`
    let start = Direction::Left;


They can have methods defined on them, just like structs. The match expression is the basic way to handle enum values.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Direction {
    fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
        match *self { // *self has type Direction
            Direction::Up => "Up",
            Direction::Down => "Down",
            Direction::Left => "Left",
            Direction::Right => "Right"


Punctuation matters. Note that * before self. It's easy to forget, because often Rust will assume it (we said self.first_name, not (*self).first_name). However, matching is a more exact business. Leaving it out would give a whole spew of messages, which boil down to this type mismatch:

   = note: expected type `&Direction`
   = note:    found type `Direction`

This is because self has type &Direction, so we have to throw in the * to deference the type.

Like structs, enums can implement traits, and our friend #[derive(Debug)] can be added to Direction:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
        println!("start {:?}",start);
        // start Left


So that as_str method isn't really necessary, since we can always get the name from Debug. (But as_str does not allocate, which may be important.)

You should not assume any particular ordering here - there's no implied integer 'ordinal' value.

Here's a method which defines the 'successor' of each Direction value. The very handy wildcard use temporarily puts the enum names into the method context:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn next(&self) -> Direction {
        use Direction::*;
        match *self {
            Up => Right,
            Right => Down,
            Down => Left,
            Left => Up

    let mut d = start;
    for _ in 0..8 {
        println!("d {:?}", d);
        d = d.next();
    // d Left
    // d Up
    // d Right
    // d Down
    // d Left
    // d Up
    // d Right
    // d Down


So this will cycle endlessly through the various directions in this particular, arbitrary, order. It is (in fact) a very simple state machine.

These enum values can't be compared:

assert_eq!(start, Direction::Left);

error[E0369]: binary operation `==` cannot be applied to type `Direction`
  --> enum1.rs:42:5
42 |     assert_eq!(start, Direction::Left);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: an implementation of `std::cmp::PartialEq` might be missing for `Direction`
  --> enum1.rs:42:5

The solution is to say #[derive(Debug,PartialEq)] in front of enum Direction.

This is an important point - Rust user-defined types start out fresh and unadorned. You give them sensible default behaviours by implementing the common traits. This applies also to structs - if you ask for Rust to derive PartialEq for a struct it will do the sensible thing, assume that all fields implement it and build up a comparison. If this isn't so, or you want to redefine equality, then you are free to define PartialEq explicitly.

Rust does 'C style enums' as well:

// enum2.rs

enum Speed {
    Slow = 10,
    Medium = 20,
    Fast = 50

fn main() {
    let s = Speed::Slow;
    let speed = s as u32;
    println!("speed {}", speed);

They are initialized with an integer value, and can be converted into that integer with a type cast.

You only need to give the first name a value, and thereafter the value goes up by one each time:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
enum Difficulty {
    Easy = 1,
    Medium,  // is 2
    Hard   // is 3


By the way, 'name' is too vague, like saying 'thingy' all the time. The proper term here is variant - Speed has variants Slow,Medium and Fast.

These enums do have a natural ordering, but you have to ask nicely. After placing #[derive(PartialEq,PartialOrd)] in front of enum Speed, then it's indeed true that Speed::Fast > Speed::Slow and Speed::Medium != Speed::Slow.

Enums in their Full Glory

Rust enums in their full form are like C unions on steroids, like a Ferrari compared to a Fiat Uno. Consider the problem of storing different values in a type-safe way.

// enum3.rs

enum Value {

fn main() {
    use Value::*;
    let n = Number(2.3);
    let s = Str("hello".to_string());
    let b = Bool(true);

    println!("n {:?} s {:?} b {:?}", n,s,b);
// n Number(2.3) s Str("hello") b Bool(true)

Again, this enum can only contain one of these values; its size will be the size of the largest variant.

So far, not really a supercar, although it's cool that enums know how to print themselves out. But they also know how what kind of value they contain, and that is the superpower of match:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn eat_and_dump(v: Value) {
    use Value::*;
    match v {
        Number(n) => println!("number is {}", n),
        Str(s) => println!("string is '{}'", s),
        Bool(b) => println!("boolean is {}", b)
//number is 2.3
//string is 'hello'
//boolean is true


(And that's what Option and Result are - enums.)

We like this eat_and_dump function, but we want to pass the value as a reference, because currently a move takes place and the value is 'eaten':

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump(v: &Value) {
    use Value::*;
    match *v {  // type of *v is Value
        Number(n) => println!("number is {}", n),
        Str(s) => println!("string is '{}'", s),
        Bool(b) => println!("boolean is {}", b)

error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
  --> enum3.rs:12:11
12 |     match *v {
   |           ^^ cannot move out of borrowed content
13 |     Number(n) => println!("number is {}",n),
14 |     Str(s) => println!("string is '{}'",s),
   |         - hint: to prevent move, use `ref s` or `ref mut s`


There are things you cannot do with borrowed references. Rust is not letting you extract the string contained in the original value. It did not complain about Number because it's happy to copy f64, but String does not implement Copy.

I mentioned earlier that match is picky about exact types; here we follow the hint and things will work; now we are just borrowing a reference to that contained string.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump(v: &Value) {
    use Value::*;
    match *v {
        Number(n) => println!("number is {}", n),
        Str(ref s) => println!("string is '{}'", s),
        Bool(b) => println!("boolean is {}", b)

    // string is 'hello'


Before we move on, filled with the euphoria of a successful Rust compilation, let's pause a little. rustc is unusually good at generating errors that have enough context for a human to fix the error without necessarily understanding the error.

The issue is a combination of the exactness of matching, with the determination of the borrow checker to foil any attempt to break the Rules. One of those Rules is that you cannot yank out a value which belongs to some owning type. Some knowledge of C++ is a hindrance here, since C++ will copy its way out of the problem, whether that copy even makes sense. You will get exactly the same error if you try to pull out a string from a vector, say with *v.get(0).unwrap() (* because indexing returns references.) It will simply not let you do this. (Sometimes clone isn't such a bad solution to this.)

(By the way, v[0] does not work for non-copyable values like strings for precisely this reason. You must either borrow with &v[0] or clone with v[0].clone())

As for match, you can see Str(s) => as short for Str(s: String) =>. A local variable (often called a binding) is created. Often that inferred type is cool, when you eat up a value and extract its contents. But here we really needed is s: &String, and the ref is a hint that ensures this: we just want to borrow that string.

Here we do want to extract that string, and don't care about the enum value afterwards. _ as usual will match anything.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Value {
    fn to_str(self) -> Option<String> {
        match self {
        Value::Str(s) => Some(s),
        _ => None
    println!("s? {:?}", s.to_str());
    // s? Some("hello")
    // println!("{:?}", s) // error! s has moved...


Naming matters - this is called to_str, not as_str. You can write a method that just borrows that string as an Option<&String> (The reference will need the same lifetime as the enum value.) But you would not call it to_str.

You can write to_str like this - it is completely equivalent:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn to_str(self) -> Option<String> {
        if let Value::Str(s) = self {
        } else {


More about Matching

Recall that the values of a tuple can be extracted with '()':

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let t = (10,"hello".to_string());
    let (n,s) = t;
    // t has been moved. It is No More
    // n is i32, s is String


This is a special case of destructuring; we have some data and wish to either pull it apart (like here) or just borrow its values. Either way, we get the parts of a structure.

The syntax is like that used in match. Here we are explicitly borrowing the values.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let (ref n,ref s) = t;
    // n and s are borrowed from t. It still lives!
    // n is &i32, s is &String


Destructuring works with structs as well:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    struct Point {
        x: f32,
        y: f32

    let p = Point{x:1.0,y:2.0};
    let Point{x,y} = p;
    // p still lives, since x and y can and will be copied
    // both x and y are f32


Time to revisit match with some new patterns. The first two patterns are exactly like let destructuring - it only matches tuples with first element zero, but any string; the second adds an if so that it only matches (1,"hello"). Finally, just a variable matches anything. This is useful if the match applies to an expression and you don't want to bind a variable to that expression. _ works like a variable but is ignored. It's a common way to finish off a match.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn match_tuple(t: (i32,String)) {
    let text = match t {
        (0, s) => format!("zero {}", s),
        (1, ref s) if s == "hello" => format!("hello one!"),
        tt => format!("no match {:?}", tt),
        // or say _ => format!("no match") if you're not interested in the value
    println!("{}", text);


Why not just match against (1,"hello")? Matching is an exact business, and the compiler will complain:

  = note: expected type `std::string::String`
  = note:    found type `&'static str`

Why do we need ref s? It's a slightly obscure gotcha (look up the E00008 error) where if you have an if guard you need to borrow, since the if guard happens in a different context, a move will take place otherwise. It's a case of the implementation leaking ever so slightly.

If the type was &str then we match it directly:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    match (42,"answer") {
        (42,"answer") => println!("yes"),
        _ => println!("no")


What applies to match applies to if let. This is a cool example, since if we get a Some, we can match inside it and only extract the string from the tuple. So it isn't necessary to have nested if let statements here. We use _ because we aren't interested in the first part of the tuple.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let ot = Some((2,"hello".to_string());

    if let Some((_,ref s)) = ot {
        assert_eq!(s, "hello");
    // we just borrowed the string, no 'destructive destructuring'


An interesting problem happens when using parse (or any function which needs to work out its return type from context)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    if let Ok(n) = "42".parse() {


So what's the type of n? You have to give a hint somehow - what kind of integer? Is it even an integer?

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    if let Ok(n) = "42".parse::<i32>() {


This somewhat non-elegant syntax is called the 'turbofish operator'.

If you are in a function returning Result, then the question-mark operator provides a much more elegant solution:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let n: i32 = "42".parse()?;


However, the parse error needs to be convertible to the error type of the Result, which is a topic we'll take up later when discussing error handling.


A great deal of Rust's power comes from closures. In their simplest form, they act like shortcut functions:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let f = |x| x * x;

    let res = f(10);

    println!("res {}", res);
    // res 100


There are no explicit types in this example - everything is deduced, starting with the integer literal 10.

We get an error if we call f on different types - Rust has already decided that f must be called on an integer type:

    let res = f(10);

    let resf = f(1.2);
8 |     let resf = f(1.2);
  |                  ^^^ expected integral variable, found floating-point variable
  = note: expected type `{integer}`
  = note:    found type `{float}`

So, the first call fixes the type of the argument x. It's equivalent to this function:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn f (x: i32) -> i32 {
        x * x


But there's a big difference between functions and closures, apart from the need for explicit typing. Here we evaluate a linear function:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let m = 2.0;
    let c = 1.0;

    let lin = |x| m*x + c;

    println!("res {} {}", lin(1.0), lin(2.0));
    // res 3 5


You cannot do this with the explicit fn form - it does not know about variables in the enclosing scope. The closure has borrowed m and c from its context.

Now, what's the type of lin? Only rustc knows. Under the hood, a closure is a struct that is callable ('implements the call operator'). It behaves as if it was written out like this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
struct MyAnonymousClosure1<'a> {
    m: &'a f64,
    c: &'a f64

impl <'a>MyAnonymousClosure1<'a> {
    fn call(&self, x: f64) -> f64 {
        self.m * x  + self.c


The compiler is certainly being helpful, turning simple closure syntax into all that code! You do need to know that a closure is a struct and it borrows values from its environment. And that therefore it has a lifetime.

All closures are unique types, but they have traits in common. So even though we don't know the exact type, we know the generic constraint:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn apply<F>(x: f64, f: F) -> f64
where F: Fn(f64)->f64  {
    let res1 = apply(3.0,lin);
    let res2 = apply(3.14, |x| x.sin());


In English: apply works for any type T such that T implements Fn(f64)->f64 - that is, is a function which takes f64 and returns f64.

After the call to apply(3.0,lin), trying to access lin gives an interesting error:

    let l = lin;
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `lin`
  --> closure2.rs:22:9
16 |     let res = apply(3.0,lin);
   |                         --- value moved here
22 |     let l = lin;
   |         ^ value used here after move
   = note: move occurs because `lin` has type
    `[closure@closure2.rs:12:15: 12:26 m:&f64, c:&f64]`,
     which does not implement the `Copy` trait

That's it, apply ate our closure. And there's the actual type of the struct that rustc made up to implement it. Always thinking of closures as structs is helpful.

Calling a closure is a method call: the three kinds of function traits correspond to the three kinds of methods:

  • Fn struct passed as &self
  • FnMut struct passed as &mut self
  • FnOnce struct passed as self

So it's possible for a closure to mutate its captured references:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn mutate<F>(mut f: F)
    where F: FnMut() {
    let mut s = "world";
    mutate(|| s = "hello");
    assert_eq!(s, "hello");


Note that mut - f needs to be mutable for this to work.

However, you cannot escape the rules for borrowing. Consider this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut s = "world";

// closure does a mutable borrow of s
let mut changer = || s = "world";

// does an immutable borrow of s
assert_eq!(s, "world");


Can't be done! The error is that we cannot borrow s in the assert statement, because it has been previously borrowed by the closure changer as mutable. As long as that closure lives, no other code can access s, so the solution is to control that lifetime by putting the closure in a limited scope:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut s = "world";
    let mut changer = || s = "world";
assert_eq!(s, "world");


At this point, if you are used to languages like JavaScript or Lua, you may wonder at the complexity of Rust closures compared with how straightforward they are in those languages. This is the necessary cost of Rust's promise to not sneakily make any allocations. In JavaScript, the equivalent mutate(function() {s = "hello";}) will always result in a dynamically allocated closure.

Sometimes you don't want a closure to borrow those variables, but instead move them.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let name = "dolly".to_string();
    let age = 42;

    let c = move || {
        println!("name {} age {}", name,age);


    println!("name {}",name);


And the error at the last println is: "use of moved value: name". So one solution here - if we did want to keep name alive - is to move a cloned copy into the closure:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let cname = name.to_string();
    let c = move || {
        println!("name {} age {}",cname,age);


Why are moved closures needed? Because we might need to call them at a point where the original context no longer exists. A classic case is when creating a thread. A moved closure does not borrow, so does not have a lifetime.

A major use of closures is within iterator methods. Recall the range iterator we defined to go over a range of floating-point numbers. It's straightforward to operate on this (or any other iterator) using closures:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let sine: Vec<f64> = range(0.0,1.0,0.1).map(|x| x.sin()).collect();


map isn't defined on vectors (although it's easy enough to create a trait that does this), because then every map will create a new vector. This way, we have a choice. In this sum, no temporary objects are created:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
 let sum: f64 = range(0.0,1.0,0.1).map(|x| x.sin()).sum();


It will (in fact) be as fast as writing it out as an explicit loop! That performance guarantee would be impossible if Rust closures were as 'frictionless' as Javascript closures.

filter is another useful iterator method - it only lets through values that match a condition:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let tuples = [(10,"ten"),(20,"twenty"),(30,"thirty"),(40,"forty")];
    let iter = tuples.iter().filter(|t| t.0 > 20).map(|t| t.1);

    for name in iter {
        println!("{} ", name);
    // thirty
    // forty


The Three Kinds of Iterators

The three kinds correspond (again) to the three basic argument types. Assume we have a vector of String values. Here are the iterator types explicitly, and then implicitly, together with the actual type returned by the iterator.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for s in vec.iter() {...} // &String
for s in vec.iter_mut() {...} // &mut String
for s in vec.into_iter() {...} // String

// implicit!
for s in &vec {...} // &String
for s in &mut vec {...} // &mut String
for s in vec {...} // String


Personally I prefer being explicit, but it's important to understand both forms, and their implications.

into_iter consumes the vector and extracts its strings, and so afterwards the vector is no longer available - it has been moved. It's a definite gotcha for Pythonistas used to saying for s in vec!

So the implicit form for s in &vec is usually the one you want, just as &T is a good default in passing arguments to functions.

It's important to understand how the three kinds works because Rust relies heavily on type deduction - you won't often see explicit types in closure arguments. And this is a Good Thing, because it would be noisy if all those types were explicitly typed out. However, the price of this compact code is that you need to know what the implicit types actually are!

map takes whatever value the iterator returns and converts it into something else, but filter takes a reference to that value. In this case, we're using iter so the iterator item type is &String. Note that filter receives a reference to this type.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for n in vec.iter().map(|x: &String| x.len()) {...} // n is usize

for s in vec.iter().filter(|x: &&String| x.len() > 2) { // s is &String


When calling methods, Rust will derefence automatically, so the problem isn't obvious. But |x: &&String| x == "one"| will not work, because operators are more strict about type matching. rustc will complain that there is no such operator that compares &&String and &str. So you need an explicit deference to make that &&String into a &String which does match.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for s in vec.iter().filter(|x: &&String| *x == "one") {...}
// same as implicit form:
for s in vec.iter().filter(|x| *x == "one") {...}


If you leave out the explicit type, you can modify the argument so that the type of s is now &String:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for s in vec.iter().filter(|&x| x == "one")


And that's usually how you will see it written.

Structs with Dynamic Data

A most powerful technique is a struct that contain references to itself.

Here is the basic building block of a binary tree, expressed in C (everyone's favourite old relative with a frightening fondness for using power tools without protection.)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    struct Node {
        const char *payload;
        struct Node *left;
        struct Node *right;


You can not do this by directly including Node fields, because then the size of Node depends on the size of Node... it just doesn't compute. So we use pointers to Node structs, since the size of a pointer is always known.

If left isn't NULL, the Node will have a left pointing to another node, and so moreorless indefinitely.

Rust does not do NULL (at least not safely) so it's clearly a job for Option. But you cannot just put a Node in that Option, because we don't know the size of Node (and so forth.) This is a job for Box, since it contains an allocated pointer to the data, and always has a fixed size.

So here's the Rust equivalent, using type to create an alias:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
type NodeBox = Option<Box<Node>>;

struct Node {
    payload: String,
    left: NodeBox,
    right: NodeBox


(Rust is forgiving in this way - no need for forward declarations.)

And a first test program:

impl Node {
    fn new(s: &str) -> Node {
        Node{payload: s.to_string(), left: None, right: None}

    fn boxer(node: Node) -> NodeBox {

    fn set_left(&mut self, node: Node) {
        self.left = Self::boxer(node);

    fn set_right(&mut self, node: Node) {
        self.right = Self::boxer(node);


fn main() {
    let mut root = Node::new("root");

    println!("arr {:#?}", root);

The output is surprisingly pretty, thanks to "{:#?}" ('#' means 'extended'.)

root Node {
    payload: "root",
    left: Some(
        Node {
            payload: "left",
            left: None,
            right: None
    right: Some(
        Node {
            payload: "right",
            left: None,
            right: None

Now, what happens when root is dropped? All fields are dropped; if the 'branches' of the tree are dropped, they drop their fields and so on. Box::new may be the closest you will get to a new keyword, but we have no need for delete or free.

We must now work out a use for this tree. Note that strings can be ordered: 'bar' < 'foo', 'abba' > 'aardvark'; so-called 'alphabetical order'. (Strictly speaking, this is lexical order, since human languages are very diverse and have strange rules.)

Here is a method which inserts nodes in lexical order of the strings. We compare the new data to the current node - if it's less, then we try to insert on the left, otherwise try to insert on the right. There may be no node on the left, so then set_left and so forth.

    fn insert(&mut self, data: &str) {
        if data < &self.payload {
            match self.left {
                Some(ref mut n) => n.insert(data),
                None => self.set_left(Self::new(data)),
        } else {
            match self.right {
                Some(ref mut n) => n.insert(data),
                None => self.set_right(Self::new(data)),

    fn main() {
        let mut root = Node::new("root");

        println!("root {:#?}", root);

Note the match - we're pulling out a mutable reference to the box, if the Option is Some, and applying the insert method. Otherwise, we need to create a new Node for the left side and so forth. Box is a smart pointer; note that no 'unboxing' was needed to call Node methods on it!

And here's the output tree:

root Node {
    payload: "root",
    left: Some(
        Node {
            payload: "one",
            left: Some(
                Node {
                    payload: "four",
                    left: None,
                    right: None
            right: None
    right: Some(
        Node {
            payload: "two",
            left: None,
            right: None

The strings that are 'less' than other strings get put down the left side, otherwise the right side.

Time for a visit. This is in-order traversal - we visit the left, do something on the node, and then visit the right.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn visit(&self) {
        if let Some(ref left) = self.left {
        println!("'{}'", self.payload);
        if let Some(ref right) = self.right {
    // 'four'
    // 'one'
    // 'root'
    // 'two'


So we're visiting the strings in order! Please note the reappearance of ref - if let uses exactly the same rules as match.

Generic Structs

Consider the previous example of a binary tree. It would be seriously irritating to have to rewrite it for all possible kinds of payload. So here's our generic Node with its type parameter T.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
type NodeBox<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;

struct Node<T> {
    payload: T,
    left: NodeBox<T>,
    right: NodeBox<T>


The implementation shows the difference between the languages. The fundamental operation on the payload is comparison, so T must be comparable with <, i.e. implements PartialOrd. The type parameter must be declared in the impl block with its constraints:

impl <T: PartialOrd> Node<T> {
    fn new(s: T) -> Node<T> {
        Node{payload: s, left: None, right: None}

    fn boxer(node: Node<T>) -> NodeBox<T> {

    fn set_left(&mut self, node: Node<T>) {
        self.left = Self::boxer(node);

    fn set_right(&mut self, node: Node<T>) {
        self.right = Self::boxer(node);

    fn insert(&mut self, data: T) {
        if data < self.payload {
            match self.left {
                Some(ref mut n) => n.insert(data),
                None => self.set_left(Self::new(data)),
        } else {
            match self.right {
                Some(ref mut n) => n.insert(data),
                None => self.set_right(Self::new(data)),

fn main() {
    let mut root = Node::new("root".to_string());

    println!("root {:#?}", root);

So generic structs need their type parameter(s) specified in angle brackets, like C++. Rust is usually smart enough to work out that type parameter from context - it knows it has a Node<T>, and knows that its insert method is passed T. The first call of insert nails down T to be String. If any further calls are inconsistent it will complain.

But you do need to constrain that type appropriately!

Filesystem and Processes

Another look at Reading Files

At the end of Part 1, I showed how to read a whole file into a string. Naturally this isn't always such a good idea, so here is how to read a file line-by-line.

fs::File implements io::Read, which is the trait for anything readable. This trait defines a read method which will fill a slice of u8 with bytes - this is the only required method of the trait, and you get some provided methods for free, much like with Iterator. You can use read_to_end to fill a vector of bytes with contents from the readable, and read_to_string to fill a string - which must be UTF-8 encoded.

This is a 'raw' read, with no buffering. For buffered reading there is the io::BufRead trait which gives us read_line and a lines iterator. io::BufReader will provide an implementation of io::BufRead for any readable.

fs::File also implements io::Write.

The easiest way to make sure all these traits are visible is use std::io::prelude::*.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;

fn read_all_lines(filename: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
    let file = File::open(&filename)?;

    let reader = io::BufReader::new(file);

    for line in reader.lines() {
        let line = line?;
        println!("{}", line);


The let line = line? may look a bit strange. The line returned by the iterator is actually an io::Result<String> which we unwrap with ?. Because things can go wrong during this iteration - I/O errors, swallowing a chunk of bytes that aren't UTF-8, and so forth.

lines being an iterator, it is straightforward to read a file into a vector of strings using collect, or print out the line with line numbers using the enumerate iterator.

It isn't the most efficient way to read all the lines, however, because a new string is allocated for each line. It is more efficient to use read_line, although more awkward. Note that the returned line includes the linefeed, which can be removed using trim_right.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let mut reader = io::BufReader::new(file);
    let mut buf = String::new();
    while reader.read_line(&mut buf)? > 0 {
            let line = buf.trim_right();
            println!("{}", line);


This results in far less allocations, because clearing that string does not free its allocated memory; once the string has enough capacity, no more allocations will take place.

This is one of those cases where we use a block to control a borrow. line is borrowed from buf, and this borrow must finish before we modify buf. Again, Rust is trying to stop us doing something stupid, which is to access line after we've cleared the buffer. (The borrow checker can be restrictive sometimes. Rust is due to get 'non-lexical lifetimes', where it will analyze the code and see that line isn't used after buf.clear().)

This isn't very pretty. I cannot give you a proper iterator that returns references to a buffer, but I can give you something that looks like an iterator.

First define a generic struct; the type parameter R is 'any type that implements Read'. It contains the reader and the buffer which we are going to borrow from.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// file5.rs
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;

struct Lines<R> {
    reader: io::BufReader<R>,
    buf: String

impl <R: Read> Lines<R> {
    fn new(r: R) -> Lines<R> {
        Lines{reader: io::BufReader::new(r), buf: String::new()}


Then the next method. It returns an Option - just like an iterator, when it returns None the iterator finishes. The returned type is a Result because read_line might fail, and we never throw errors away. So if fails, we wrap up its error in a Some<Result>. Otherwise, it may have read zero bytes, which is the natural end of the file - not an error, just a None.

At this point, the buffer contains the line with a linefeed (`\n') appended. Trim this away, and package up the string slice.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn next<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<io::Result<&'a str>>{
        match self.reader.read_line(&mut self.buf) {
            Ok(nbytes) => if nbytes == 0 {
                None // no more lines!
            } else {
                let line = self.buf.trim_right();
            Err(e) => Some(Err(e))


Now, note how the lifetimes work. We need an explicit lifetime because Rust will never allow us to hand out borrowed string slices without knowing their lifetime. And here we say that the lifetime of this borrowed string is within the lifetime of self.

And this signature, with the lifetime, is incompatible with the interface of Iterator. But it's easy to see problems if it were compatible; consider collect trying to make a vector of these string slices. There's no way this could work, since they're all borrowed from the same mutable string! (If you had read all the file into a string, then the string's lines iterator can return string slices because they are all borrowed from distinct parts of the original string.)

The resulting loop is much cleaner, and the file buffering is invisible to the user.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn read_all_lines(filename: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
    let file = File::open(&filename)?;

    let mut lines = Lines::new(file);
    while let Some(line) = lines.next() {
        let line = line?;
        println!("{}", line);



You can even write the loop like this, since the explicit match can pull out the string slice:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    while let Some(Ok(line)) = lines.next() {
        println!("{}", line)?;


It's tempting, but you are throwing away a possible error here; this loop will silently stop whenever an error occurs. In particular, it will stop at the first place where Rust can't convert a line to UTF-8. Fine for casual code, bad for production code!

Writing To Files

We met the write! macro when implementing Debug - it also works with anything that implements Write. So here's a another way of saying print!:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let mut stdout = io::stdout();
    write!(stdout,"answer is {}\n", 42).expect("write failed");


If an error is possible, you must handle it. It may not be very likely but it can happen. It's usually fine, because if you are doing file i/o you should be in a context where ? works.

But there is a difference: print! locks stdout for each write. This is usually what you want for output, because without that locking multithreaded programs can mix up that output in interesting ways. But if you are pumping out a lot of text, then write! is going to be faster.

For arbitrary files we need write!. The file is closed when out is dropped at the end of write_out, which is both convenient and important.

// file6.rs
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;

fn write_out(f: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut out = File::create(f)?;
    write!(out,"answer is {}\n", 42)?;

fn main() {
  write_out("test.txt").expect("write failed");

If you care about performance, you need to know that Rust files are unbuffered by default. So each little write request goes straight to the OS, and this is going to be significantly slower. I mention this because this default is different from other programming languages, and could lead to the shocking discovery that Rust can be left in the dust by scripting languages! Just as with Read and io::BufReader, there is io::BufWriter for buffering any Write.

Files, Paths and Directories

Here is a little program for printing out the Cargo directory on a machine. The simplest case is that it's '~/.cargo'. This is a Unix shell expansion, so we use env::home_dir because it's cross-platform. (It might fail, but a computer without a home directory isn't going to be hosting Rust tools anyway.)

We then create a PathBuf and use its push method to build up the full file path from its components. (This is much easier than fooling around with '/','' or whatever, depending on the system.)

// file7.rs
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
    let home = env::home_dir().expect("no home!");
    let mut path = PathBuf::new();

    if path.is_dir() {
        println!("{}", path.display());

A PathBuf is like String - it owns a growable set of characters, but with methods specialized to building up paths. Most of its functionality however comes from the borrowed version Path, which is like &str. So, for instance, is_dir is a Path method.

This might sound suspiciously like a form of inheritance, but the magic Deref trait works differently. It works just like it does with String/&str - a reference to PathBuf can be coerced into a reference to Path. ('Coerce' is a strong word, but this really is one of the few places where Rust does conversions for you.)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn foo(p: &Path) {...}
let path = PathBuf::from(home);


PathBuf has an intimate relationship with OsString, which represents strings we get directly from the system. (There is a corresponding OsString/&OsStr relationship.)

Such strings are not guaranteed to be representable as UTF-8! Real life is a complicated matter, particularly see the answer to 'Why are they so hard?'. To summarize, first there are years of ASCII legacy coding, and multiple special encodings for other languages. Second, human languages are complicated. For instance 'noël' is five Unicode code points!

It's true that most of the time with modern operating systems file names will be Unicode (UTF-8 on the Unix side, UTF-16 for Windows), except when they're not. And Rust must handle that possibility rigorously. For instance, Path has a method as_os_str which returns a &OsStr, but the to_str method returns an Option<&str>. Not always possible!

People have trouble at this point because they have become too attached to 'string' and 'character' as the only necessary abstractions. As Einstein could have said, a programming language has to be as simple as possible, but no simpler. A systems language needs a String/&str distinction (owned versus borrowed: this is also very convenient) and if it wishes to standardize on Unicode strings then it needs another type to handle text which isn't valid Unicode - hence OsString/&OsStr. Notice that there aren't any interesting string-like methods for these types, precisely because we don't know the encoding.

But, people are used to processing filenames as if they were strings, which is why Rust makes it easier to manipulate file paths using PathBuf methods.

You can pop to successively remove path components. Here we start with the current directory of the program:

// file8.rs
use std::env;

fn main() {
    let mut path = env::current_dir().expect("can't access current dir");
    loop {
        println!("{}", path.display());
        if ! path.pop() {
// /home/steve/rust/gentle-intro/code
// /home/steve/rust/gentle-intro
// /home/steve/rust
// /home/steve
// /home
// /

Here's a useful variation. I have a program which searches for a configuration file, and the rule is that it may appear in any subdirectory of the current directory. So I create /home/steve/rust/config.txt and start this program up in /home/steve/rust/gentle-intro/code:

// file9.rs
use std::env;

fn main() {
    let mut path = env::current_dir().expect("can't access current dir");
    loop {
        if path.is_file() {
            println!("gotcha {}", path.display());
        } else {
        if ! path.pop() {
// gotcha /home/steve/rust/config.txt

This is pretty much how git works when it wants to know what the current repo is.

The details about a file (its size, type, etc) are called its metadata. As always, there may be an error - not just 'not found' but also if we don't have permission to read this file.

// file10.rs
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let file = env::args().skip(1).next().unwrap_or("file10.rs".to_string());
    let path = Path::new(&file);
    match path.metadata() {
        Ok(data) => {
            println!("type {:?}", data.file_type());
            println!("len {}", data.len());
            println!("perm {:?}", data.permissions());
            println!("modified {:?}", data.modified());
        Err(e) => println!("error {:?}", e)
// type FileType(FileType { mode: 33204 })
// len 488
// perm Permissions(FilePermissions { mode: 436 })
// modified Ok(SystemTime { tv_sec: 1483866529, tv_nsec: 600495644 })

The length of the file (in bytes) and modified time are straightforward to interpret. (Note we may not be able to get this time!) The file type has methods is_dir, is_file and is_symlink.

permissions is an interesting one. Rust strives to be cross-platform, and so it's a case of the 'lowest common denominator'. In general, all you can query is whether the file is read-only - the 'permissions' concept is extended in Unix and encodes read/write/executable for user/group/others.

But, if you are not interested in Windows, then bringing in a platform-specific trait will give us at least the permission mode bits. (As usual, a trait only kicks in when it is visible.) Then, applying the program to its own executable gives:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
println!("perm {:o}",data.permissions().mode());
// perm 755


(Note '{:o}' for printing out in octal)

(Whether a file is executable on Windows is determined by its extension. The executable extensions are found in the PATHEXT environment variable - '.exe','.bat' and so forth).

std::fs contains a number of useful functions for working with files, such as copying or moving files, making symbolic links and creating directories.

To find the contents of a directory, std::fs::read_dir provides an iterator. Here are all files with extension '.rs' and size greater than 1024 bytes:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn dump_dir(dir: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
    for entry in fs::read_dir(dir)? {
        let entry = entry?;
        let data = entry.metadata()?;
        let path = entry.path();
        if data.is_file() {
            if let Some(ex) = path.extension() {
                if ex == "rs" && data.len() > 1024 {
                    println!("{} length {}", path.display(),data.len());
// ./enum4.rs length 2401
// ./struct7.rs length 1151
// ./sexpr.rs length 7483
// ./struct6.rs length 1359
// ./new-sexpr.rs length 7719


Obviously read_dir might fail (usually 'not found' or 'no permission'), but also getting each new entry might fail (it's like the lines iterator over a buffered reader's contents). Plus, we might not be able to get the metadata corresponding to the entry. A file might have no extension, so we have to check for that as well.

Why not just an iterator over paths? On Unix this is the way the opendir system call works, but on Windows you cannot iterate over a directory's contents without getting the metadata. So this is a reasonably elegant compromise that allows cross-platform code to be as efficient as possible.

You can be forgiven for feeling 'error fatigue' at this point. But please note that the errors always existed - it's not that Rust is inventing new ones. It's just trying hard to make it impossible for you to ignore them. Any operating system call may fail.

Languages like Java and Python throw exceptions; languages like Go and Lua return two values, where the first is the result and the second is the error: like Rust it is considered bad manners for library functions to raise errors. So there is a lot of error checking and early-returns from functions.

Rust uses Result because it's either-or: you cannot get both a result and an error. And the question-mark operator makes handling errors much cleaner.


A fundamental need is for programs to run programs, or to launch processes. Your program can spawn as many child processes it likes, and as the name suggests they have a special relationship with their parent.

To run a program is straightforward using the Command struct, which builds up arguments to pass to the program:

use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
    let status = Command::new("rustc")
        .expect("no rustc?");

    println!("cool {} code {}", status.success(), status.code().unwrap());
// rustc 1.15.0-nightly (8f02c429a 2016-12-15)
// cool true code 0

So new receives the name of the program (it will be looked up on PATH if not an absolute filename), arg adds a new argument, and status causes it to be run. This returns a Result, which is Ok if the program actually run, containing an ExitStatus. In this case, the program succeeded, and returned an exit code 0. (The unwrap is because we can't always get the code if the program was killed by a signal).

If we change the -V to -v (an easy mistake) then rustc fails:

error: no input filename given

cool false code 101

So there are three possibilities:

  • program didn't exist, was bad, or we were not allowed to run it
  • program ran, but was not successful - non-zero exit code
  • program ran, with zero exit code. Success!

By default, the program's standard output and standard error streams go to the terminal.

Often we are very interested in capturing that output, so there's the output method.

// process2.rs
use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
    let output = Command::new("rustc")
        .expect("no rustc?");

    if output.status.success() {
    println!("len stdout {} stderr {}", output.stdout.len(), output.stderr.len());
// ok!
// len stdout 44 stderr 0

As with status our program blocks until the child process is finished, and we get back three things - the status (as before), the contents of stdout and the contents of stderr.

The captured output is simply Vec<u8> - just bytes. Recall we have no guarantee that data we receive from the operating system is a properly encoded UTF-8 string. In fact, we have no guarantee that it even is a string - programs may return arbitrary binary data.

If we are pretty sure the output is UTF-8, then String::from_utf8 will convert those vectors or bytes - it returns a Result because this conversion may not succeed. A more sloppy function is String::from_utf8_lossy which will make a good attempt at conversion and insert the invalid Unicode mark � where it failed.

Here is a useful function which runs a program using the shell. This uses the usual shell mechanism for joining stderr to stdout. The name of the shell is different on Windows, but otherwise things work as expected.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn shell(cmd: &str) -> (String,bool) {
    let cmd = format!("{} 2>&1",cmd);
    let shell = if cfg!(windows) {"cmd.exe"} else {"/bin/sh"};
    let flag = if cfg!(windows) {"/c"} else {"-c"};
    let output = Command::new(shell)
        .expect("no shell?");

fn shell_success(cmd: &str) -> Option<String> {
    let (output,success) = shell(cmd);
    if success {Some(output)} else {None}


I'm trimming any whitespace from the right so that if you said shell("which rustc") you will get the path without any extra linefeed.

You can control the execution of a program launched by Process by specifying the directory it will run in using the current_dir method and the environment variables it sees using env.

Up to now, our program simply waits for the child process to finish. If you use the spawn method then we return immediately, and must explicitly wait for it to finish - or go off and do something else in the meantime! This example also shows how to suppress both standard out and standard error:

// process5.rs
use std::process::{Command,Stdio};

fn main() {
    let mut child = Command::new("rustc")
        .expect("no rustc?");

    let res = child.wait();
    println!("res {:?}", res);

By default, the child 'inherits' the standard input and output of the parent. In this case, we redirect the child's output handles into 'nowhere'. It's equivalent to saying > /dev/null 2> /dev/null in the Unix shell.

Now, it's possible to do these things using the shell (sh or cmd) in Rust. But this way you get full programmatic control of process creation.

For example, if we just had .stdout(Stdio::piped()) then the child's standard output is redirected to a pipe. Then child.stdout is something you can use to directly read the output (i.e. implements Read). Likewise, you can use the .stdout(Stdio::piped()) method so you can write to child.stdin.

But if we used wait_with_output instead of wait then it returns a Result<Output> and the child's output is captured into the stdout field of that Output as a Vec<u8> just as before.

The Child struct also gives you an explicit kill method.

Modules and Cargo


As programs get larger, it's necessary to spread them over more than one file and put functions and types in different namespaces. The Rust solution for both of these is modules.

C does the first, and not the second, so you end up with awful names like primitive_display_set_width and so forth. The actual filenames can be named arbitrarily.

In Rust the full name would look like primitive::display::set_width, and after saying use primitive::display you can then refer to it as display::set_width. You can even say use primitive::display::set_width and then just say set_width, but it's not a good idea to get carried away with this. rustc will not be confused, but you may get confused later. But for this to work, filenames must follow some simple rules.

A new keyword mod is used to define a module as a block where Rust types or functions can be written:

mod foo {
    struct Foo {
        s: &'static str

fn main() {
    let f = foo::Foo{s: "hello"};
    println!("{:?}", f);

But it's still not quite right - we get 'struct Foo is private'. To solve this, we need the pub keyword to export Foo. The error then changes to 'field s of struct foo::Foo is private', so put pub before the field s to export Foo::s. Then things will work.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    pub struct Foo {
        pub s: &'static str


Needing an explicit pub means that you must choose what items to make public from a module. The set of functions and types exported from a module is called its interface.

It is usually better to hide the insides of a struct, and only allow access through methods:

mod foo {
    pub struct Foo {
        s: &'static str

    impl Foo {
        pub fn new(s: &'static str) -> Foo {
            Foo{s: s}

fn main() {
    let f = foo::Foo::new("hello");
    println!("{:?}", f);

Why is hiding the implementation a good thing? Because it means you may change it later without breaking the interface, without consumers of a module getting too dependent on its details. The great enemy of large-scale programing is a tendency for code to get entangled, so that understanding a piece of code is impossible in isolation.

In a perfect world a module does one thing, does it well, and keeps its own secrets.

When not to hide? As Stroustrup says, when the interface is the implementation, like struct Point{x: f32, y: f32}.

Within a module, all items are visible to all other items. It's a cozy place where everyone can be friends and know intimate details about each other.

Everyone gets to a point where they want to break a program up into separate files, depending on taste. I start getting uncomfortable around 500 lines, but we all agree that more than 2000 lines is pushing it.

So how to break this program into separate files?

We put the foo code into foo.rs:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// foo.rs
pub struct Foo {
    s: &'static str

impl Foo {
    pub fn new(s: &'static str) -> Foo {
        Foo{s: s}


And use a mod foo statement without a block in the main program:

// mod3.rs
mod foo;

fn main() {
    let f = foo::Foo::new("hello");
    println!("{:?}", f);

Now rustc mod3.rs will cause foo.rs to be compiled as well. There is no need to fool around with makefiles!

The compiler will also look at MODNAME/mod.rs, so this will work if I create a directory boo containing a file mod.rs:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// boo/mod.rs
pub fn answer()->u32 {


And now the main program can use both modules as separate files:

// mod3.rs
mod foo;
mod boo;

fn main() {
    let f = foo::Foo::new("hello");
    let res = boo::answer();
    println!("{:?} {}", f,res);

So far, there's mod3.rs, containing main, a module foo.rs and a directory boo containing mod.rs. The usual convention is that the file containing main is just called main.rs.

Why two ways to do the same thing? Because boo/mod.rs can refer to other modules defined in boo, Update boo/mod.rs and add a new module - note that this is explicitly exported. (Without the pub, bar can only be seen inside the boo module.)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// boo/mod.rs
pub fn answer()->u32 {

pub mod bar {
    pub fn question() -> &'static str {
        "the meaning of everything"


and then we have the question corresponding to the answer (the bar module is inside boo):

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let q = boo::bar::question();


That module block can be pulled out as boo/bar.rs:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// boo/bar.rs
pub fn question() -> &'static str {
    "the meaning of everything"


And boo/mod.rs becomes:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// boo/mod.rs
pub fn answer()->u32 {

pub mod bar;


In summary, modules are about organization and visibility, and this may or may not involve separate files.

Please note that use has nothing to do with importing, and simply specifies visibility of module names. For example:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    use boo::bar;
    let q = bar::question();
    use boo::bar::question();
    let q = question();


An important point to note is there is no separate compilation here. The main program and its module files will be recompiled each time. Larger programs will take a fair amount of time to build, although rustc is getting better at incremental compilation.


The 'compilation unit' for Rust is the crate, which is either an executable or a library.

To separately compile the files from the last section, first build foo.rs as a Rust static library crate:

src$ rustc foo.rs --crate-type=lib
src$ ls -l libfoo.rlib
-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve steve 7888 Jan  5 13:35 libfoo.rlib

We can now link this into our main program:

src$ rustc mod4.rs --extern foo=libfoo.rlib

But the main program must now look like this, where the extern name is the same as the one used when linking. There is an implicit top-level module foo associated with the library crate:

// mod4.rs
extern crate foo;

fn main() {
    let f = foo::Foo::new("hello");
    println!("{:?}", f);

Before people start chanting 'Cargo! Cargo!' let me justify this lower-level look at building Rust. I'm a great believer in 'Know Thy Toolchain', and this will reduce the amount of new magic you need to learn when we look at managing projects with Cargo. Modules are basic language features and can be used outside Cargo projects.

It's time to understand why Rust binaries are so large:

src$ ls -lh mod4
-rwxrwxr-x 1 steve steve 3,4M Jan  5 13:39 mod4

That's rather fat! There is a lot of debug information in that executable. This is not a Bad Thing, if you want to use a debugger and actually want meaningful backtraces when your program panics.

So let's strip that debug information and see:

src$ strip mod4
src$ ls -lh mod4
-rwxrwxr-x 1 steve steve 300K Jan  5 13:49 mod4

Still feels a little large for something so simple, but this program links statically against the Rust standard library. This is a Good Thing, since you can hand this executable to anyone with the right operating system - they will not need a 'Rust runtime'. (And rustup will even let you cross-compile for other operating systems and platforms as well.)

We can link dynamically against the Rust runtime and get truly tiny exes:

src$ rustc -C prefer-dynamic mod4.rs --extern foo=libfoo.rlib
src$ ls -lh mod4
-rwxrwxr-x 1 steve steve 14K Jan  5 13:53 mod4
src$ ldd mod4
    linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fffa8746000)
    libstd-b4054fae3db32020.so => not found
    libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f3cd47aa000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f3cd4d72000)

That 'not found' is because rustup doesn't install the dynamic libraries globally. We can hack our way to happiness, at least on Unix (yes, I know the best solution is a symlink.)

src$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib
src$ ./mod4
Foo { s: "hello" }

Rust does not have a philosophical problem with dynamic linking, in the same way as Go does. It's just that when there's a stable release every 6 weeks it becomes inconvenient to have to recompile everything. If you have a stable version that Works For You, then cool. As stable versions of Rust get increasingly delivered by the OS package manager, dynamic linking will become more popular.


The Rust standard library is not very large, compared to Java or Python; although much more fully featured than C or C++, which lean heavily on operating system provided libraries.

But it is straightforward to access community-provided libraries in crates.io using Cargo. Cargo will look up the correct version and download the source for you, and ensures that any other needed crates are downloaded as well.

Let's create a simple program which needs to read JSON. This data format is very widely used, but is too specialized for inclusion in the standard library. So we initialize a Cargo project, using '--bin' because the default is to create a library project.

test$ cargo init --bin test-json
     Created binary (application) project
test$ cd test-json
test$ cat Cargo.toml
name = "test-json"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <you@example.org>"]


To make the project depend on the JSON crate, edit the 'Cargo.toml' file so:


Then do a first build with Cargo:

test-json$ cargo build
    Updating registry `https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index`
 Downloading json v0.11.4
   Compiling json v0.11.4
   Compiling test-json v0.1.0 (file:///home/steve/c/rust/test/test-json)
    Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.75 secs

The main file of this project has already been created - it's 'main.rs' in the 'src' directory. It starts out just as a 'hello world' app, so let's edit it to be a proper test program.

Note the very convenient 'raw' string literal - otherwise we would need to escape those double quotes and end up with ugliness:

// test-json/src/main.rs
extern crate json;

fn main() {
    let doc = json::parse(r#"
        "code": 200,
        "success": true,
        "payload": {
            "features": [
    "#).expect("parse failed");

    println!("debug {:?}", doc);
    println!("display {}", doc);

You can now build and run this project - only main.rs has changed.

test-json$ cargo run
   Compiling test-json v0.1.0 (file:///home/steve/c/rust/test/test-json)
    Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.21 secs
     Running `target/debug/test-json`
debug Object(Object { store: [("code", Number(Number { category: 1, exponent: 0, mantissa: 200 }),
 0, 1), ("success", Boolean(true), 0, 2), ("payload", Object(Object { store: [("features",
 Array([Short("awesome"), Short("easyAPI"), Short("lowLearningCurve")]), 0, 0)] }), 0, 0)] })
display {"code":200,"success":true,"payload":{"features":["awesome","easyAPI","lowLearningCurve"]}}

The debug output shows some internal details of the JSON document, but a plain '{}', using the Display trait, regenerates JSON from the parsed document.

Let's explore the JSON API. It would not be useful if we could not extract values. The as_TYPE methods return Option<TYPE> since we cannot be sure that the field exists or is of the correct type. (see the docs for JsonValue)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let code = doc["code"].as_u32().unwrap_or(0);
    let success = doc["success"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false);

    assert_eq!(code, 200);
    assert_eq!(success, true);

    let features = &doc["payload"]["features"];
    for v in features.members() {
        println!("{}", v.as_str().unwrap()); // MIGHT explode
    // awesome
    // easyAPI
    // lowLearningCurve


features here is a reference to JsonValue - it has to be a reference because otherwise we would be trying to move a value out of the JSON document. Here we know it's an array, so members() will return a non-empty iterator over &JsonValue.

What if the 'payload' object didn't have a 'features' key? Then features would be set to Null. There will be no explosion. This convenience expresses the free-form, anything-goes nature of JSON very well. It is up to you to examine the structure of any document you receive and create your own errors if the structure does not match.

You can modify these structures. If we had let mut doc then this would do what you expect:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let features = &mut doc["payload"]["features"];
    features.push("cargo!").expect("couldn't push");


The push will fail if features wasn't an array, hence it returns Result<()>.

Here's a truly beautiful use of macros to generate JSON literals:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let data = object!{
        "name"    => "John Doe",
        "age"     => 30,
        "numbers" => array![10,53,553]
        r#"{"name":"John Doe","age":30,"numbers":[10,53,553]}"#


For this to work, you need to explicitly import macros from the JSON crate thus:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
extern crate json;


There is a downside to using this crate, because of the mismatch between the amorphous, dynamically-typed nature of JSON and the structured, static nature of Rust. (The readme explicitly speaks of 'friction') So if you did want to map JSON to Rust data structures, you would end up doing a lot of checking, because you can not assume that the received structure matches your structs! For that, a better solution is serde_json where you serialize Rust data structures into JSON and deserialize JSON into Rust.

For this, create a another Cargo binary project with cargo new --bin test-serde-json, go into the test-serde-json directory and edit Cargo.toml. Edit it like so:


And edit src/main.rs to be this:

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    address: Address,
    phones: Vec<String>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Address {
    street: String,
    city: String,

fn main() {
    let data = r#" {
     "name": "John Doe", "age": 43,
     "address": {"street": "main", "city":"Downtown"},
    } "#;
    let p: Person = serde_json::from_str(data).expect("deserialize error");
    println!("Please call {} at the number {}", p.name, p.phones[0]);


You have seen the derive attribute before, but the serde_derive crate defines custom derives for the special Serialize and Deserialize traits. And the result shows the generated Rust struct:

Please call John Doe at the number 27726550023
Person {
    name: "John Doe",
    age: 43,
    address: Address {
        street: "main",
        city: "Downtown"
    phones: [

Now, if you did this using the json crate, you would need a few hundred lines of custom conversion code, mostly error handling. Tedious, easy to mess up, and not where you want to put effort anyway.

This is clearly the best solution if you are processing well-structured JSON from outside sources (it's possible to remap field names if needed) and provides a robust way for Rust programs to share data with other programs over the network (since everything understands JSON these days.) The cool thing about serde (for SERialization DEserialization) is that other file formats are also supported, such as toml, which is the popular configuration-friendly format used in Cargo. So your program can read .toml files into structs, and write those structs out as .json.

Serialization is an important technique and similar solutions exist for Java and Go - but with a big difference. In those languages the structure of the data is found at run-time using reflection, but in this case the serialization code is generated at compile-time - altogether more efficient!

Cargo is considered to be one of the great strengths of the Rust ecosystem, because it does a lot of work for us. Otherwise we would have had to download these libraries from Github, build as static library crates, and link them against the program. It's painful to do this for C++ projects, and would be nearly as painful for Rust projects if Cargo did not exist. C++ is somewhat unique in its painfullness here, so we should compare this with other languages' package managers. npm (for JavaScript) and pip (for Python) manage dependencies and downloads for you, but the distribution story is harder, since the user of your program needs NodeJS or Python installed. But Rust programs are statically linked against their dependencies, so again they can be handed out to your buddies without external dependencies.

More Gems

When processing anything except simple text, regular expressions make your life much easier. These are commonly available for most languages and I'll here assume a basic familiarity with regex notation. To use the regex crate, put 'regex = "0.2.1"' after "[dependencies]" in your Cargo.toml.

We'll use 'raw strings' again so that the backslashes don't have to be escaped. In English, this regular expression is "match exactly two digits, the character ':', and then any number of digits. Capture both sets of digits":

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
extern crate regex;
use regex::Regex;

let re = Regex::new(r"(\d{2}):(\d+)").unwrap();
println!("{:?}", re.captures("  10:230"));
println!("{:?}", re.captures("[22:2]"));
println!("{:?}", re.captures("10:x23"));
// Some(Captures({0: Some("10:230"), 1: Some("10"), 2: Some("230")}))
// Some(Captures({0: Some("22:2"), 1: Some("22"), 2: Some("2")}))
// None


The successful output actually has three captures - the whole match, and the two sets of digits. These regular expressions are not anchored by default, so regex will hunt for the first occurring match, skipping anything that doesn't match. (If you left out the '()' it would just give us the whole match.)

It's possible to name those captures, and spread the regular expression over several lines, even including comments! Compiling the regex might fail (the first expect) or the match might fail (the second expect). Here we can use the result as an associative array and look up captures by name.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let re = Regex::new(r"(?x)
(?P<year>\d{4})  # the year
(?P<month>\d{2}) # the month
(?P<day>\d{2})   # the day
").expect("bad regex");
let caps = re.captures("2010-03-14").expect("match failed");

assert_eq!("2010", &caps["year"]);
assert_eq!("03", &caps["month"]);
assert_eq!("14", &caps["day"]);


Regular expressions can break up strings that match a pattern, but won't check whether they make sense. That is, you can specify and match the syntax of ISO-style dates, but semantically they may be nonsense, like "2014-24-52".

For this, you need dedicated date-time processing, which is provided by chrono. You need to decide on a time zone when doing dates:

extern crate chrono;
use chrono::*;

fn main() {
    let date = Local.ymd(2010,3,14);
    println!("date was {}", date);
// date was 2010-03-14+02:00

However, this isn't recommended because feeding it bad dates will cause a panic! (try a bogus date to see this.) The method you need here is ymd_opt which returns LocalResult<Date>

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let date = Local.ymd_opt(2010,3,14);
    println!("date was {:?}", date);
    // date was Single(2010-03-14+02:00)

    let date = Local.ymd_opt(2014,24,52);
    println!("date was {:?}", date);
    // date was None


You can also directly parse date-times, either in standard UTC format or using custom formats. These self-same formats allow you to print out dates in exactly the format you want.

I specifically highlighted these two useful crates because they would be part of the standard library in most other languages. And, in fact, the embryonic form of these crates was once part of the Rust stdlib, but were cut loose. This was a deliberate decision: the Rust team takes stdlib stability very seriously so features only arrive in stable once they have gone through incubation in unstable nightly versions, and only then beta and stable. For libraries that need experimentation and refinement, it's much better that they remain independent and get tracked with Cargo. For all practical purposes, these two crates are standard - they are not going away and may be folded back into the stdlib at some point.

Standard Library Containers

Reading the Documentation

In this section I'll briefly introduce some common parts of the Rust standard library. The documentation is excellent but a little context and a few examples is always useful.

Initially, reading the Rust documentation can be challenging, so I'll go through Vec as an example. A useful tip is to tick the '[-]' box to collapse the docs. (If you download the standard library source using rustup component add rust-src a '[src]' link will appear next to this.) This gives you a bird's eye view of all the available methods.

The first point to notice is that not all possible methods are defined on Vec itself. They are (mostly) mutable methods that change the vector, e.g. push. Some methods are only implemented for vectors where the type matches some constraint. For example, you can only call dedup (remove duplicates) if the type is indeed something that can be compared for equality. There are multiple impl blocks that define Vec for different type constraints.

Then there's the very special relationship between Vec<T> and &[T]. Any method that works on slices will also directly work on vectors, without explicitly having to use the as_slice method. This relationship is expressed by Deref<Target=[T]>. This also kicks in when you pass a vector by reference to something that expects a slice - this is one of the few places where a conversion between types happens automatically. So slice methods like first, which maybe-returns a reference to the first element, or last, work for vectors as well. Many of the methods are similar to the corresponding string methods, so there's split_at for getting a pair of slices split at an index, starts_with to check whether a vector starts with sequence of values, and contains to check whether a vector contains a particular value.

There's no search method for finding the index of a particular value, but here's a rule of thumb: if you can't find a method on the container, look for a method on the iterator:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let v = vec![10,20,30,40,50];
    assert_eq!(v.iter().position(|&i| i == 30).unwrap(), 2);


(The & is because this is an iterator over references - alternatively you could say *i == 30 for the comparison.)

Likewise, there's no map method on vectors, because iter().map(...).collect() will do the job just as well. Rust does not like to allocate unnecessarily - often you don't need the result of that map as an actual allocated vector.

So I'd suggest you become familiar with all the iterator methods, because they are crucial to writing good Rust code without having to write loops out all the time. As always, write little programs to explore iterator methods, rather than wrestling with them in the context of a more complicated program.

The Vec<T> and &[T] methods are followed by the common traits: vectors know how to do a debug display of themselves (but only if the elements implement Debug). Likewise, they are clonable if their elements are clonable. They implement Drop, which happens when vectors get to finally die; memory is released, and all the elements are dropped as well.

The Extend trait means values from iterators can be added to a vector without a loop:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut strings = vec!["hello".to_string(), "dolly".to_string()];
strings.extend(["you","are","fine"].iter().map(|s| s.to_string()));


There's also FromIterator, which lets vectors be constructed from iterators. (The iterator collect method leans on this.)

Any container needs to be iterable as well. Recall that there are three kinds of iterators

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for x in v {...} // returns T, consumes v
for x in &v {...} // returns &T
for x in &mut v {...} // returns &mut T


The for statement relies on the IntoIterator trait, and there's indeed three implementations.

Then there is indexing, controlled by Index (reading from a vector) and IndexMut (modifying a vector.) There are many possibilities, because there's slice indexing as well, like v[0..2], returning these return slices, as well as plain v[0] which returns a reference to the first element.

There's a few implementations of the From trait. For instance Vec::from("hello".to_string()) will give you a vector of the underlying bytes of the string Vec<u8>. Now, there's already a method into_bytes on String, so why the redundancy? It seems confusing to have multiple ways of doing the same thing. But it's needed because explicit traits make generic methods possible.

Sometimes limitations of the Rust type system make things clumsy. An example here is how PartialEq is separately defined for arrays up to size 32! (This will get better.) This allows the convenience of directly comparing vectors with arrays, but beware the size limit.

And there are Hidden Gems buried deep in the documentation. As Karol Kuczmarski says "Because let’s be honest: no one scrolls that far". How does one handle errors in an iterator? Say you map over some operation that might fail and so returns Result, and then want to collect the results:

fn main() {
    let nums = ["5","52","65"];
    let iter = nums.iter().map(|s| s.parse::<i32>());
    let converted: Vec<_> = iter.collect();
//[Ok(5), Ok(52), Ok(65)]

Fair enough, but now you have to unwrap these errors - carefully!. But Rust already knows how to do the Right Thing, if you ask for the vector to be contained in a Result - that is, either is a vector or an error:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let converted: Result<Vec<_>,_> = iter.collect();
//Ok([5, 52, 65])


And if there was a bad conversion? Then you would just get Err with the first error encountered. It's a good example of how extremely flexible collect is. (The notation here can be intimidating - Vec<_> means "this is a vector, work out the actual type for meandResult<Vec<>,>` is furthermore asking Rust to work out the error type as well.)

So there's a lot of detail in the documentation. But it's certainly clearer than what the C++ docs say about std::vector

The requirements that are imposed on the elements depend on the actual operations performed on the container. Generally, it is required that element type is a complete type and meets the requirements of Erasable, but many member functions impose stricter requirements.

With C++, you're on your own. The explicitness of Rust is daunting at first, but as you learn to read the constraints you will know exactly what any particular method of Vec requires.

I would suggest that you get the source using rustup component add rust-src, since the standard library source is very readable and the method implementations are usually less scary than the method declarations.


Maps (sometimes called associative arrays or dicts) let you look up values associated with a key. It's not really a fancy concept, and can be done with an array of tuples:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let entries = [("one","eins"),("two","zwei"),("three","drei")];

    if let Some(val) = entries.iter().find(|t| t.0 == "two") {


This is fine for small maps and just requires equality to be defined for the keys, but the search takes linear time - proportional to the size of the map.

A HashMap does much better when there are a lot of key/value pairs to be searched:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut map = HashMap::new();

assert_eq! (map.contains_key("two"), true);
assert_eq! (map.get("two"), Some(&"zwei"));


&"zwei"? This is because get returns a reference to the value, not the value itself. Here the value type is &str, so we get a &&str. In general it has to be a reference, because we can't just move a value out of its owning type.

get_mut is like get but returns a possible mutable reference. Here we have a map from strings to integers, and wish to update the value for the key 'two':

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut map = HashMap::new();

println!("before {}", map.get("two").unwrap());

    let mut mref = map.get_mut("two").unwrap();
    *mref = 20;

println!("after {}", map.get("two").unwrap());
// before 2
// after 20


Note that getting that writable reference takes place in its own block - otherwise, we would have a mutable borrow lasting until the end, and then Rust won't allow you to borrow from map again with map.get("two"); it cannot allow any readable references while there's already a writable reference in scope. (If it did, it could not guarantee that those readable references would remain valid.) So the solution is to make sure that mutable borrow doesn't last very long.

It is not the most elegant API possible, but we can't throw away any possible errors. Python would bail out with an exception, and C++ would just create a default value. (This is convenient but sneaky; easy to forget that the price of a_map["two"] always returning an integer is that we can't tell the difference between zero and 'not found', plus an extra entry is created!)

And no-one just calls unwrap, except in examples. However, most Rust code you see consists of little standalone examples! Much more likely for a match to take place:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
if let Some(v) = map.get("two") {
    let res = v + 1;
    assert_eq!(res, 3);
match map.get_mut("two") {
    Some(mref) => *mref = 20,
    None => panic!("_now_ we can panic!")


We can iterate over the key/value pairs, but not in any particular order.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
for (k,v) in map.iter() {
    println!("key {} value {}", k,v);
// key one value eins
// key three value drei
// key two value zwei


There are also keys and values methods returning iterators over the keys and values respectively, which makes creating vectors of values easy.

Example: Counting Words

An entertaining thing to do with text is count word frequency. It is straightforward to break text into words with split_whitespace, but really we must respect punctuation. So the words should be defined as consisting only of alphabetic characters. And the words need to be compared as lower-case as well.

Doing a mutable lookup on a map is straightforward, but also handling the case where the lookup fails is a little awkward. Fortunately there's an elegant way to update the values of a map:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut map = HashMap::new();

for s in text.split(|c: char| ! c.is_alphabetic()) {
    let word = s.to_lowercase();
    let mut count = map.entry(word).or_insert(0);
    *count += 1;


If there's no existing count corresponding to a word, then let's create a new entry containing zero for that word and insert it into the map. Its exactly what a C++ map does, except it's done explicitly and not sneakily.

There is exactly one explicit type in this snippet, and that's the char needed because of a quirk of the string Pattern trait used by split. But we can deduce that the key type is String and the value type is i32.

Using The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes from Project Gutenberg, we can test this out more thoroughly. The total number of unique words (map.len()) is 8071.

How to find the twenty most common words? First, convert the map into a vector of (key,value) tuples. (This consumes the map, since we used into_iter.)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut entries: Vec<_> = map.into_iter().collect();


Next we can sort in descending order. sort_by expects the result of the cmp method that comes from the Ord trait, which is implemented by the integer value type:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    entries.sort_by(|a,b| b.1.cmp(&a.1));


And finally print out the first twenty entries:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    for e in entries.iter().take(20) {
        println!("{} {}", e.0, e.1);


(Well, you could just loop over 0..20 and index the vector here - it isn't wrong, just a little un-idiomatic - and potentially more expensive for big iterations.)

the 5810
and 3088
i 3038
to 2823
of 2778
a 2701
in 1823
that 1767
it 1749
you 1572
he 1486
was 1411
his 1159
is 1150
my 1007
have 929
with 877
as 863
had 830

A little surprise - what's that empty word? It is because split works on single-character delimiters, so any punctuation or extra spaces causes a new split.


Sets are maps where you care only about the keys, not any associated values. So insert only takes one value, and you use contains for testing whether a value is in a set.

Like all containers, you can create a HashSet from an iterator. And this is exactly what collect does, once you have given it the necessary type hint.

// set1.rs
use std::collections::HashSet;

fn make_set(words: &str) -> HashSet<&str> {

fn main() {
    let fruit = make_set("apple orange pear orange");

    println!("{:?}", fruit);
// {"orange", "pear", "apple"}

Note (as expected) that repeated insertions of the same key have no effect, and the order of values in a set are not important.

They would not be sets without the usual operations:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let fruit = make_set("apple orange pear");
let colours = make_set("brown purple orange yellow");

for c in fruit.intersection(&colours) {
// "orange"


They all create iterators, and you can use collect to make these into sets.

Here's a shortcut, just as we defined for vectors:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::hash::Hash;

trait ToSet<T> {
    fn to_set(self) -> HashSet<T>;

impl <T,I> ToSet<T> for I
where T: Eq + Hash, I: Iterator<Item=T> {

    fn to_set(self) -> HashSet<T> {


let intersect = fruit.intersection(&colours).to_set();


As with all Rust generics, you do need to constrain types - this can only be implemented for types that understand equality (Eq) and for which a 'hash function' exists (Hash). Remember that there is no type called Iterator, so I represents any type that implements Iterator.

This technique for implementing our own methods on standard library types may appear to be a little too powerful, but again, there are Rules. We can only do this for our own traits. If both the struct and the trait came from the same crate (particularly, the stdlib) then such implemention would not be allowed. In this way, you are saved from creating confusion.

Before congratulating ourselves on such a clever, convenient shortcut, you should be aware of the consequences. If make_set was written so, so that these are sets of owned strings, then the actual type of intersect could come as a surprise:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn make_set(words: &str) -> HashSet<String> {
    words.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect()
// intersect is HashSet<&String>!
let intersect = fruit.intersection(&colours).to_set();


And it cannot be otherwise, since Rust will not suddenly start making copies of owned strings. intersect contains a single &String borrowed from fruit. I can promise you that this will cause you trouble later, when you start patching up lifetimes! A better solution is to use the iterator's cloned method to make owned string copies of the intersection.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// intersect is HashSet<String> - much better
let intersect = fruit.intersection(&colours).cloned().to_set();


A more robust definition of to_set might be self.cloned().collect(), which I invite you to try out.

Example: Interactive command processing

It's often useful to have an interactive session with a program. Each line is read in and split into words; the command is looked up on the first word, and the rest of the words are passed as an argument to that command.

A natural implementation is a map from command names to closures. But how do we store closures, given that they will all have different sizes? Boxing them will copy them onto the heap:

Here's a first try:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let mut v = Vec::new();
    v.push(Box::new(|x| x * x));
    v.push(Box::new(|x| x / 2.0));

    for f in v.iter() {
        let res = f(1.0);
        println!("res {}", res);


We get a very definite error on the second push:

  = note: expected type `[closure@closure4.rs:4:21: 4:28]`
  = note:    found type `[closure@closure4.rs:5:21: 5:28]`
note: no two closures, even if identical, have the same type

rustc has deduced a type which is too specific, so it's necessary to force that vector to have the boxed trait type before things just work:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let mut v: Vec<Box<Fn(f64)->f64>> = Vec::new();


We can now use the same trick and keep these boxed closures in a HashMap. We still have to watch out for lifetimes, since closures can borrow from their environment.

It's tempting as first to make them FnMut - that is, they can modify any captured variables. But we will have more than one command, each with its own closure, and you cannot then mutably borrow the same variables.

So the closures are passed a mutable reference as an argument, plus a slice of string slices (&[&str]) representing the command arguments. They will return some Result - We'll use String errors at first.

D is the data type, which can be anything with a size.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
type CliResult = Result<String,String>;

struct Cli<'a,D> {
    data: D,
    callbacks: HashMap<String, Box<Fn(&mut D,&[&str])->CliResult + 'a>>

impl <'a,D: Sized> Cli<'a,D> {
    fn new(data: D) -> Cli<'a,D> {
        Cli{data: data, callbacks: HashMap::new()}

    fn cmd<F>(&mut self, name: &str, callback: F)
    where F: Fn(&mut D, &[&str])->CliResult + 'a {


cmd is passed a name and any closure that matches our signature, which is boxed and entered into the map. Fn means that our closures borrow their environment but can't modify it. It's one of those generic methods where the declaration is scarier than the actual implementation! Forgetting the explicit lifetime is a common error here - Rust won't let us forget that these closures have a lifetime limited to their environment!

Now for reading and running commands:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn process(&mut self,line: &str) -> CliResult {
        let parts: Vec<_> = line.split_whitespace().collect();
        if parts.len() == 0 {
            return Ok("".to_string());
        match self.callbacks.get(parts[0]) {
            Some(callback) => callback(&mut self.data,&parts[1..]),
            None => Err("no such command".to_string())

    fn go(&mut self) {
        let mut buff = String::new();
        while io::stdin().read_line(&mut buff).expect("error") > 0 {
                let line = buff.trim_left();
                let res = self.process(line);
                println!("{:?}", res);



This is all reasonably straightforward - split the line into words as a vector, look up the first word in the map and call the closure with our stored mutable data and the rest of the words. An empty line is ignored and not considered an error.

Next, let's define some helper functions to make it easier for our closures to return correct and incorrect results. There's a little bit of cleverness going on; they are generic functions that work for any type that can be converted to a String.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn ok<T: ToString>(s: T) -> CliResult {

fn err<T: ToString>(s: T) -> CliResult {


So finally, the Main Program. Look at how ok(answer) works - because integers know how to convert themselves to strings!

use std::error::Error;

fn main() {
    println!("Welcome to the Interactive Prompt! ");

    struct Data {
        answer: i32

    let mut cli = Cli::new(Data{answer: 42});

    cli.cmd("go",|data,args| {
        if args.len() == 0 { return err("need 1 argument"); }
        data.answer = match args[0].parse::<i32>() {
            Ok(n) => n,
            Err(e) => return err(e.description())
        println!("got {:?}", args);

    cli.cmd("show",|data,_| {


The error handling is a bit clunky here, and we'll later see how to use the question mark operator in cases like this. Basically, the particular error std::num::ParseIntError implements the trait std::error::Error, which we must bring into scope to use the description method - Rust doesn't let traits operate unless they're visible.

And in action:

Welcome to the Interactive Prompt!
go 32
got ["32"]
goop one two three
Err("no such command")
go 42 one two three
got ["42", "one", "two", "three"]
go boo!
Err("invalid digit found in string")

Here are some obvious improvements for you to try. First, if we give cmd three arguments with the second being a help line, then we can store these help lines and automatically implement a 'help' command. Second, having some command editing and history is very convenient, so use the rustyline crate from Cargo.

Error Handling

Basic Error Handling

Error handling in Rust can be clumsy if you can't use the question-mark operator. To achieve happiness, we need to return a Result which can accept any error. All errors implement the trait std::error::Error, and so any error can convert into a Box<Error>.

Say we needed to handle both i/o errors and errors from converting strings into numbers:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// box-error.rs
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::error::Error;

fn run(file: &str) -> Result<i32,Box<Error>> {
    let mut file = File::open(file)?;
    let mut contents = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;


So that's two question-marks for the i/o errors (can't open file, or can't read as string) and one question-mark for the conversion error. Finally, we wrap the result in Ok. Rust can work out from the return type that parse should convert to i32.

It's easy to create a shortcut for this Result type:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
type BoxResult<T> = Result<T,Box<Error>>;


However, our programs will have application-specific error conditions, and so we need to create our own error type. The basic requirements are straightforward:

  • May implement Debug
  • Must implement Display
  • Must implement Error

Otherwise, your error can do pretty much what it likes.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// error1.rs
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;

struct MyError {
    details: String

impl MyError {
    fn new(msg: &str) -> MyError {
        MyError{details: msg.to_string()}

impl fmt::Display for MyError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

impl Error for MyError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {

// a test function that returns our error result
fn raises_my_error(yes: bool) -> Result<(),MyError> {
    if yes {
    } else {


Typing Result<T,MyError> gets tedious and many Rust modules define their own Result - e.g. io::Result<T> is short for Result<T,io::Error>.

In this next example we need to handle the specific error when a string can't be parsed as a floating-point number.

Now the way that ? works is to look for a conversion from the error of the expression to the error that must be returned. And this conversion is expressed by the From trait. Box<Error> works as it does because it implements From for all types implementing Error.

At this point you can continue to use the convenient alias BoxResult and catch everything as before; there will be a conversion from our error into Box<Error>. This is a good option for smaller applications. But I want to show other errors can be explicitly made to cooperate with our error type.

ParseFloatError implements Error so description() is defined.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::num::ParseFloatError;

impl From<ParseFloatError> for MyError {
    fn from(err: ParseFloatError) -> Self {

// and test!
fn parse_f64(s: &str, yes: bool) -> Result<f64,MyError> {
    let x: f64 = s.parse()?;


The first ? is fine (a type always converts to itself with From) and the second ? will convert the ParseFloatError to MyError.

And the results:

fn main() {
    println!(" {:?}", parse_f64("42",false));
    println!(" {:?}", parse_f64("42",true));
    println!(" {:?}", parse_f64("?42",false));
//  Ok(42)
//  Err(MyError { details: "borked" })
//  Err(MyError { details: "invalid float literal" })

Not too complicated, although a little long-winded. The tedious bit is having to write From conversions for all the other error types that need to play nice with MyError - or you simply lean on Box<Error>. Newcomers get confused by the multitude of ways to do the same thing in Rust; there is always another way to peel the avocado (or skin the cat, if you're feeling bloodthirsty). The price of flexibility is having many options. Error-handling for a 200 line program can afford to be simpler than for a large application. And if you ever want to package your precious droppings as a Cargo crate, then error handling becomes crucial.

Currently, the question-mark operator only works for Result, not Option, and this is a feature, not a limitation. Option has a ok_or_else which converts itself into a Result. For example, say we had a HashMap and must fail if a key isn't defined:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let val = map.get("my_key").ok_or_else(|| MyError::new("my_key not defined"))?;


Now here the error returned is completely clear! (This form uses a closure, so the error value is only created if the lookup fails.)

simple-error for Simple Errors

The simple-error crate provides you with a basic error type based on a string, as we have defined it here, and a few convenient macros. Like any error, it works fine with Box<Error>:

extern crate simple_error;

use std::error::Error;

type BoxResult<T> = Result<T,Box<Error>>;

fn run(s: &str) -> BoxResult<i32> {
    if s.len() == 0 {
        bail!("empty string");

fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", run("23"));
    println!("{:?}", run("2x"));
    println!("{:?}", run(""));
// Ok(23)
// Err(ParseIntError { kind: InvalidDigit })
// Err(StringError("empty string"))

bail!(s) expands to return SimpleError::new(s).into(); - return early with a conversion into the receiving type.

You need to use BoxResult for mixing the SimpleError type with other errors, since we can't implement From for it, since both the trait and the type come from other crates.

error-chain for Serious Errors

For non-trivial applications have a look at the error_chain crate. A little macro magic can go a long way in Rust...

Create a binary crate with cargo new --bin test-error-chain and change to this directory. Edit Cargo.toml and add error-chain="0.8.1" to the end.

What error-chain does for you is create all the definitions we needed for manually implementing an error type; creating a struct, and implementing the necessary traits: Display, Debug and Error. It also by default implements From so strings can be converted into errors.

Our first src/main.rs file looks like this. All the main program does is call run, print out any errors, and end the program with a non-zero exit code. The macro error_chain generates all the definitions needed, within an error module - in a larger program you would put this in its own file. We need to bring everything in error back into global scope because our code will need to see the generated traits. By default, there will be an Error struct and a Result defined with that error.

Here we also ask for From to be implemented so that std::io::Error will convert into our error type using foreign_links:

extern crate error_chain;

mod errors {
        foreign_links {
use errors::*;

fn run() -> Result<()> {
    use std::fs::File;



fn main() {
    if let Err(e) = run() {
        println!("error: {}", e);

// error: No such file or directory (os error 2)

The 'foreign_links' has made our life easier, since the question mark operator now knows how to convert std::io::Error into our error::Error. (Under the hood, the macro is creating a From<std::io::Error> conversion, exactly as spelt out earlier.)

All the action happens in run; let's make it print out the first 10 lines of a file given as the first program argument. There may or may not be such an argument, which isn't necessarily an error. Here we want to convert an Option<String> into a Result<String>. There are two Option methods for doing this conversion, and I've picked the simplest one. Our Error type implements From for &str, so it's straightforward to make an error with a simple text message.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn run() -> Result<()> {
    use std::env::args;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::BufReader;
    use std::io::prelude::*;

    let file = args().skip(1).next()
        .ok_or(Error::from("provide a file"))?;

    let f = File::open(&file)?;
    let mut l = 0;
    for line in BufReader::new(f).lines() {
        let line = line?;
        println!("{}", line);
        l += 1;
        if l == 10 {



There is (again) a useful little macro bail! for 'throwing' errors. An alternative to the ok_or method here could be:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let file = match args().skip(1).next() {
        Some(s) => s,
        None => bail!("provide a file")


Like ? it does an early return.

The returned error contains an enum ErrorKind, which allows us to distinguish between various kinds of errors. There's always a variant Msg (when you say Error::from(str)) and the foreign_links has declared Io which wraps I/O errors:

fn main() {
    if let Err(e) = run() {
        match e.kind() {
            &ErrorKind::Msg(ref s) => println!("msg {}",s),
            &ErrorKind::Io(ref s) => println!("io {}",s),
// $ cargo run
// msg provide a file
// $ cargo run foo
// io No such file or directory (os error 2)

It's straightforward to add new kinds of errors. Add an errors section to the error_chain! macro:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
        foreign_links {

        errors {
            NoArgument(t: String) {
                display("no argument provided: '{}'", t)



This defines how Display works for this new kind of error. And now we can handle 'no argument' errors more specifically, feeding ErrorKind::NoArgument a String value:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let file = args().skip(1).next()
        .ok_or(ErrorKind::NoArgument("filename needed".to_string()))?;


There's now an extra ErrorKind variant that you must match:

fn main() {
    if let Err(e) = run() {
        println!("error {}",e);
        match e.kind() {
            &ErrorKind::Msg(ref s) => println!("msg {}", s),
            &ErrorKind::Io(ref s) => println!("io {}", s),
            &ErrorKind::NoArgument(ref s) => println!("no argument {:?}", s),
// cargo run
// error no argument provided: 'filename needed'
// no argument "filename needed"

Generally, it's useful to make errors as specific as possible, particularly if this is a library function! This match-on-kind technique is pretty much the equivalent of traditional exception handling, where you match on exception types in a catch or except block.

In summary, error-chain creates a type Error for you, and defines Result<T> to be std::result::Result<T,Error>. Error contains an enum ErrorKind and by default there is one variant Msg for errors created from strings. You define external errors with foreign_links which does two things. First, it creates a new ErrorKind variant. Second, it defines From on these external errors so they can be converted to our error. New error variants can be easily added. A lot of irritating boilerplate code is eliminated.

Chaining Errors

But the really cool thing that this crate provides is error chaining.

As a library user, it's irritating when a method simply just 'throws' a generic I/O error. OK, it could not open a file, fine, but what file? Basically, what use is this information to me?

error_chain does error chaining which helps solve this problem of over-generic errors. When we try to open the file, we can lazily lean on the conversion to io::Error using ?, or chain the error.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// non-specific error
let f = File::open(&file)?;

// a specific chained error
let f = File::open(&file).chain_err(|| "unable to read the damn file")?;


Here's a new version of the program, with no imported 'foreign' errors, just the defaults:

extern crate error_chain;

mod errors {

use errors::*;

fn run() -> Result<()> {
    use std::env::args;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::BufReader;
    use std::io::prelude::*;

    let file = args().skip(1).next()
        .ok_or(Error::from("filename needed"))?;

    ///////// chain explicitly! ///////////
    let f = File::open(&file).chain_err(|| "unable to read the damn file")?;

    let mut l = 0;
    for line in BufReader::new(f).lines() {
        let line = line.chain_err(|| "cannot read a line")?;
        println!("{}", line);
        l += 1;
        if l == 10 {


fn main() {
    if let Err(e) = run() {
        println!("error {}", e);

        /////// look at the chain of errors... ///////
        for e in e.iter().skip(1) {
            println!("caused by: {}", e);

// $ cargo run foo
// error unable to read the damn file
// caused by: No such file or directory (os error 2)

So the chain_err method takes the original error, and creates a new error which contains the original error - this can be continued indefinitely. The closure is expected to return any value which can be converted into an error.

Rust macros can clearly save you a lot of typing. error-chain even provides a shortcut that replaces the whole main program:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {


(run is where all the action takes place, anyway.)

Threads, Networking and Sharing

Changing the Unchangeable

If you're feeling pig-headed (as I get) you wonder if it's ever possible to get around the restrictions of the borrow checker.

Consider the following little program, which compiles and runs without problems.

// cell.rs
use std::cell::Cell;

fn main() {
    let answer = Cell::new(42);

    assert_eq!(answer.get(), 42);


    assert_eq!(answer.get(), 77);

The answer was changed - and yet the variable answer was not mutable!

This is obviously perfectly safe, since the value inside the cell is only accessed through set and get. This goes by the grand name of interior mutability. The usual is called inherited mutability: if I have a struct value v, then I can only write to a field v.a if v itself is writeable. Cell values relax this rule, since we can change the value contained within them with set even if the cell itself is not mutable.

However, Cell only works with Copy types (e.g primitive types and user types deriving the Copy trait).

For other values, we have to get a reference we can work on, either mutable or immutable. This is what RefCell provides - you ask it explicitly for a reference to the contained value:

// refcell.rs
use std::cell::RefCell;

fn main() {
    let greeting = RefCell::new("hello".to_string());

    assert_eq!(*greeting.borrow(), "hello");
    assert_eq!(greeting.borrow().len(), 5);

    *greeting.borrow_mut() = "hola".to_string();

    assert_eq!(*greeting.borrow(), "hola");

Again, greeting was not declared as mutable!

The explicit dereference operator * can be a bit confusing in Rust, because often you don't need it - for instance greeting.borrow().len() is fine since method calls will dereference implicitly. But you do need * to pull out the underlying &String from greeting.borrow() or the &mut String from greeting.borrow_mut().

Using a RefCell isn't always safe, because any references returned from these methods must follow the usual rules.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let mut gr = greeting.borrow_mut(); // gr is a mutable borrow
    *gr = "hola".to_string();

    assert_eq!(*greeting.borrow(), "hola"); // <== we blow up here!
thread 'main' panicked at 'already mutably borrowed: BorrowError'


You cannot borrow immutably if you have already borrowed mutably! Except - and this is important - the violation of the rules happens at runtime. The solution (as always) is to keep the scope of mutable borrows as limited as possible - in this case, you could put a block around the first two lines here so that the mutable reference gr gets dropped before we borrow again.

So, this is not a feature you use without good reason, since you will not get a compile-time error. These types provide dynamic borrowing in cases where the usual rules make some things impossible.

Shared References

Up to now, the relationship between a value and its borrowed references has been clear and known at compile time. The value is the owner, and the references cannot outlive it. But many cases simply don't fit into this neat pattern. For example, say we have a Player struct and a Role struct. A Player keeps a vector of references to Role objects. There isn't a neat one-to-one relationship between these values, and persuading rustc to cooperate becomes nasty.

Rc works like Box - heap memory is allocated and the value is moved to it. If you clone a Box, it allocates a full cloned copy of the value. But cloning an Rc is cheap, because each time you clone it just updates a reference count to the same data. This is an old and very popular strategy for memory management, for example it's used in the Objective C runtime on iOS/MacOS. (In modern C++, it is implemented with std::shared_ptr.)

When a Rc is dropped, the reference count is decremented. When that count goes to zero the owned value is dropped and the memory freed.

// rc1.rs
use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {
    let s = "hello dolly".to_string();
    let rs1 = Rc::new(s); // s moves to heap; ref count 1
    let rs2 = rs1.clone(); // ref count 2

    println!("len {}, {}", rs1.len(), rs2.len());
} // both rs1 and rs2 drop, string dies.

You may make as many references as you like to the original value - it's dynamic borrowing again. You do not have to carefully track the relationship between the value T and its references &T. There is some runtime cost involved, so it isn't the first solution you choose, but it makes patterns of sharing possible which would fall foul of the borrow checker. Note that Rc gives you immutable shared references, since otherwise that would break one of the very basic rules of borrowing. A leopard can't change its spots without ceasing to be a leopard.

In the case of a Player, it can now keep its roles as a Vec<Rc<Role>> and things work out fine - we can add or remove roles but not change them after their creation.

However, what if each Player needs to keep references to a team as a vector of Player references? Then everything becomes immutable, because all the Player values need to be stored as Rc! This is the place where RefCell becomes necessary. The team may be then defined as Vec<Rc<RefCell<Player>>>. It is now possible to change a Player value using borrow_mut, provided no-one has 'checked out' a reference to a Player at the same time. For example, say we have a rule that if something special happens to a player, then all of their team gets stronger:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    for p in &self.team {


So the application code isn't too bad, but the type signatures get a bit scary. You can always simplify them with a type alias:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
type PlayerRef = Rc<RefCell<Player>>;



Over the last twenty years, there has been a shift away from raw processing speed to CPUs having multiple cores. So the only way to get the most out of a modern computer is to keep all of those cores busy. It's certainly possible to spawn child processes in the background as we saw with Command but there's still a synchronization problem: we don't know exactly when those children are finished without waiting on them.

There are other reasons for needing separate threads of execution, of course. You cannot afford to lock up your whole process just to wait on blocking i/o, for instance.

Spawning threads is straightforward in Rust - you feed spawn a closure which is executed in the background.

// thread1.rs
use std::thread;
use std::time;

fn main() {
    thread::spawn(|| println!("hello"));
    thread::spawn(|| println!("dolly"));

    println!("so fine");
    // wait a little bit
// so fine
// hello
// dolly

Well obviously just 'wait a little bit' is not a very rigorous solution! It's better to call join on the returned object - then the main thread waits for the spawned thread to finish.

// thread2.rs
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let t = thread::spawn(|| {
    println!("wait {:?}", t.join());
// hello
// wait Ok(())

Here's an interesting variation: force the new thread to panic.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let t = thread::spawn(|| {
        panic!("I give up!");
    println!("wait {:?}", t.join());


We get a panic as expected, but only the panicking thread dies! We still manage to print out the error message from the join. So yes, panics are not always fatal, but threads are relatively expensive, so this should not be seen as a routine way of handling panics.

thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'I give up!', thread2.rs:7
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.
wait Err(Any)

The returned objects can be used to keep track of multiple threads:

// thread4.rs
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let mut threads = Vec::new();

    for i in 0..5 {
        let t = thread::spawn(move || {
            println!("hello {}", i);

    for t in threads {
        t.join().expect("thread failed");
// hello 0
// hello 2
// hello 4
// hello 3
// hello 1

Rust insists that we handle the case where the join failed - i.e. that thread panicked. (You would typically not bail out of the main program when this happens, just note the error, retry etc)

There is no particular order to thread execution (this program gives different orders for different runs), and this is key - they really are independent threads of execution. Multithreading is easy; what's hard is concurrency - managing and synchronizing multiple threads of execution.

Threads Don't Borrow

It's possible for the thread closure to capture values, but by moving, not by borrowing!

// thread3.rs
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let name = "dolly".to_string();
    let t = thread::spawn(|| {
        println!("hello {}", name);
    println!("wait {:?}", t.join());

And here's the helpful error message:

error[E0373]: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows `name`, which is owned by the current function
 --> thread3.rs:6:27
6 |     let t = thread::spawn(|| {
  |                           ^^ may outlive borrowed value `name`
7 |         println!("hello {}", name);
  |                             ---- `name` is borrowed here
help: to force the closure to take ownership of `name` (and any other referenced variables), use the `move` keyword, as shown:
  |     let t = thread::spawn(move || {

That's fair enough! Imagine spawning this thread from a function - it will exist after the function call has finished and name gets dropped. So adding move solves our problem.

But this is a move, so name may only appear in one thread! I'd like to emphasize that it is possible to share references, but they need to have static lifetime:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let name = "dolly";
let t1 = thread::spawn(move || {
    println!("hello {}", name);
let t2 = thread::spawn(move || {
    println!("goodbye {}", name);


name exists for the whole duration of the program (static), so rustc is satisfied that the closure will never outlive name. However, most interesting references do not have static lifetimes!

Threads can't share the same environment - by design in Rust. In particular, they cannot share regular references because the closures move their captured variables.

shared references are fine however, because their lifetime is 'as long as needed' - but you cannot use Rc for this. This is because Rc is not thread safe - it's optimized to be fast for the non-threaded case. Fortunately it is a compile error to use Rc here; the compiler is watching your back as always.

For threads, you need std::sync::Arc - 'Arc' stands for 'Atomic Reference Counting'. That is, it guarantees that the reference count will be modified in one logical operation. To make this guarantee, it must ensure that the operation is locked so that only the current thread has access. clone is still much cheaper than actually making a copy however.

// thread5.rs
use std::thread;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct MyString(String);

impl MyString {
    fn new(s: &str) -> MyString {

fn main() {
    let mut threads = Vec::new();
    let name = Arc::new(MyString::new("dolly"));

    for i in 0..5 {
        let tname = name.clone();
        let t = thread::spawn(move || {
            println!("hello {} count {}", tname.0, i);

    for t in threads {
        t.join().expect("thread failed");

I"ve deliberately created a wrapper type for String here (a 'newtype') since our MyString does not implement Clone. But the shared reference can be cloned!

The shared reference name is passed to each new thread by making a new reference with clone and moving it into the closure. It's a little verbose, but this is a safe pattern. Safety is important in concurrency precisely because the problems are so unpredictable. A program may run fine on your machine, but occasionally crash on the server, usually on the weekend. Worse still, the symptoms of such problems are not easy to diagnose.


There are ways to send data between threads. This is done in Rust using channels. std::sync::mpsc::channel() returns a tuple consisting of the receiver channel and the sender channel. Each thread is passed a copy of the sender with clone, and calls send. Meanwhile the main thread calls recv on the receiver.

'MPSC' stands for 'Multiple Producer Single Consumer'. We create multiple threads which attempt to send to the channel, and the main thread 'consumes' the channel.

// thread9.rs
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc;

fn main() {
    let nthreads = 5;
    let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();

    for i in 0..nthreads {
        let tx = tx.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let response = format!("hello {}", i);

    for _ in 0..nthreads {
        println!("got {:?}", rx.recv());
// got Ok("hello 0")
// got Ok("hello 1")
// got Ok("hello 3")
// got Ok("hello 4")
// got Ok("hello 2")

There's no need to join here since the threads send their response just before they end execution, but obviously this can happen at any time. recv will block, and will return an error if the sender channel is disconnected. recv_timeout will only block for a given time period, and may return a timeout error as well.

send never blocks, which is useful because threads can push out data without waiting for the receiver to process. In addition, the channel is buffered so multiple send operations can take place, which will be received in order.

However, not blocking means that Ok does not automatically mean 'successfully delivered message'!

A sync_channel does block on send. With an argument of zero, the send blocks until the recv happens. The threads must meet up or rendezvous (on the sound principle that most things sound better in French.)

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let (tx, rx) = mpsc::sync_channel(0);

    let t1 = thread::spawn(move || {
        for i in 0..5 {

    for _ in 0..5 {
        let res = rx.recv().unwrap();


We can easily cause an error here by calling recv when there has been no corresponding send, e.g by looping for i in 0..4. The thread ends, and tx drops, and then recv will fail. This will also happen if the thread panics, which causes its stack to be unwound, dropping any values.

If the sync_channel was created with a non-zero argument n, then it acts like a queue with a maximum size of n - send will only block when it tries to add more than n values to the queue.

Channels are strongly typed - here the channel had type i32 - but type inference makes this implicit. If you need to pass different kinds of data, then enums are a good way to express this.


Let's look at synchronization. join is very basic, and merely waits until a particular thread has finished. A sync_channel synchronizes two threads - in the last example, the spawned thread and the main thread are completely locked together.

Barrier synchronization is a checkpoint where the threads must wait until all of them have reached that point. Then they can keep going as before. The barrier is created with the number of threads that we want to wait for. As before we use use Arc to share the barrier with all the threads.

// thread7.rs
use std::thread;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Barrier;

fn main() {
    let nthreads = 5;
    let mut threads = Vec::new();
    let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(nthreads));

    for i in 0..nthreads {
        let barrier = barrier.clone();
        let t = thread::spawn(move || {
            println!("before wait {}", i);
            println!("after wait {}", i);

    for t in threads {
// before wait 2
// before wait 0
// before wait 1
// before wait 3
// before wait 4
// after wait 4
// after wait 2
// after wait 3
// after wait 0
// after wait 1

The threads do their semi-random thing, all meet up, and then continue. It's like a kind of resumable join and useful when you need to farm off pieces of a job to different threads and want to take some action when all the pieces are finished.

Shared State

How can threads modify shared state?

Recall the Rc<RefCell<T>> strategy for dynamically doing a mutable borrow on shared references. The threading equivalent to RefCell is Mutex - you may get your mutable reference by calling lock. While this reference exists, no other thread can access it. mutex stands for 'Mutual Exclusion' - we lock a section of code so that only one thread can access it, and then unlock it. You get the lock with the lock method, and it is unlocked when the reference is dropped.

// thread9.rs
use std::thread;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;

fn main() {
    let answer = Arc::new(Mutex::new(42));

    let answer_ref = answer.clone();
    let t = thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut answer = answer_ref.lock().unwrap();
        *answer = 55;


    let ar = answer.lock().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(*ar, 55);


This isn't so straightforward as using RefCell because asking for the lock on the mutex might fail, if another thread has panicked while holding the lock. (In this case, the documentation actually recommends just exiting the thread with unwrap because things have gone seriously wrong!)

It's even more important to keep this mutable borrow as short as possible, because as long as the mutex is locked, other threads are blocked. This is not the place for expensive calculations! So typically such code would be used like this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// ... do something in the thread
// get a locked reference and use it briefly!
    let mut data = data_ref.lock().unwrap();
    // modify data
//... continue with the thread


Higher-Level Operations

It's better to find higher-level ways of doing threading, rather than managing the synchronization yourself. An example is when you need to do things in parallel and collect the results. One very cool crate is pipeliner which has a very straightforward API. Here's the 'Hello, World!' - an iterator feeds us inputs and we execute up to n of the operations on the values in parallel.

extern crate pipeliner;
use pipeliner::Pipeline;

fn main() {
    for result in (0..10).with_threads(4).map(|x| x + 1) {
        println!("result: {}", result);
// result: 1
// result: 2
// result: 5
// result: 3
// result: 6
// result: 7
// result: 8
// result: 9
// result: 10
// result: 4

It's a silly example of course, because the operation is so cheap to calculate, but shows how easy it is to run code in parallel.

Here's something more useful. Doing network operations in parallel is very useful, because they can take time, and you don't want to wait for them all to finish before starting to do work.

This example is pretty crude (believe me, there are better ways of doing it) but here we want to focus on the principle. We reuse the shell function defined in section 4 to call ping on a range of IP4 addresses.

extern crate pipeliner;
use pipeliner::Pipeline;

use std::process::Command;

fn shell(cmd: &str) -> (String,bool) {
    let cmd = format!("{} 2>&1",cmd);
    let output = Command::new("/bin/sh")
        .expect("no shell?");

fn main() {
    let addresses: Vec<_> = (1..40).map(|n| format!("ping -c1 192.168.0.{}",n)).collect();
    let n = addresses.len();

    for result in addresses.with_threads(n).map(|s| shell(&s)) {
        if result.1 {
            println!("got: {}", result.0);


And the result on my home network looks like this:

got: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=43.2 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 43.284/43.284/43.284/0.000 ms
got: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.029/0.029/0.029/0.000 ms
got: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=110 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 110.008/110.008/110.008/0.000 ms
got: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=207 ms

The active addresses come through pretty fast within the first half-second, and we then wait for the negative results to come in. Otherwise, we would wait for the better part of a minute! You can now proceed to scrape things like ping times from the output, although this would only work on Linux. ping is universal, but the exact output format is different for each platform. To do better we need to use the cross-platform Rust networking API, and so let's move onto Networking.

A Better Way to Resolve Addresses

If you just want availability and not detailed ping statistics, the std::net::ToSocketAddrs trait will do any DNS resolution for you:

use std::net::*;

fn main() {
    for res in "google.com:80".to_socket_addrs().expect("bad") {
        println!("got {:?}", res);
// got V4(
// got V6([2c0f:fb50:4002:803::200e]:80)

It's an iterator because there is often more than one interface associated with a domain - there are both IPV4 and IPV6 interfaces to Google.

So, let's naively use this method to rewrite the pipeliner example. Most networking protocols use both an address and a port:

extern crate pipeliner;
use pipeliner::Pipeline;

use std::net::*;

fn main() {
    let addresses: Vec<_> = (1..40).map(|n| format!("192.168.0.{}:0",n)).collect();
    let n = addresses.len();

    for result in addresses.with_threads(n).map(|s| s.to_socket_addrs()) {
        println!("got: {:?}", result);
// got: Ok(IntoIter([V4(]))
// got: Ok(IntoIter([V4(]))
// got: Ok(IntoIter([V4(]))
// got: Ok(IntoIter([V4(]))
// got: Ok(IntoIter([V4(]))
// ....

This is much faster than the ping example because it's just checking that the IP address is valid - if we fed it a list of actual domain names the DNS lookup could take some time, hence the importance of parallelism.

Suprisingly, it sort-of Just Works. The fact that everything in the standard library implements Debug is great for exploration as well as debugging. The iterator is returning Result (hence Ok) and in that Result is an IntoIter into a SocketAddr which is an enum with either a ipv4 or a ipv6 address. Why IntoIter? Because a socket may have multiple addresses (e.g. both ipv4 and ipv6).

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    for result in addresses.with_threads(n)
        .map(|s| s.to_socket_addrs().unwrap().next().unwrap())
        println!("got: {:?}", result);
// got: V4(
// got: V4(
// got: V4(


This also works, surprisingly enough, at least for our simple example. The first unwrap gets rid of the Result, and then we explicitly pull the first value out of the iterator. The Result will get bad typically when we give a nonsense address (like an address name without a port.)

TCP Client Server

Rust provides a straightforward interface to the most commonly used network protocol, TCP. It is very fault-resistant and is the base on which our networked world is built - packets of data are sent and received, with acknowledgement. By contrast, UDP sends packets out into the wild without acknowledgement - there's a joke that goes "I could tell you a joke about UDP but you might not get it." (Jokes about networking are only funny for a specialized meaning of the word 'funny')

However, error handling is very important with networking, because anything can happen, and will, eventually.

TCP works as a client/server model; the server listens on a address and a particular network port, and the client connects to that server. A connection is established and thereafter the client and server can communicate with a socket.

TcpStream::connect takes anything that can convert into a SocketAddr, in particular the plain strings we have been using.

A simple TCP client in Rust is easy - a TcpStream struct is both readable and writeable. As usual, we have to bring the Read, Write and other std::io traits into scope:

// client.rs
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::io::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("").expect("connection failed");

    write!(stream,"hello from the client!\n").expect("write failed");

The server is not much more complicated; we set up a listener and wait for connections. When a client connects, we get a TcpStream on the server side. In this case, we read everything that the client has written into a string.

// server.rs
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::io::prelude::*;

fn main() {

    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").expect("could not start server");

    // accept connections and get a TcpStream
    for connection in listener.incoming() {
        match connection {
            Ok(mut stream) => {
                let mut text = String::new();
                stream.read_to_string(&mut text).expect("read failed");
                println!("got '{}'", text);
            Err(e) => { println!("connection failed {}", e); }

Here I've chosen a port number moreorless at random, but most ports are assigned some meaning.

Note that both parties have to agree on a protocol - the client expects it can write text to the stream, and the server expects to read text from the stream. If they don't play the same game, then situations can occur where one party is blocked, waiting for bytes that never come.

Error checking is important - network I/O can fail for many reasons, and errors that might appear once in a blue moon on a local filesystem can happen on a regular basis. Someone can trip over the network cable, the other party could crash, and so forth. This little server isn't very robust, because it will fall over on the first read error.

Here is a more solid server that handles the error without failing. It also specifically reads a line from the stream, which is done using io::BufReader to create an io::BufRead on which we can call read_line.

// server2.rs
use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io;

fn handle_connection(stream: TcpStream) -> io::Result<()>{
    let mut rdr = io::BufReader::new(stream);
    let mut text = String::new();
    rdr.read_line(&mut text)?;
    println!("got '{}'", text.trim_right());

fn main() {

    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").expect("could not start server");

    // accept connections and get a TcpStream
    for connection in listener.incoming() {
        match connection {
            Ok(stream) => {
                if let Err(e) = handle_connection(stream) {
                    println!("error {:?}", e);
            Err(e) => { print!("connection failed {}\n", e); }

read_line might fail in handle_connection, but the resulting error is safely handled.

One-way communications like this are certainly useful - for instance. a set of services across a network which want to collect their status reports together in one central place. But it's reasonable to expect a polite reply, even if just 'ok'!

A simple example is a basic 'echo' server. The client writes some text ending in a newline to the server, and receives the same text back with a newline - the stream is readable and writeable.

// client_echo.rs
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::net::TcpStream;

fn main() {
    let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("").expect("connection failed");
    let msg = "hello from the client!";

    write!(stream,"{}\n", msg).expect("write failed");

    let mut resp = String::new();
    stream.read_to_string(&mut resp).expect("read failed");
    let text = resp.trim_right();

The server has an interesting twist. Only handle_connection changes:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn handle_connection(stream: TcpStream) -> io::Result<()>{
    let mut ostream = stream.try_clone()?;
    let mut rdr = io::BufReader::new(stream);
    let mut text = String::new();
    rdr.read_line(&mut text)?;


This is a common gotcha with simple two-way socket communication; we want to read a line, so need to feed the readable stream to BufReader - but it consumes the stream! So we have to clone the stream, creating a new struct which refers to the same underlying socket. Then we have happiness.

Object-Orientation in Rust

Everyone comes from somewhere, and the chances are good that your previous programming language implemented Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in a particular way:

  • 'classes' act as factories for generating objects (often called instances) and define unique types.
  • Classes may inherit from other classes (their parents), inheriting both data (fields) and behaviour (methods)
  • If B inherits from A, then an instance of B can be passed to something expecting A (subtyping)
  • An object should hide its data (encapsulation), which can only be operated on with methods.

Object-oriented design is then about identifying the classes (the 'nouns') and the methods (the 'verbs') and then establishing relationships between them, is-a and has-a.

There was a point in the old Star Trek series where the doctor would say to the captain, "It's Life, Jim, just not Life as we know it". And this applies very much to Rust-flavoured object-orientation: it comes as a shock, because Rust data aggregates (structs, enums and tuples) are dumb. You can define methods on them, and make the data itself private, all the usual tactics of encapsulation, but they are all unrelated types. There is no subtyping and no inheritance of data (apart from the specialized case of Deref coercions.)

The relationships between various data types in Rust are established using traits. A large part of learning Rust is understanding how the standard library traits operate, because that's the web of meaning that glues all the data types together.

Traits are interesting because there's no one-to-one correspondence between them and concepts from mainstream languages. It depends if you're thinking dynamically or statically. In the dynamic case, they're rather like Java or Go interfaces.

Trait Objects

Consider the example first used to introduce traits:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Show {
    fn show(&self) -> String;

impl Show for i32 {
    fn show(&self) -> String {
        format!("four-byte signed {}", self)

impl Show for f64 {
    fn show(&self) -> String {
        format!("eight-byte float {}", self)


Here's a little program with big implications:

fn main() {
    let answer = 42;
    let maybe_pi = 3.14;
    let v: Vec<&Show> = vec![&answer,&maybe_pi];
    for d in v.iter() {
        println!("show {}",d.show());
// show four-byte signed 42
// show eight-byte float 3.14

This is a case where Rust needs some type guidance - I specifically want a vector of references to anything that implements Show. Now note that i32 and f64 have no relationship to each other, but they both understand the show method because they both implement the same trait. This method is virtual, because the actual method has different code for different types, and yet the correct method is invoked based on runtime information. These references are called trait objects.

And that is how you can put objects of different types in the same vector. If you come from a Java or Go background, you can think of Show as acting like an interface.

A little refinement of this example - we box the values. A box contains a reference to data allocated on the heap, and acts very much like a reference - it's a smart pointer. When boxes go out of scope and Drop kicks in, then that memory is released.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let answer = Box::new(42);
let maybe_pi = Box::new(3.14);

let show_list: Vec<Box<Show>> = vec![question,answer];
for d in &show_list {
    println!("show {}",d.show());


The difference is that you can now take this vector, pass it as a reference or give it away without having to track any borrowed references. When the vector is dropped, the boxes will be dropped, and all memory is reclaimed.


For some reason, any discussion of OOP and inheritance seems to end up talking about animals. It makes for a nice story: "See, a Cat is a Carnivore. And a Carnivore is an Animal". But I'll start with a classic slogan from the Ruby universe: "if it quacks, it's a duck". All your objects have to do is define quack and they can be considered to be ducks, albeit in a very narrow way.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

trait Quack {
    fn quack(&self);

struct Duck ();

impl Quack for Duck {
    fn quack(&self) {

struct RandomBird {
    is_a_parrot: bool

impl Quack for RandomBird {
    fn quack(&self) {
        if ! self.is_a_parrot {
        } else {

let duck1 = Duck();
let duck2 = RandomBird{is_a_parrot: false};
let parrot = RandomBird{is_a_parrot: true};

let ducks: Vec<&Quack> = vec![&duck1,&duck2,&parrot];

for d in &ducks {
// quack!
// quack!
// squawk!


Here we have two completely different types (one is so dumb it doesn't even have data), and yes, they all quack(). One is behaving a little odd (for a duck) but they share the same method name and Rust can keep a collection of such objects in a type-safe way.

Type safety is a fantastic thing. Without static typing, you could insert a cat into that collection of Quackers, resulting in run-time chaos.

Here's a funny one:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// and why the hell not!
impl Quack for i32 {
    fn quack(&self) {
        for i in 0..*self {
            print!("quack {} ",i);

let int = 4;

let ducks: Vec<&Quack> = vec![&duck1,&duck2,&parrot,&int];
// quack!
// quack!
// squawk!
// quack 0 quack 1 quack 2 quack 3


What can I say? It quacks, it must be a duck. What's interesting is that you can apply your traits to any Rust value, not just 'objects'. (Since quack is passed a reference, there's an explicit dereference * to get the integer.)

However, you can only do this with a trait and a type from the same crate, so the standard library cannot be 'monkey patched', which is another piece of Ruby folk practice (and not the most wildly admired either.)

Up to this point, the trait Quack was behaving very much like a Java interface, and like modern Java interfaces you can have provided methods which supply a default implementation if you have implemented the required methods. (The Iterator trait is a good example.)

But, note that traits are not part of the definition of a type and you can define and implement new traits on any type, subject to the same-crate restriction.

It's possible to pass a reference to any Quack implementor:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn quack_ref (q: &Quack) {



And that's subtyping, Rust-style.

Since we're doing Programming Language Comparisons 101 here, I'll mention that Go has an interesting take on the quacking business - if there's a Go interface Quack, and a type has a quack method, then that type satisfies Quack without any need for explicit definition. This also breaks the baked-into-definition Java model, and allows compile-time duck-typing, at the cost of some clarity and type-safety.

But there is a problem with duck-typing. One of the signs of bad OOP is too many methods which have some generic name like run. "If it has run(), it must be Runnable" doesn't sound so catchy as the original! So it is possible for a Go interface to be accidentally valid. In Rust, both the Debug and Display traits define fmt methods, but they really mean different things.

So Rust traits allow traditional polymorphic OOP. But what about inheritance? People usually mean implementation inheritance whereas Rust does interface inheritance. It's as if a Java programmer never used extend and instead used implements. And this is actually recommended practice by Alan Holub. He says:

I once attended a Java user group meeting where James Gosling (Java's inventor) was the featured speaker. During the memorable Q&A session, someone asked him: "If you could do Java over again, what would you change?" "I'd leave out classes," he replied. After the laughter died down, he explained that the real problem wasn't classes per se, but rather implementation inheritance (the extends relationship). Interface inheritance (the implements relationship) is preferable. You should avoid implementation inheritance whenever possible

So even in Java, you've probably been overdoing classes!

Implementation inheritance has some serious problems. But it does feel so very convenient. There's this fat base class called Animal and it has loads of useful functionality (it may even expose its innards!) which our derived class Cat can use. That is, it is a form of code reuse. But code reuse is a separate concern.

Getting the distinction between implementation and interface inheritance is important when understanding Rust.

Note that traits may have provided methods. Consider Iterator - you only have to override next, but get a whole host of methods free. This is similar to 'default' methods of modern Java interfaces. Here we only define name and upper_case is defined for us. We could override upper_case as well, but it isn't required.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Named {
    fn name(&self) -> String;

    fn upper_case(&self) -> String {

struct Boo();

impl Named for Boo {
    fn name(&self) -> String {

let f = Boo();



This is a kind of code reuse, true, but note that it does not apply to the data, only the interface!

Ducks and Generics

An example of generic-friendly duck function in Rust would be this trivial one:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn quack<Q> (q: &Q)
where Q: Quack {

let d = Duck();


The type parameter is any type which implements Quack. There's an important difference between quack and the quack_ref defined in the last section. The body of this function is compiled for each of the calling types and no virtual method is needed; such functions can be completely inlined. It uses the trait Quack in a different way, as a constraint on generic types.

This is the C++ equivalent to the generic quack (note the const):

template <class Q>
void quack(const Q& q) {

Note that the type parameter is not constrained in any way.

This is very much compile-time duck-typing - if we pass a reference to a non-quackable type, then the compiler will complain bitterly about no quack method. At least the error is found at compile-time, but it's worse when a type is accidentally Quackable, as happens with Go. More involved template functions and classes lead to terrible error messages, because there are no constraints on the generic types.

You could define a function which could handle an iteration over Quacker pointers:

template <class It>
void quack_everyone (It start, It finish) {
    for (It i = start; i != finish; i++) {

This would then be implemented for each iterator type It. The Rust equivalent is a little more challenging:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn quack_everyone <I> (iter: I)
where I: Iterator<Item=Box<Quack>> {
    for d in iter {

let ducks: Vec<Box<Quack>> = vec![Box::new(duck1),Box::new(duck2),Box::new(parrot),Box::new(int)];



Iterators in Rust aren't duck-typed but are types that must implement Iterator, and in this case the iterator provides boxes of Quack. There's no ambiguity about the types involved, and the values must satisfy Quack. Often the function signature is the most challenging thing about a generic Rust function, which is why I recommend reading the source of the standard library - the implementation is often much simpler than the declaration! Here the only type parameter is the actual iterator type, which means that this will work with anything that can deliver a sequence of Box<Duck>, not just a vector iterator.


A common problem with object-oriented design is trying to force things into a is-a relationship, and neglecting has-a relationships. The GoF said "Prefer Composition to Inheritance" in their Design Patterns book, twenty-two years ago.

Here's an example: you want to model the employees of some company, and Employee seems a good name for a class. Then, Manager is-a Employee (this is true) so we start building our hierarchy with a Manager subclass of Employee. This isn't as smart as it seems. Maybe we got carried away with identifying important Nouns, maybe we (unconsciously) think that managers and employees are different kinds of animals? It's better for Employee to has-a Roles collection, and then a manager is just an Employee with more responsibilities and capabilities.

Or consider Vehicles - ranging from bicycles to 300t ore trucks. There are multiple ways to think about vehicles, road-worthiness (all-terrain, city, rail-bound, etc), power-source (electric, diesel, diesel-electric, etc), cargo-or-people, and so forth. Any fixed hierarchy of classes you create based on one aspect ignores all other aspects. That is, there are multiple possible classifications of vehicles!

Composition is more important in Rust for the obvious reason that you can't inherit functionality in a lazy way from a base class.

Composition is also important because the borrow checker is smart enough to know that borrowing different struct fields are separate borrows. You can have a mutable borrow of one field while having an immutable borrow of another field, and so forth. Rust cannot tell that a method only accesses one field, so the fields should be structs with their own methods for implementation convenience. (The external interface of the struct can be anything you like using suitable traits.)

A concrete example of 'split borrrowing' will make this clearer. We have a struct that owns some strings, with a method for borrowing the first string mutably.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
struct Foo {
    one: String,
    two: String

impl Foo {
    fn borrow_one_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String {
        &mut self.one


(This is an example of a Rust naming convention - such methods should end in _mut)

Now, a method for borrowing both strings, reusing the first method:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn borrow_both(&self) -> (&str,&str) {
        (self.borrow_one_mut(), &self.two)


Which can't work! We've borrrowed mutably from self and also borrowed immmutably from self. If Rust allowed situations like this, then that immmutable reference can't be guaranteed not to change.

The solution is simple:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    fn borrow_both(&self) -> (&str,&str) {
        (&self.one, &self.two)


And this is fine, because the borrow checker considers these to be independent borrows. So imagine that the fields were some arbitrary types, and you can see that methods called on these fields will not cause borrowing problems.

There is a restricted but very important kind of 'inheritance' with Deref, which is the trait for the 'dereference' operator *. String implements Deref<Target=str> and so all the methods defined on &str are automatically available for String as well! In a similar way, the methods of Foo can be directly called on Box<Foo>. Some find this a little ... magical, but it is tremendously convenient. There is a simpler language inside modern Rust, but it would not be half as pleasant to use. It really should be used for cases where there is an owned, mutable type and a simpler borrowed type.

Generally in Rust there is trait inheritance:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Show {
    fn show(&self) -> String;

trait Location {
    fn location(&self) -> String;

trait ShowTell: Show + Location {}


The last trait simply combines our two distinct traits into one, although it could specify other methods.

Things now proceed as before:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
struct Foo {
    name: String,
    location: String

impl Foo {
    fn new(name: &str, location: &str) -> Foo {
            name: name.to_string(),
            location: location.to_string()

impl Show for Foo {
    fn show(&self) -> String {

impl Location for Foo {
    fn location(&self) -> String {

impl ShowTell for Foo {}


Now, if I have a value foo of type Foo, then a reference to that value will satisfy &Show, &Location or &ShowTell (which implies both.)

Here's a useful little macro:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
macro_rules! dbg {
    ($x:expr) => {
        println!("{} = {:?}",stringify!($x),$x);


It takes one argument (represented by $x) which must be an 'expression'. We print out its value, and a stringified version of the value. C programmers can be a little smug at this point, but this means that if I passed 1+2 (an expression) then stringify!(1+2) is the literal string "1+2". This will save us some typing when playing with code:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let foo = Foo::new("Pete","bathroom");

let st: &ShowTell = &foo;


fn show_it_all(r: &ShowTell) {

let boo = Foo::new("Alice","cupboard");

fn show(s: &Show) {


// foo.show() = "Pete"
// foo.location() = "bathroom"
// st.show() = "Pete"
// st.location() = "bathroom"
// r.show() = "Alice"
// r.location() = "cupboard"
// s.show() = "Alice"


This is object-orientation, just not the kind you may be used to.

Please note that the Show reference passed to show can not be dynamically upgraded to a ShowTell! Languages with more dynamic class systems allow you to check whether a given object is an instance of a class and then to do a dynamic cast to that type. It isn't really a good idea in general, and specifically cannot work in Rust because that Show reference has 'forgotten' that it was originally a ShowTell reference.

You always have a choice: polymorphic, via trait objects, or monomorphic, via generics constrainted by traits. Modern C++ and the Rust standard library tends to take the generic route, but the polymorphic route is not obsolete. You do have to understand the different trade-offs - generics generate the fastest code, which can be inlined. This may lead to code bloat. But not everything needs to be as fast as possible - it may only happen a 'few' times in the lifetime of a typical program run.

So, here's a summary:

  • the role played by class is shared between data and traits
  • structs and enums are dumb, although you can define methods and do data hiding
  • a limited form of subtyping is possible on data using the Deref trait
  • traits don't have any data, but can be implemented for any type (not just structs)
  • traits can inherit from other traits
  • traits can have provided methods, allowing interface code re-use
  • traits give you both virtual methods (polymorphism) and generic constraints (monomorphism)

Example: Windows API

One of the areas where traditional OOP is used extensively is GUI toolkits. An EditControl or a ListWindow is-a Window, and so forth. This makes writing Rust bindings to GUI toolkits more difficult than it needs to be.

Win32 programming can be done directly in Rust, and it's a little less awkward than the original C. As soon as I graduated from C to C++ I wanted something cleaner and did my own OOP wrapper.

A typical Win32 API function is ShowWindow which is used to control the visibility of a window. Now, an EditControl has some specialized functionality, but it's all done with a Win32 HWND ('handle to window') opaque value. You would like EditControl to also have a show method, which traditionally would be done by implementation inheritance. You not want to have to type out all these inherited methods for each type! But Rust traits provide a solution. There would be a Window trait:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Window {
    // you need to define this!
    fn get_hwnd(&self) -> HWND;

    // and all these will be provided
    fn show(&self, visible: bool) {
        unsafe {
         user32_sys::ShowWindow(self.get_hwnd(), if visible {1} else {0})

    // ..... oodles of methods operating on Windows



So, the implementation struct for EditControl can just contain a HWND and implement Window by defining one method; EditControl is a trait that inherits from Window and defines the extended interface. Something like ComboxBox - which behaves like an EditControl and a ListWindow can be easily implemented with trait inheritance.

The Win32 API ('32' no longer means '32-bit' anymore) is in fact object-oriented, but an older style, influenced by Alan Kay's definition: objects contain hidden data, and are operated on by messages. So at the heart of any Windows application there's a message loop, and the various kinds of windows (called 'window classes') implement these methods with their own switch statements. There is a message called WM_SETTEXT but the implementation can be different: a label's text changes, but a top-level window's caption changes.

Here is a rather promising minimal Windows GUI framework. But to my taste, there are too many unwrap instances going on - and some of them aren't even errors. This is because NWG is exploiting the loose dynamic nature of messaging. With a proper type-safe interface, more errors are caught at compile-time.

The next edition of The Rust Programming Language book has a very good discussion on what 'object-oriented' means in Rust.

Parsing Text with Nom

Nom, (documented here) is a parser library for Rust which is well worth the initial time investment.

If you have to parse a known data format, like CSV or JSON, then it's best to use a specialized library like Rust CSV or the JSON libraries discussed in Section 4.

Likewise, for configuration files use dedicated parsers like ini or toml. (The last one is particularly cool since it integrates with the Serde framework, just as we saw with serde_json.

But if the text is not regular, or some made-up format, then you need to scan that text without writing a lot of tedious string-processing code. The suggested go-to is often regex, but regexes can be frustratingly opaque when sufficiently involved. Nom provides a way to parse text which is just as powerful and can be built up by combining simpler parsers. And regexes have their limits, for instance, don't use regexes for parsing HTML but you could use Nom to parse HTML. If you ever had the itch to write your own programming language, Nom is a good place for you start on that hard road to obscurity.

There are some excellent tutorials for learning Nom, but I want to start at the hello-world level to build some initial familiarity. The basic things you need to know - first, Nom is macros all the way down, and second, Nom prefers to work with byte slices, not strings. The first means that you have to be especially careful to get Nom expressions right, because the error messages are not going to be friendly. And the second means that Nom can be used for any data format, not just text. People have used Nom to decode binary protocols and file headers. It can also work with 'text' in encodings other than UTF-8.

Recent versions of Nom work fine with string slices, although you need to use the macros that end with _s.

extern crate nom;


fn main() {
    let res = get_greeting("hi there");
// Done(" there", "hi")

The named! macro creates functions which take some input type (&[u8] by default) and return the second type in angle brackets. tag_s! matches a literal string in the stream of characters, and its value is a string slice representing that literal. (If you wanted to work with &[u8] then use the tag! macro.)

We call the defined parser get_greeting with a &str and get back an IResult. And indeed we get back the matching value.

Look at " there" - This is the string slice left over after matching..

We want to ignore whitespace. By just wrapping the tag! in ws! we can match "hi" anywhere among spaces, tabs or newlines:


fn main() {
    let res = get_greeting("hi there");
// Done("there", "hi")

The result is "hi" as before, and the remaining string is "there"! The spaces have been skipped.

"hi" is matching nicely, although this isn't very useful yet. Let's match either "hi" or "bye". The alt! macro ("alternate") takes parser expressions separated by | and matches any of them. Note that you can use whitespace here to make the parser function easier to read:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    ws!(alt!(tag_s!("hi") | tag_s!("bye")))
println!("{:?}", get_greeting(" hi "));
println!("{:?}", get_greeting(" bye "));
println!("{:?}", get_greeting("  hola "));
// Done("", "hi")
// Done("", "bye")
// Error(Alt)


The last match failed because there is no alternative that matches "hola".

Clearly we need to understand this IResult type to go further, but first let's compare this with the regex solution:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let greetings = Regex::new(r"\s*(hi|bye)\s*").expect("bad regex");
    let caps = greetings.captures(" hi ").expect("match failed");
// Captures({0: Some(" hi "), 1: Some("hi")})


Regular expressions are certainly more compact!. We needed to put '()' around the two possibilities separated by '|' so that we will capture the greeting and nothing else. The first result is the whole string, the second is the matched capture. ('|' is the so-called 'alternation' operator in regexes, which is the motivation for the alt! macro syntax.)

But this is a very simple regex, and they get complicated very quickly. Being a text mini-language, you have to escape significant characters like * and (. If I wanted to match "(hi)" or "(bye)" the regex becomes "\s*((hi|bye))\s*" but the Nom parser simply becomes alt!(tag_s!("(hi)") | tag_s!("(bye)")).

It's also a heavy-weight dependency. On this fairly feeble i5 laptop, Nom examples take about 0.55 seconds to compile, which is not much more than "Hello world". But the regex examples take about 0.90s. And the stripped release build executable of the Nom example is about 0.3Mb (which is about as small as statically linked Rust programs go) versus 0.8Mb for the regex example.

What a Nom Parser returns

IResult has an interesting difference from the standard Result type - there are three possibilities:

  • Done - success - you get both the result and the remaining bytes
  • Error - failed to parse - you get an error
  • Imcomplete - more data needed

We can write a generic dump function that handles any return value that can be debug-printed. This also demonstrates the to_result method which returns a regular Result - this is probably the method you will use for most cases since it returns either the returned value or an error.

extern crate nom;
use nom::IResult;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use std::fmt::Debug;

fn dump<T: Debug>(res: IResult<&str,T>) {
    match res {
      IResult::Done(rest, value) => {println!("Done {:?} {:?}",rest,value)},
      IResult::Error(err) => {println!("Err {:?}",err)},
      IResult::Incomplete(needed) => {println!("Needed {:?}",needed)}

fn main() {
            alt!( tag_s!("hi") | tag_s!("bye"))

    dump(get_greeting(" hi "));
    dump(get_greeting(" bye hi"));
    dump(get_greeting("  hola "));

    println!("result {:?}", get_greeting(" bye  ").to_result());
// Done Ok("") "hi"
// Done Ok("hi") "bye"
// Err Alt
// result Ok("bye")

Parsers returning any unparsed text, and being able to indicate that they don't have enough input characters to decide, is very useful for stream parsing. But usually to_result is your friend.

Combining Parsers

Let's continue the greeting example and imagine that a greeting consists of "hi" or "bye", plus a name. nom::alpha matches a series of alphabetical characters. The pair! macro will collect the result of matching two parsers as a tuple:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

    println!("result {:?}", full_greeting(" hi Bob  ").to_result());
// result Ok(("hi", "Bob"))


Now, further imagine that the greeter is perhaps a little shy or doesn't know anybody's name: let us make the name optional. Naturally, the second value of the tuple becomes an Option.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    named!(full_greeting<&str, (&str,Option<&str>)>,

    println!("result {:?}", full_greeting(" hi Bob  ").to_result());
    println!("result {:?}", full_greeting(" bye ?").to_result());
// result Ok(("hi", Some("Bob")))
// result Ok(("bye", None))


Notice that it was straightforward to combine an existing parser for greetings with a parser that picks up names, and then it was easy to make that name optional. This is the great power of Nom, and it's why it's called a "parser combinator library". You can build up your complicated parsers from simpler parsers, which you can test individually. (At this point, the equivalent regex is starting to look like a Perl program: regexes do not combine well.)

However, we are not yet home and dry! full_greeting(" bye ") will fail with an Imcomplete error. Nom knows that "bye" may be followed by a name and wants us to give it more data. This is how a streaming parser needs to work, so you can feed it a file chunk by chunk, but here we need to tell Nom that the input is complete.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

    println!("result {:?}", full_greeting(" bye ").to_result());
// result Ok(("bye", None))


Parsing Numbers

Nom provides a function digit which matches a series of numerical digits. So we use map!, to convert the string into an integer, and return the full Result type.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use nom::digit;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::num::ParseIntError;

named!(int8 <&str, Result<i8,ParseIntError>>,
    map!(digit, FromStr::from_str)

named!(int32 <&str, Result<i32,ParseIntError>>,
    map!(digit, FromStr::from_str)

println!("{:?}", int8("120"));
println!("{:?}", int8("1200"));
println!("{:?}", int8("x120"));
println!("{:?}", int32("1202"));

// Done("", Ok(120))
// Done("", Err(ParseIntError { kind: Overflow }))
// Error(Digit)
// Done("", Ok(1202))


So what we get is a parser IResult containing a conversion Result - and sure enough, there is more than one way to fail here. Note that the body of our converting function has exactly the same code; the actual conversion depends on the return type of the function.

Integers may have a sign. We can capture integers as a pair, where the first value may be a sign, and the second value would be any digits following.


# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
named!(signed_digits<&str, (Option<&str>,&str)>,
        opt!(alt!(tag_s!("+") | tag_s!("-"))),  // maybe sign?

println!("signed {:?}", signed_digits("4"));
println!("signed {:?}", signed_digits("+12"));
// signed Done("", (None, "4"))
// signed Done("", (Some("+"), "12"))


When we aren't interested in the intermediate results, but just want all the matching input, then recognize! is what you need.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

println!("signed {:?}", maybe_signed_digits("+12"));
// signed Done("", "+12")


With this technique, we can recognize floating-point numbers. Again we map to string slice from the byte slice over all these matches. tuple! is the generalization of pair!, although we aren't interested in the generated tuple here. complete! is needed to resolve the same problem we had with incomplete greetings - "12" is a valid number without the optional floating-point part.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
                alt!(tag_s!("e") | tag_s!("E")),


By defining a little helper macro, we get some passing tests. The test passes if floating_point matches all of the string that it is given.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
macro_rules! nom_eq {
    ($p:expr,$e:expr) => (
        assert_eq!($p($e).to_result().unwrap(), $e)

nom_eq!(floating_point, "+2343");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "-2343");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "2343");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "2343.23");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "2e20");
nom_eq!(floating_point, "2.0e-6");


(Although sometimes macros feel a little dirty, making your tests pretty is a fine thing.)

And then we can parse and convert floating point numbers. Here I'll throw caution to the winds and throw away the error:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
        map_res!(floating_point, FromStr::from_str)


Please note how it's possible to build up complicated parsers step by step, testing each part in isolation first. That's a strong advantage of parser combinators over regexes. It is very much the classic programming tactic of divide-and-rule.

Operations over Multiple Matches

We've met pairs! and tuple! which capture a fixed number of matches as Rust tuples.

There is also many0 and many1 - they both capture indefinite numbers of matches as vectors. The difference is that the first may capture 'zero or many' and the second 'one or many' (like the difference between the regex * versus + modifiers.) So many1!(ws!(float64)) would parse "1 2 3" into vec![1.0,2.0,3.0], but will fail on the empty string.

fold_many0 is a reducing operation. The match values are combined into a single value, using a binary operator. For instance, this is how Rust people did sums over iterators before sum was added; this fold starts with an initial value (here zero) for the accumulator and keeps adding values to that accumulator using +.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let res = [1,2,3].iter().fold(0,|acc,v| acc + v);
    // 6


Here's the Nom equivalent:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
            |acc, v| acc + v

    println!("fold {}", fold_sum("1 2 3").to_result().unwrap());
    //fold 6


Up to now, we've had to capture every expression, or just grab all matching bytes with recognize!:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

    println!("got {:?}", nom_res!(pointf,"20,52.2").unwrap());
 //got (20, ",", 52.2)


For more complicated expressions, capturing the results of all the parsers leads to rather untidy types! We can do better.

do_parse! lets you extract only the values you're interested in. The matches are separated with >> - the matches of interest are of the form name: parser. Finally, there's a code block in parentheses.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    struct Point {
        x: f64,
        y: f64

            first: float64 >>
            tag_s!(",") >>
            second: float64
            (Point{x: first, y: second})

    println!("got {:?}", nom_res!(pointf,"20,52.2").unwrap());
// got Point { x: 20, y: 52.2 }


We're not interested in that tag's value (it can only be a comma) but we assign the two float values to temporary values which are used to build a struct. The code at the end can be any Rust expression.

Parsing Arithmetic Expressions

With the necessary background established, we can do simple arithmetic expressions. This is a good example of something that really can't be done with regexes.

The idea is to build up expressions from the bottom up. Expressions consist of terms, which are added or subtracted. Terms consist of factors, which are multiplied or divided. And (for now) factors are just floating-point numbers:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

    named!(term<&str,f64>, do_parse!(
        init: factor >>
        res: fold_many0!(
                alt!(tag_s!("*") | tag_s!("/")),
            |acc, v:(_,f64)| {
                if v.0 == "*" {acc * v.1} else {acc / v.1}
        >> (res)

    named!(expr<&str,f64>, do_parse!(
        init: term >>
        res: fold_many0!(
                alt!(tag_s!("+") | tag_s!("-")),
            |acc, v:(_,f64)| {
                if v.0 == "+" {acc + v.1} else {acc - v.1}
        >> (res)


This expresses our definitions more precisely - an expression consists of at least one term, and then zero or many plus-or-minus terms. We don't collect them, but fold them using the appropriate operator. (It's one of those cases where Rust can't quite work out the type of the expression, so we need a type hint.) Doing it like this establishes the correct operator precedence - * always wins over + and so forth.

We're going to need floating-point asserts here, and there's a crate for that.

Add the line 'approx="0.1.1" to your Cargo.toml, and away we go:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
extern crate approx;
    assert_relative_eq!(fold_sum("1 2 3").to_result().unwrap(), 6.0);


Let's define a convenient little testing macro. stringify! turns the expression into a string literal which we can feed into expr and then compare the result with how Rust would evaluate it.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    macro_rules! expr_eq {
        ($e:expr) => (assert_relative_eq!(

    expr_eq!(2.0 + 3.0 - 4.0);
    expr_eq!(2.0*3.0 - 4.0);


This is very cool - a few lines to get an expression evaluator! But it gets better. We add an alternative to numbers in the factor parser - expressions contained inside parentheses:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
            ws!(float64) |
            ws!(delimited!( tag_s!("("), expr, tag_s!(")") ))

    expr_eq!(2.2*(1.1 + 4.5)/3.4);
    expr_eq!((1.0 + 2.0)*(3.0 + 4.0*(5.0 + 6.0)));


The coolness is that expressions are now defined recursively in terms of expressions!

The particular magic of delimited! is that parentheses may be nested - Nom makes sure the brackets match up.

We are now way past the capabilities of regular expressions, and the stripped executable at 0.5Mb is still half the size of a "hello world" regex program.

Pain Points

It is true to say that Rust is a harder language to learn than most 'mainstream' languages. There are exceptional people who don't find it so difficult, but note the strict meaning of 'exceptional' - they are exceptions. Many struggle at first, and then succeed. Initial difficulties aren't predictive of later competency!

We all come from somewhere, and in the case of programming languages this means previous exposure to mainstream languages like one of the 'dynamic' languages like Python or one of the 'static' languages like C++. Either way, Rust is sufficiently different to require mental retooling. Clever people with experience jump in and are disappointed that their cleverness is not immediately rewarded; people with less self-worth think they aren't 'clever' enough.

For those with dynamic language experience (in which I would include Java) everything is a reference, and all references are mutable by default. And garbage collection does make it easier to write memory-safe programs. A lot has gone into making the JVM pretty fast, at the cost of memory use and predicability. Often that cost is considered worth it - the old new idea that programmer productivity is more important than computer performance.

But most computers in the world - the ones that handle really important things like throttle control on cars - don't have the massive resources that even a cheap laptop has, and they need to respond to events in real time. Likewise, basic software infrastructure needs to be correct, robust, and fast (the old engineering trinity). Much of this is done in C and C++ which are inherently unsafe - the total cost of this unsafety is the thing to look at here. Maybe you knock the program together quicker, but then the real development starts.

System languages can't afford garbage collection, because they are the bedrock on which everything rests. They allow you to be free to waste resources as you see fit.

If there is no garbage collection, then memory must be managed in other ways. Manual memory management - I grab memory, use it, and explicitly give it back - is hard to get right. You can learn enough C to be productive and dangerous in a few weeks - but it takes years to become a good safe C programmer, checking every possible error condition.

Rust manages memory like modern C++ - as objects are destroyed, their memory is reclaimed. You can allocate memory on the heap with Box, but as soon as that box 'goes out of scope' at the end of the function, the memory is reclaimed. So there is something like new but nothing like delete. You create a File and at the end, the file handle (a precious resource) is closed. In Rust this is called dropping.

You need to share resources - it's very inefficient to make copies of everything - and that's where things get interesting. C++ also has references, although Rust references are rather more like C pointers - you need to say *r to refer to the value, you need to say & to pass a value as a reference.

Rust's borrow checker makes sure that is impossible for a reference to exist after the original value is destroyed.

Type Inference

The distinction between 'static' and 'dynamic' isn't everything. Like with most things, there are more dimensions in play. C is statically-typed (every variable has a type at compile-time) but weakly-typed (e.g. void* can point to anything); Python is dynamically-typed (the type is in the value, not the variable) but strongly-typed. Java is static/sorta strong (with reflection as convenient/dangerous escape valve) and Rust is static/strong, with no runtime reflection.

Java is famous for needing all thoses types typed out in numbing detail, Rust likes to infer types. This is generally a good idea, but it does mean that you sometimes need to work out what the actual types are. You will see let n = 100 and wonder - what kind of integer is this? By default, it would be i32 - a four-byte signed integer. Everyone agrees by now that C's unspecified integer types (like int and long) are a bad idea; better to be explicit. You can always spell out the type, as in let n: u32 = 100 or let the literal force the type, as in let n = 100u32. But type inference goes much further than that! If you declare let n = 100 then all rustc knows that n must be some integer type. If you then passed n to a function expecting a u64 then that must be the type of n!

After that, you try to pass n to a function expecting u32. rustc will not let you do this, because n has been tied down to u64 and it will not take the easy way out and convert that integer for you. This is strong typing in action - there are none of those little conversions and promotions which make your life smoother until integer overflow bites your ass suddenly. You would have to explicitly pass n as n as u32 - a Rust typecast. Fortunately, rustc is good at breaking the bad news in an 'actionable' way - that is, you can follow the compiler's advice about fixing the problem.

So, Rust code can be very free of explicit types:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut v = Vec::new();
// v is deduced to have type Vec<i32>
v.push("hello") <--- just can't do this, man!


Not being able to put strings into a vector of integers is a feature, not a bug. The flexibility of dynamic typing is also a curse.

(If you do need to put integers and strings into the same vector, then Rust enum types are the way to do it safely.)

Sometimes you need to at least give a type hint. collect is a fantastic iterator method, but it needs a hint. Say I have a iterator returning char. Then collect can swing two ways:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// a vector of char ['h','e','l','l','o']
let v: Vec<_> = "hello".chars().collect();
// a string "doy"
let m: String = "dolly".chars().filter(|&c| c != 'l').collect();


When feeling uncertain about the type of a variable, there's always this trick, which forces rustc to reveal the actual type name in an error message:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let x: () = var;


rustc may pick an over-specific type. Here we want to put different references into a vector as &Debug but need to declare the type explicitly.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::fmt::Debug;

let answer = 42;
let message = "hello";
let float = 2.7212;

let display: Vec<&Debug> = vec![&message, &answer, &float];

for d in display {
    println!("got {:?}", d);


Mutable References

The rule is: only one mutable reference at a time. The reason is that tracking mutability is hard when it can happen all over the place. Not obvious in dinky little programs, but things can get bad in big codebases.

The further constraint is that you can't have immutable references while there's a mutable reference out. Otherwise, anybody who has those references doesn't have a guarantee that they won't change. C++ also has immutable references (e.g. const string&) but does not give you this guarantee that someone can't keep a string& reference and modify it behind your back.

This is a challenge if you are used to languages where every reference is mutable! Unsafe, 'relaxed' languages depend on people understanding their own programs and nobly deciding not to do Bad Things. But big programs are written by more than one person and are beyond the power of a single individual to understand in detail.

The irritating thing is that the borrow checker is not as smart as it could be.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert("one", 1);
m.insert("two", 2);

if let Some(r) = m.get_mut("one") { // <-- mutable borrow of m
    *r = 10;
} else {
    m.insert("one", 1); // can't borrow mutably again!


Clearly this does not really violate the Rules since if we got None we haven't actually borrowed anything from the map.

There are various ugly workarounds:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut found = false;
if let Some(r) = m.get_mut("one") {
    *r = 10;
    found = true;
if ! found {
    m.insert("one", 1);


Which is yucky, but it works because the bothersome borrow is kept to the first if-statement.

The better way here is to use HashMap's entry API.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;

match m.entry("one") {
    Entry::Occupied(e) => {
        *e.into_mut() = 10;
    Entry::Vacant(e) => {


The borrow checker will get less frustrating when non-lexical lifetimes arrive sometime this year.

The borrow checker does understand some important cases, however. If you have a struct, fields can be independently borrowed. So composition is your friend; a big struct should contain smaller structs, which have their own methods. Defining all the mutable methods on the big struct will lead to a situation where you can't modify things, even though the methods might only refer to one field.

With mutable data, there are special methods for treating parts of the data independently. For instance, if you have a mutable slice, then split_at_mut will split this into two mutable slices. This is perfectly safe, since Rust knows that the slices do not overlap.

References and Lifetimes

Rust cannot allow a situation where a reference outlives the value. Otherwise we would have a 'dangling reference' where it refers to a dead value - a segfault is inevitable.

rustc can often make sensible assumptions about lifetimes in functions:

fn pair(s: &str, ch: char) -> (&str, &str) {
    if let Some(idx) = s.find(ch) {
        (&s[0..idx], &s[idx+1..])
    } else {
        (s, "")
fn main() {
    let p = pair("hello:dolly", ':');
    println!("{:?}", p);
// ("hello", "dolly")

This is quite safe because we cope with the case where the delimiter isn't found. rustc is here assuming that both strings in the tuple are borrowed from the string passed as an argument to the function.

Explicitly, the function definition looks like this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn pair<'a>(s: &'a str, ch: char) -> (&'a str, &'a str) {...}


What the notation says is that the output strings live at least as long as the input string. It's not saying that the lifetimes are the same, we could drop them at any time, just that they cannot outlive s.

So, rustc makes common cases prettier with lifetime ellision.

Now, if that function received two strings, then you would need to explicitly do lifetime annotation to tell Rust what output string is borrowed from what input string.

You always need an explicit lifetime when a struct borrows a reference:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
struct Container<'a> {
    s: &'a str


Which is again insisting that the struct cannot outlive the reference. For both structs and functions, the lifetime needs to be declared in <> like a type parameter.

Closures are very convenient and a powerful feature - a lot of the power of Rust iterators comes from them. But if you store them, you have to specify a lifetime. This is because basically a closure is a generated struct that can be called, and that by default borrows its environment. Here the linear closure has immutable references to m and c.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let m = 2.0;
let c = 0.5;

let linear = |x| m*x + c;
let sc = |x| m*x.cos()


Both linear and sc implement Fn(x: f64)->f64 but they are not the same animal - they have different types and sizes! So to store them you have to make a Box<Fn(x: f64)->f64 + 'a>.

Very irritating if you're used to how fluent closures are in Javascript or Lua, but C++ does a similar thing to Rust and needs std::function to store different closures, taking a little penalty for the virtual call.


It is common to feel irritated with Rust strings in the beginning. There are different ways to create them, and they all feel verbose:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let s1 = "hello".to_string();
let s2 = String::from("dolly");


Isn't "hello" already a string? Well, in a way. String is an owned string, allocated on the heap; a string literal "hello" is of type &str ("string slice") and might be either baked into the executable ("static") or borrowed from a String. System languages need this distinction - consider a tiny microcontroller, which has a little bit of RAM and rather more ROM. Literal strings will get stored in ROM ("read-only") which is both cheaper and consumes much less power.

But (you may say) it's so simple in C++:

std::string s = "hello";

Which is shorter yes, but hides the implicit creation of a string object. Rust likes to be explicit about memory allocations, hence to_string. On the other hand, to borrow from a C++ string requires c_str, and C strings are stupid.

Fortunately, things are better in Rust - once you accept that both String and &str are necessary. The methods of String are mostly for changing the string, like push adding a char (under the hood it's very much like a Vec<u8>). But all the methods of &str are also available. By the same Deref mechanism, a String can be passed as &str to a function - which is why you rarely see &String in function definitions.

There are a number of ways to convert &str to String, corresponding to various traits. Rust needs these traits to work with types generically. As a rule of thumb, anything that implements Display also knows to_string, like 42.to_string().

Some operators may not behave according to intuition:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let s1 = "hello".to_string();
    let s2 = s1.clone();
    assert!(s1 == s2);  // cool
    assert!(s1 == "hello"); // fine
    assert!(s1 == &s2); // WTF?


Remember, String and &String are different types, and == isn't defined for that combination. This might puzzle a C++ person who is used to references being almost interchangeable with values. Furthermore, &s2 doesn't magically become a &str, that's a deref coercion which only happens when assigning to a &str variable or argument. (The explicit s2.as_str() would work.)

However, this more genuinely deserves a WTF:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let s3 = s1 + s2;  // <--- no can do


You cannot concatenate two String values, but you can concatenate a String with a &str. You furthermore cannot concatenate a &str with a String. So mostly people don't use + and use the format! macro, which is convenient but not so efficient.

Some string operations are available but work differently. For instance, languages often have a split method for breaking up a string into an array of strings. This method for Rust strings returns an iterator, which you can then collect into a vector.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let parts: Vec<_> = s.split(',').collect();


This is a bit clumsy if you are in a hurry to get a vector. But you can do operations on the parts without allocating a vector! For instance, length of largest string in the split?

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let max = s.split(',').map(|s| s.len()).max().unwrap();


(The unwrap is because an empty iterator has no maximum and we must cover this case.)

The collect method returns a Vec<&str>, where the parts are borrowed from the original string - we only need allocate space for the references. There is no method like this in C++, but until recently it would have to individually allocate each substring. (C++ 17 has std::string_view which behaves like a Rust string slice.)

A Note on Semicolons

Semicolons are not optional, but usually left out in the same places as in C, e.g. after {} blocks. They also aren't needed after enum or struct (that's a C peculiarity.) However, if the block must have a value, then the semi-colons are dropped:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
    let msg = if ok {"ok"} else {"error"};


Note that there must be a semi-colon after this let statement!

If there were semicolons after these string literals then the returned value would be () (like Nothing or void). It's common error when defining functions:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn sqr(x: f64) -> f64 {
    x * x;


rustc will give you a clear error in this case.

C++-specific Issues

Rust value semantics are Different

In C++, it's possible to define types which behave exactly like primitives and copy themselves. In addition, a move constructor can be defined to specify how a value can be moved out of a temporary context.

In Rust, primitives behave as expected, but the Copy trait can only be defined if the aggregate type (struct, tuple or enum) itself contains only copyable types. Arbitrary types may have Clone, but you have to call the clone method on values. Rust requires any allocation to be explicit and not hide in copy constructors or assignment operators.

So, copying and moving is always defined as just moving bits around and is not overrideable.

If s1 is a non Copy value type, then s2 = s1; causes a move to happen, and this consumes s1! So, when you really want a copy, use clone.

Borrowing is often better than copying, but then you must follow the rules of borrowing. Fortunately, borrowing is an overridable behaviour. For instance, String can be borrowed as &str, and shares all the immutable methods of &str. String slices are very powerful compared to the analogous C++ 'borrowing' operation, which is to extract a const char* using c_str. &str consists of a pointer to some owned bytes (or a string literal) and a size. This leads to some very memory-efficient patterns. You can have a Vec<&str> where all the strings have been borrowed from some underlying string - only space for the vector needs to be allocated:

For example, splitting by whitespace:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn split_whitespace(s: &str) -> Vec<&str> {


Likewise, a C++ s.substr(0,2) call will always copy the string, but a slice will just borrow: &s[0..2].

There is an equivalent relationship between Vec<T> and &[T].

Shared References

Rust has smart pointers like C++ - for instance, the equivalent of std::unique_ptr is Box. There's no need for delete, since any memory or other resources will be reclaimed when the box goes out of scope (Rust very much embraces RAII).

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut answer = Box::new("hello".to_string());
*answer = "world".to_string();
println!("{} {}", answer, answer.len());


People find to_string irritating at first, but it is explicit.

Note the explicit dererefence *, but methods on smart pointers don't need any special notation (we do not say (*answer).push('!'))

Obviously, borrowing only works if there is a clearly defined owner of the original content. In many designs this isn't possible.

In C++, this is where std::shared_ptr is used; copying just involves modifying a reference count on the common data. This is not without cost, however:

  • even if the data is read-only, constantly modifying the reference count can cause cache invalidation
  • std::shared_ptr is designed to be thread-safe and carries locking overhead as well

In Rust, std::rc::Rc also acts like a shared smart pointer using reference-counting. However, it is for immutable references only! If you want a thread-safe variant, use std::sync::Arc (for 'Atomic Rc'). So Rust is being a little awkward here in providing two variants, but you get to avoid the locking overhead for non-threaded operations.

These must be immutable references because that is fundamental to Rust's memory model. However, there's a get-out card: std::cell::RefCell. If you have a shared reference defined as Rc<RefCell<T>> then you can mutably borrow using its borrow_mut method. This applies the Rust borrowing rules dynamically - so e.g. any attempt to call borrow_mut when a borrow was already happening will cause a panic.

This is still safe. Panics will happen before any memory has been touched inappropriately! Like exceptions, they unroll the call stack. So it's an unfortunate word for such a structured process - it's an ordered withdrawal rather than a panicked retreat.

The full Rc<RefCell<T>> type is clumsy, but the application code isn't unpleasant. Here Rust (again) is prefering to be explicit.

If you wanted thread-safe access to shared state, then Arc<T> is the only safe way to go. If you need mutable access, then Arc<Mutex<T>> is the equivalent of Rc<RefCell<T>>. Mutex works a little differently than how it's usually defined: it is a container for a value. You get a lock on the value and can then modify it.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let answer = Arc::new(Mutex::new(10));

// in another thread
  let mut answer_ref = answer.lock().unwrap();
  *answer_ref = 42;


Why the unwrap? If the previous holding thread panicked, then this lock fails. (It's one place in the documentation where unwrap is considered a reasonable thing to do, since clearly things have gone seriously wrong. Panics can always be caught on threads.)

It's important (as always with mutexes) that this exclusive lock is held for as little time as possible. So it's common for them to happen in a limited scope - then the lock ends when the mutable reference goes out of scope.

Compared with the apparently simpler situation in C++ ("use shared_ptr dude") this seems awkward. But now any modifications of shared state become obvious, and the Mutex lock pattern forces thread safety.

Like everything, use shared references with caution.


Iterators in C++ are defined fairly informally; they involve smart pointers, usually starting with c.begin() and ending with c.end(). Operations on iterators are then implemented as stand-alone template functions, like std::find_if.

Rust iterators are defined by the Iterator trait; next returns an Option and when the Option is None we are finished.

The most common operations are now methods. Here is the equivalent of find_if. It returns an Option (case of not finding is None) and here the if let statement is convenient for extracting the non-None case:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let arr = [10, 2, 30, 5];
if let Some(res) = arr.find(|x| x == 2) {
    // res is 2


Unsafety and Linked Lists

It's no secret that parts of the Rust stdlib are implemented using unsafe. This does not invalidate the conservative approach of the borrow checker. Remember that "unsafe" has a particular meaning - operations which Rust cannot fully verify at compile time. From Rust's perspective, C++ operates in unsafe mode all the time! So if a large application needs a few dozen lines of unsafe code, then that's fine, since these few lines can be carefully checked by a human. Humans are not good at checking 100Kloc+ of code.

I mention this, because there appears to be a pattern: an experienced C++ person tries to implement a linked list or a tree structure, and gets frustrated. Well, a double-linked list is possible in safe Rust, with Rc references going forward, and Weak references going back. But the standard library gets more performance out of using... pointers.